In spin-based quantum processors, each quantum dot of a qubit is populated by exactly one electron, which requires careful tuning of each gate voltage such that it lies inside the charge-stability region (the “Coulomb diamond’‘) associated with the dot array. However, mapping the boundary of a multidimensional Coulomb diamond by traditional dense raster scanning would take years, so the authors develop a sparse acquisition technique that autonomously learns Coulomb-diamond boundaries from a small number of measurements. Here we have hardware-triggered line searches in the gate-voltage space of a silicon quadruple dot, with smart search directions proposed by an active-learning algorithm.
Category: robotics/AI – Page 1089
A new machine learning model will help scientists identify small molecules, with applications in medicine, drug discovery and environmental chemistry. Developed by researchers at Aalto University and the University of Luxembourg, the model was trained with data from dozens of laboratories to become one of the most accurate tools for identifying small molecules.
Thousands of different small molecules, known as metabolites, transport energy and transmit cellular information throughout the human body. Because they are so small, metabolites are difficult to distinguish from each other in a blood sample analysis—but identifying these molecules is important to understand how exercise, nutrition, alcohol use and metabolic disorders affect well-being.
Metabolites are normally identified by analyzing their mass and retention time with a separation technique called liquid chromatography followed by mass spectrometry. This technique first separates metabolites by running the sample through a column, which results in different flow rates—or retention times—through the measurement device.
Check out all the on-demand sessions from the Intelligent Security Summit here.
Simulation can help engineers overcome these challenges. Rather than tweaking the AI model’s architecture and parameters, it has been shown that time spent improving the training data can often yield more extensive improvements in accuracy.
Father son duo Jim and Andrew Kazmer build and drive one of the most exciting and best supported robots at NHRL in Project Liftoff.
They’ve further developed this into a second bot in Flip n Cut with a variation in weapon type and have pushed the limits of innovation with their fully autonomous combat robot DeepMelt.
How does a fully autonomous robot work, and how will it assist human drivers in future?
What is a Meltybrain, how does it work?
Why is the choice of wheel so important?
Will we see a 250lb Project Liftoff?
Find out in the episode 4 of This Is Havoc: Liftoff.
Around 38% of the world’s total landmass is used for agriculture – yet hunger is worsening, and food security is in crisis, threatened by pressures including climate change, conflict and global recessions.
While there’s no one-stop solution, technology can help to fill some of the gaps. Mechanical engineer Josie Hughes is on a mission to show how robotics can play a role in our everyday lives, particularly when it comes to food. Starting with LEGO robots as a child, the Cambridge graduate now leads the Computational Robot Design & Fabrication Lab (CREATE) at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne (EPFL), where she’s one of the youngest researchers to join as a tenure-track assistant professor.
One of her innovations, a raspberry-picking robot powered by artificial intelligence, could help make farming more efficient and cost-effective, and solve labor shortages – which in the UK alone left £60 million ($74 million) worth of fruit and vegetables rotting in fields this summer. CNN spoke with Hughes about her research, and when robots might be harvesting your next meal.
The boot-like device uses machine learning to provide support for an individual with mobility problems.
Apple is working on an online search engine to rival Google amid wider improvements to Spotlight search, according to a recent report from The Information.
The report explains that Apple’s work on search technology is facing setbacks amid a loss of talent to Google. In 2018, Apple sought to bolster development of its own web search engine by buying machine learning startup Laserlike, which was founded by three former Google search engineers. The company’s technology recommended websites based on a user’s interests and browsing history. Now, Laserlike’s founders have reportedly returned to Google.
How programmers turned the internet into a paintbrush. DALL-E 2, Midjourney, Imagen, explained.
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Beginning in January 2021, advances in AI research have produced a plethora of deep-learning models capable of generating original images from simple text prompts, effectively extending the human imagination. Researchers at OpenAI, Google, Facebook, and others have developed text-to-image tools that they have not yet released to the public, and similar models have proliferated online in the open-source arena and at smaller companies like Midjourney.
These tools represent a massive cultural shift because they remove the requirement for technical labor from the process of image-making. Instead, they select for creative ideation, skillful use of language, and curatorial taste. The ultimate consequences are difficult to predict, but — like the invention of the camera, and the digital camera thereafter — these algorithms herald a new, democratized form of expression that will commence another explosion in the volume of imagery produced by humans. But, like other automated systems trained on historical data and internet images, they also come with risks that have not been resolved.
As artificial intelligence and automation technologies continue to improve, they will become more important in driving the growth of new industries that are based on data.
Artificial intelligence is the development of computer systems that are able to perform tasks that typically require human intelligence, such as visual perception, speech recognition, decision-making, and problem-solving. AI systems are typically designed to be able to learn from experience, adapt to new inputs, and improve their performance over time.
Automation, on the other hand, refers to the use of technology to automate tasks that were previously performed by humans. This can include everything from simple tasks like data entry to more complex tasks like driving a car or managing a supply chain. Automation can be powered by a variety of technologies, including AI, robotics, and machine learning.
A pair of harvesting robots are picking raspberries in Portugal, demonstrating the ability of tech to help combat seasonal labor shortages.