

Archive for the ‘robotics/AI’ category: Page 1351

Jul 27, 2021

With post-pandemic AI, we’ve now stepped into the Age of Acceleration

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, economics, robotics/AI

AI is entering take-off mode just as we exit an economic downturn caused by the pandemic. Get ready for a productivity boom.

Jul 27, 2021

How AI learned to paint like Rembrandt

Posted by in category: robotics/AI

The Rijksmuseum employed an AI to repaint lost parts of Rembrandt’s “The Night Watch.” Here’s how they did it.

Jul 26, 2021

A magnetic helmet shrunk a deadly tumor in its first test

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, robotics/AI

We’ve seen helmets and AI that can spot brain tumors, but a new hard hat can actually treat them, too.

As part of the latest neurological breakthrough, researchers used a helmet that generates a magnetic field to shrink a deadly tumor by a third. The 53-year-old patient who underwent the treatment ultimately died due to an unrelated injury, but an autopsy of his brain showed that the procedure had removed 31% of the tumor mass in a short time. The test marked the first noninvasive therapy for a deadly form of brain cancer known as glioblastoma.

The helmet features three rotating magnets connected to a microprocessor-based electronic controller operated by a rechargeable battery. As part of the therapy, the patient wore the device for five weeks at a clinic and then at home with the help of his wife. The resulting magnetic field therapy created by the helmet was administered for two hours initially and then ramped up to a maximum of six hours per day. During the period, the patient’s tumor mass and volume shrunk by nearly a third, with shrinkage appearing to correlate with the treatment dose.

Jul 26, 2021

Longevity Panel II — The Scientists Working of Reversing Aging | Part 1

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, life extension, robotics/AI

4:47 BioAge, 8:10 Church talking about how controlling aging is no longer speculative, 10:44 urging caution as they are not really talking about turning 67 year olds into 20 year olds. Near the end Church mentions A.I. an exponential possibilities of hitting all the pathways at once.

Recently, Avi Roy, alongside Nathan Cheng & Laura Minquini, hosted the second Longevity Panel discussion, which assembled some of the brightest minds working on reversing aging, and enhancing health and life span.

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Jul 25, 2021

Drones could help save soldiers’ lives by delivering blood on demand

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, drones, military, robotics/AI

Getting blood to a wounded soldier could be the difference between life and death. A drone swarm is one way to make that happen in battle.

Blood is usually a finite quality on a battlefield. Battles can cause a number of injuries, from the minor to the critical. If a soldier can get the wound closed in time, they can staunch the loss, but keeping the patient alive may require an influx of new blood. As medics work to aid their comrades, they could receive help from an unusual source: delivery drones, bringing literal fresh blood to the battlefield.

A drone swarm capable of delivering blood was part of Autonomous Advance Force 4.0, an exercise by the United Kingdom’s armed forces in which Royal Marines Commandos trained with modern technology for future war. The July exercise took place in Cumbria and Dorset, with a release announced July 17.

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Jul 25, 2021

AI Detects Sunken Ships With 92 Percent Accuracy From The Sky

Posted by in category: robotics/AI

An AI tech was taught to detect sunken ships using images taken from the air and ships on the surface. The project was focused on the coasts of mainland US and Puerto Rico.

The AI is now ready for more extensive tests in unknown regions to look for shipwrecks still missing.

Jul 24, 2021

Mexican Architect Miguel Ángel Aragonés Patents Construction System with “Intelligent Prefabricated” Technology

Posted by in categories: robotics/AI, sustainability

The renowned Mexican architect Miguel Ángel Aragonés presented ten years of research materialized in his most recent project entitled “Casa PI” whose acronym translates to a new “intelligent prefabricated” construction project. Patented in Switzerland, this system seeks to break the housing paradigm from an integral design that combines the structure of the house with the furniture and new automation technologies in architecture.

The origin of this innovation stems from the idea of creating a modular constructive system that was sustainable, in high quality, that would accelerate construction times, improve acoustic and thermal performance, as well as reduce construction costs and waste. It is based on implementing the technology, we currently live every day with, in an integral design (since conventional homes have had to adapt to these advances through facilities that hinder the design). However, “Casa PI” seeks to start from scratch by serving as a pavilion that shows the advances of this specific moment in history by offering a “piece of furniture to live in” that consumes as little energy as possible.

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Jul 24, 2021

Extending Human Lifespans: Using Artificial Intelligence To Find Anti-Aging Chemical Compounds

Posted by in categories: chemistry, life extension, robotics/AI

The University of Surrey has built an artificial intelligence (AI) model that identifies chemical compounds that promote healthy aging — paving the way towards pharmaceutical innovations that extend a person’s lifespan.

In a paper published by Nature Communication’s Scientific Reports, a team of chemists from Surrey built a machine learning model based on the information from the DrugAge database to predict whether a compound can extend the life of Caenorhabditis elegans — a translucent worm that shares a similar metabolism to humans. The worm’s shorter lifespan gave the researchers the opportunity to see the impact of the chemical compounds.

The AI singled out three compounds that have an 80 percent chance of increasing the lifespan of elegans:

Jul 24, 2021

World’s first 3D-printed steel bridge debuts in Amsterdam’s Red Light District

Posted by in categories: materials, robotics/AI


While Venice may be home to the first 3D-printed concrete footbridge to be constructed entirely sans reinforcement or mortar, the similarly canal laced city of Amsterdam, not to be outdone, has unveiled the world’s first 3D-printed steel pedestrian bridge. The long-awaited project, first announced in 2015, was dedicated on the Oudezijds Achterburgwal canal in the city’s Red Light District on July 15. The ceremony was attended by Her Majesty the Queen of the Netherlands, Máxima, who was assisted by a ribbon-cutting robot during the festivities.

Spanning nearly 40 feet across the canal, the curving 6-ton stainless steel structure was constructed by Amsterdam-based 3D metal printing technology company MX3D using a wire arc additive manufacturing process that marries advanced robotics with welding. With the aid of four robots, the entire printing process took just six months. The completed bridge, designed by Joris Laarman Lab with Arup serving as lead engineer, was first unveiled in October 2018 during Dutch Design Week. Several load-testing rounds followed, the last of which was carried out in the fall of 2019 with plans to install the structure in early 2020. However, ongoing site prep work at the canal delayed the factory-produced bridge’s installation to just last week.

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Jul 24, 2021

Why AI will be so core to real-world quantum computing

Posted by in categories: business, quantum physics, robotics/AI

Be it large enterprises or small medium-sized businesses, Quantum Computing and Artificial Intelligence (AI) are two of the biggest buzzwords in IT today.