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Kenji Ohmori (Institute for Molecular Science, National Institutes of Natural Sciences, Japan) has collaborated with Matthias Weidemüller (University of Heidelberg), Guido Pupillo (University of Strasbourg), Claudiu Genes (University of Innsbruck) and their coworkers to develop the world’s fastest simulator that can simulate quantum mechanical dynamics of a large number of particles interacting with each other within one billionths of a second.

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A team of researchers from the University of Manchester announced Monday they had taken a significant step forward in the creation of viable quantum computers. In a study published in the latest edition of the journal Chem, the researchers provided evidence that large molecules made of nickel and chromium could be used as qubits — the quantum computing equivalent of the bits used to store and process information in conventional computers.

According to the study, it is possible, at least in theory, to use molecular chemistry to connect these molecules, thereby creating several stable qubits that can then be used to create two-qubit logic gates.

“We have shown that the chemistry is achievable for bringing together two-qubit gates — the molecules can be made and the gates can be assembled,” lead author Richard Winpenny said in a statement. “The next step is to show that they work.”

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As I have stated many times; anyone not adding QC to their 5 yr roadmaps is not planning well.

Scientists are getting closer to a breakthrough in quantum technology — one where the transfer of information via quantum principles makes the process almost instantaneous.

Scientists from the Polytechnique Montreal and France’s Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) have brought the world closer to a time when information can now be transferred instantaneously.

According to Science Daily, a paper published in Physical Review Letters has documented the creation of a qubit in zinc selenide that makes it possible to produce an interface between quantum physics and the transfer of information at the speed of light.

Quantum computing is heralded as the next revolution in terms of global computing. Google, Intel and IBM are just some of the big names investing millions currently in the field of quantum computing which will enable faster, more efficient computing required to power our future computing needs.

Now a researcher and his team at Tyndall National Institute in Cork have made a ‘quantum leap’ by developing a technical step that could enable the use of quantum computers sooner than expected.

Conventional digital computing uses ‘on-off’ switches, but quantum computing looks to harness quantum state of matters – such as entangled photons of light or multiple states of atoms – to encode information. In theory, this can lead to much faster and more powerful computer processing, but the technology to underpin quantum computing is currently difficult to develop at scale.

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QC micro devices are coming.

Researchers from The University of Manchester have taken a significant step closer to demonstrate that it is possible to create miniscule – but very powerful – computers that could work at atomic scale.

Scientists have been working on the developing the theory of quantum computing for decades – that is, highly efficient and powerful computing created at atomic scale. Such computing would perform some computational tasks far more efficiently than the computers we currently use.

Now The University of Manchester has revealed breakthrough evidence that large molecules made of nickel and chromium could store and process information in the same way bytes do for everyday digital computers.

I told folks that we would find that crystalized formations is truly making a difference in the future of QC. There is so much more for us to learn how impactful the formations are in some many areas of communications and technology.

It does make one step back and ponder that perhaps we truly are connected in so many ways as John Wheeler has described many times.

Zinc selenide is a crystal in which atoms are precisely organized, and it is considered a well-known semiconductor material, conducive to introducing tellurium impurities, which can effectively trap positively-charged “holes.” Electron holes are not physical particles like negatively-charged electrons, but can be thought of as the absence of an electron in a particular place in an atom.

A zinc-selenide/tellurium impurity-host system is an ideal environment to protect a hole’s spin from which a quantum bit (qubit) can be formed, and for its coherence time can be sustained. Scientists aim to achieve for the longest coherence time in qubits to store, encode and process robust quantum information.

Luv the map; however, missing a lot of info. Namely, many decades and contributors. QC officially recorded to start in 1960 with Stephen Wiesner discovery of a cryptographic tool. And, even modern day QC such as a QC Net has been in existence since late 90s with Los Alamos.

Still nice colored map for a limited view of 2014, 2015, and current. However, I don’t see the ORNL, Oxford, U. of Sydney, China, USC, MIT, etc. breakthroughs most importantly the scalable Quantum, syn. diamonds contribution to enable stable QC and QC Net.

From law enforcement to criminals, governments to insurgents, and activists to Facebook dabblers, many people have come to rely on encryption to protect their digital information and keep their communications secure. But the current forms of encryption could be obsolete the moment anyone succeeds in building a quantum computer. A what! Read on about the brave new world awaiting us.

Quantum Computers and the End of Privacy

Talk about scalability!

In Brief:

  • Cooling down electrons close to absolute zero has given us new perspective on how the world behaves at the smallest of scales.
  • This could be the gateway to gaining greater understanding and perhaps even mastery of superconductivity.

Scientists have discovered that electrons cooled close to absolute zero slow down so much that they can be studied individually – allowing us to see the world in a whole new level of detail.

Maybe this is the secret ingredient to futurists.

By Paul Levy: The following is excerpted from from Paul Levy’s upcoming book, The Quantum Revelation: A Modern-Day Spiritual Treasure, and was originally published on Paul’s website Awaken the Dream


The observer effect, the central pillar of quantum physics, reveals that the act of observation is not merely a passive reception of information, but rather, is a creative act that we are all—knowingly or unknowingly—participating in every moment of our lives. This process is tantamount to the same kind of dynamic creativity that we engage with in our night dreams. In a dream, the un-manifest potentialities (the wavefunction of dream possibilities) within the unconscious, depending upon the psyche of the dreamer, are actualized or “dreamed up” into specific appearances through and as the fabric of the dream.