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Metal oxide’s properties could enable a wide range of terahertz frequency photonics.

Visible light is a mere fraction of the electromagnetic spectrum, and the manipulation of light waves at frequencies beyond human vision has enabled such technologies as cell phones and CT scans.

Rice University researchers have a plan for leveraging a previously unused portion of the spectrum.

Quantum simulators can help researchers extract the key parameters of a quantum field theory from experiments.

One of the greatest challenges in physics is to understand how collective, macroscopic behaviors, such as phase transitions, emerge from the microscopic dynamics of the constituents of a system. A pivotal approach to tackle such many-body problems is offered by quantum field theory (QFT), which plays a central role in describing, for instance, superconductivity and the quantum Hall effect. QFT makes a number of problems solvable by describing a system in terms of fields distributed in space and time, while neglecting many of the microscopic details of the system. However, when developing a QFT description for a given system, it can be challenging to derive the theory’s parameters from experiments, limiting the theory’s predictive power. Now, Torsten Zache of Heidelberg University, Germany, and colleagues have demonstrated a new approach to incorporate experimental data into the construction of a QFT [1].

The state, known as the Machida-Shibata state, involves the pairing of electrons in an artificial atom on the surface of a superconductor.

A team of physicists from Hamburg University has made a breakthrough in the field of quantum physics by observing a rare state of matter that was predicted by Japanese theorists more than half a century ago.

Credits: EzumeImages/iStock.

Machida-Shibata state.

Researchers have developed a theoretical framework that provides deeper insights into quantum nonlocality, a vital property for quantum networks to outperform classical technology. Their study unified previous nonlocality research and showed that nonlocality is achievable only through a restricted set of quantum operations. This framework could aid in evaluating the quality of quantum networks and broaden our understanding of nonlocality.

A new theoretical study has been conducted, providing a framework for understanding nonlocality. This is a crucial characteristic that quantum networks must exhibit to perform tasks unachievable by traditional communications technology. The researchers involved clarified the concept of nonlocality, outlining the conditions necessary for establishing systems with potent quantum correlations.

For nearly 40 years, materials called ‘strange metals’ have flummoxed quantum physicists, defying explanation by operating outside the normal rules of electricity.

Now research led by Aavishkar Patel of the Flatiron Institute’s Center for Computational Quantum Physics (CCQ) in New York City has identified, at long last, a mechanism that explains the characteristic properties of strange metals.

In the August 18 issue of Science, Patel and his colleagues present their universal theory of why strange metals are so weird—a solution to one of the greatest unsolved problems in condensed matter physics.

Dr. Michio Kaku, the renowned theoretical physicist, walks us through the evolutionary journey of computing, from analog to digital to the quantum era.

Quantum computers hold immense promise because of their ability to tap into the weirdness of quantum mechanics. If nature allows us full access to its secrets, we could boost computing power exponentially, which in turn would allow us to solve all types of complex problems.

Trinity and IBM Dublin simulate superdiffusion on a quantum computer, marking a milestone in quantum physics.

Quantum physicists at Trinity have teamed up with IBM Dublin in an innovative project, successfully simulating superdiffusion on a quantum computer. This significant accomplishment is among the initial results of the TCD-IBM predoctoral scholarship program.

Credits: Trinity College Dublin.

TCD-IBM predoctoral scholarship program.

Another concern was the dissipation of electrical power on the Enchilada Trap, which could generate significant heat, leading to increased outgassing from surfaces, a higher risk of electrical breakdown and elevated levels of electrical field noise. To address this issue, production specialists designed new microscopic features to reduce the capacitance of certain electrodes.

“Our team is always looking ahead,” said Sandia’s Zach Meinelt, the lead integrator on the project. “We collaborate with scientists and engineers to learn about the kind of technology, features and performance improvements they will need in the coming years. We then design and fabricate traps to meet those requirements and constantly seek ways to further improve.”

Sandia National Laboratories is a multimission laboratory operated by National Technology and Engineering Solutions of Sandia LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of Honeywell International Inc., for the U.S. Department of Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration. Sandia Labs has major research and development responsibilities in nuclear deterrence, global security, defense, energy technologies and economic competitiveness, with main facilities in Albuquerque, New Mexico, and Livermore, California.