

Archive for the ‘robotics/AI’ category: Page 1047

Aug 21, 2022

One day consoles will have a ‘giant AI chip and all the games will be dreams’

Posted by in categories: entertainment, robotics/AI

My point on this would just be that AI will be able to make anything you want into a game, or movie, or TV episode. And, it can be any length you want; play it as it was intended, or you can change it in any direction you want. with movies and TV i also can see people trying to play interactively as a character in the story. media in 2030s.

The founder and CEO of Midjourney, David Holz, has some truly inspiring views around how AI image generation will transform the gaming industry. During the short time we spoke this week, I had to hold myself back from falling too deep into the AI rabbit hole. In the process, I discovered Holz’s view on how this kind of tech will develop and how it’s likely to benefit the gaming industry, as well as human creativity as a whole.

Holz believes that one day in the near future, “you’ll be able to buy a console with a giant AI chip and all the games will be dreams.”

Aug 21, 2022

3D printing microscale ice structures for advanced manufacturing and biomedical engineering

Posted by in categories: 3D printing, bioengineering, biotech/medical, robotics/AI

Big scientific breakthroughs often require inventions at the smallest scale. Advances in tissue engineering that can replace hearts and lungs will require the fabrication of artificial tissues that allow for the flow of blood through passages that are no thicker than a strand of hair. Similarly, miniature softbotic (soft-robot) devices that physically interact with humans safely and comfortably will demand the manufacture of components with complex networks of small liquid and airflow channels.

Advances in 3D printing are making it possible to produce such tiny structures. But for those applications that require very small, smooth, internal channels in specific complex geometries, challenges remain. 3D printing of these geometries using traditional processes requires the use of support structures that are difficult to remove after printing. Printing these models using layer-based methods at a high resolution takes a long time and compromises geometric accuracy.

Researchers at Carnegie Mellon University have developed a high-speed, reproducible fabrication method that turns the 3D “inside out.” They developed an approach to 3D print ice structures that can be used to create sacrificial templates that later form the conduits and other open features inside fabricated parts.

Aug 21, 2022

Highly-Efficient New Neuromorphic Chip for AI on the Edge

Posted by in categories: robotics/AI, space

NeuRRAM, a new chip that runs computations directly in memory and can run a wide variety of AI applications has been designed and built by an international team of researchers. What sets it apart is that it does this all at a fraction of the energy consumed by computing platforms for general-purpose AI computing.

The NeuRRAM neuromorphic chip brings AI a step closer to running on a broad range of edge devices, disconnected from the cloud. This means they can perform sophisticated cognitive tasks anywhere and anytime without relying on a network connection to a centralized server. Applications for this device abound in every corner of the globe and every facet of our lives. They range from smartwatches to VR headsets, smart earbuds, smart sensors in factories, and rovers for space exploration.

Not only is the NeuRRAM chip twice as energy efficient as the state-of-the-art “compute-in-memory” chips, an innovative class of hybrid chips that runs computations in memory, it also delivers results that are just as accurate as conventional digital chips. Conventional AI platforms are much bulkier and typically are constrained to using large data servers operating in the cloud.

Aug 21, 2022

For the First Time — A Robot Has Learned To Imagine Itself

Posted by in category: robotics/AI

Our perception of our bodies is not always correct or realistic, as any athlete or fashion-conscious person knows, but it’s a crucial factor in how we behave in society. Your brain is continuously preparing for movement while you play ball or get dressed so that you can move your body without bumping, tripping, or falling.

Humans develop our body models as infants, and robots are starting to do the same. A team at Columbia Engineering revealed today that they have developed a robot that, for the first time, can learn a model of its whole body from scratch without any human aid. The researchers explain how their robot built a kinematic model of itself in a recent paper published in Science Robotics, and how it utilized that model to plan movements, accomplish objectives, and avoid obstacles in a range of scenarios. Even damage to its body was automatically detected and corrected.

Aug 21, 2022

Rapid Robotics Fastest Robot Arm Setup

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, robotics/AI

The world’s first portable brain computer interface (BCI) is being developed by Blackrock and University of Pittsburgh so patients can undergo research trials at home. Rapid Robotics releases fastest and easiest robotic arm setup in requiring no code at all. New AI using light performs 1,000x faster at classifying data.

AI News Timestamps:
0:00 First Portable Brain Computer Interface.
2:29 Rapid Robotics Fastest Robot Arm Setup.
5:03 New AI Using Light Is 1,000x Faster.

Continue reading “Rapid Robotics Fastest Robot Arm Setup” »

Aug 20, 2022

Microsoft’s New AI: Virtual Humans Became Real! 🤯

Posted by in category: robotics/AI

❤️ Check out Runway and try it for free here:

📝 The paper “3D Face Reconstruction with Dense Landmarks” is available here:

Continue reading “Microsoft’s New AI: Virtual Humans Became Real! 🤯” »

Aug 20, 2022

AI Could Make Air Conditioners 10x Better

Posted by in category: robotics/AI

Hyperganic is using AI to design new heat exchangers that can be 3D-printed in metal.

Aug 20, 2022

Where Does Alex Jones Go From Here?

Posted by in categories: internet, robotics/AI, space

Artificial intelligence is being used to design magazine covers and provide pictures for internet newsletters. What could possibly go wrong?

It all started with the headline over an entry in Charlie Warzel’s Galaxy Brain newsletter.

Watching the Alex Jones trial with an ex-Infowars staffer.

Continue reading “Where Does Alex Jones Go From Here?” »

Aug 20, 2022

Google’s DeepMind neural network has demonstrated that it can dream up short videos from a single image frame, and it’s really

Posted by in category: robotics/AI

“Transframer is a general-purpose generative framework that can handle many image and video tasks in a probabilistic setting. New work shows it excels in video prediction and view synthesis, and can generate 30s videos from a single image: 1/”

Aug 20, 2022

Hologram Technology Allows Woman To Answer Questions At Her Own Funeral

Posted by in categories: holograms, robotics/AI

An AI-driven chatbot technology has allowed one woman to answer questions from beyond the grave at her own funeral, with mourners able to dive into her fascinating life in a morbid but futuristic tribute. The technology was provided by her son, who runs a company that creates “holographic conversational video experiences”, and allowed Holocaust campaigner Marina Smith MBE to be “present, in a sense”, according to son Stephen Smith, reports the Telegraph.

Mrs Smith passed away in June of this year and her funeral was held shortly after in Nottinghamshire, UK. Having led a meaningful life educating people about the Holocaust, her family wished for her message to continue after her death, and the holographic experience during her funeral allowed just that.

The experience used StoryFile, an AI conversational bot that uses 20 different cameras and recordings of the subject to create a digital, holographic clone that can be interacted with. While the experience was powered by AI, the answers given to questions were entirely Mrs Smith’s own words.