

Archive for the ‘materials’ category: Page 166

Oct 21, 2020

Rippling graphene harvests thermal energy

Posted by in categories: materials, particle physics

New technology could deliver “clean, limitless, low-voltage power for small devices”.

The rippling thermal motion of a tiny piece of graphene has been harnessed by a special circuit that delivers low-voltage electrical energy. The system was created by researchers in US and Spain, who say that if it could be duplicated enough times on a chip, it could deliver “clean, limitless, low-voltage power for small devices”.

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Oct 19, 2020

The Milky Way galaxy has a clumpy halo

Posted by in categories: materials, space

Astronomers at the University of Iowa have determined our galaxy is surrounded by a clumpy halo of hot gases that is continually being supplied with material ejected by birthing or dying stars. The halo also may be where matter unaccounted for since the birth of the universe may reside. Photo courtesy of Christien Nielsen/Unsplash.

Oct 16, 2020

Researchers print rainbow colorants on shimmering chocolate

Posted by in categories: food, materials

ETH researchers are making chocolates shimmer in rainbow colors without the addition of colorants. They have found a way to imprint a special structure on the surface of the chocolate to create a targeted color effect.

Traditional methods for coloring have been around for a long time. But the ETH researchers are able to create the rainbow effect without artificial colorants. The effect is achieved simply through a surface imprint that produces what the scientists refer to as a structural color. The process is similar to a chameleon, whose skin surface modulates and disperses light to display specific colors.

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Oct 16, 2020

“Landmark” study brings perfectly efficient electricity closer to reality

Posted by in category: materials

Researchers have designed a material that can act as a superconductor in a room heated to close to 60 degrees Fahrenheit — the warmest temperature yet.

Oct 16, 2020

New Neutron Detector Can Fit in Your Pocket – Critical for Catching Smuggled Nuclear Materials

Posted by in categories: materials, security

Homeland Security might soon have a new tool to add to its arsenal.

Researchers at Northwestern University and Argonne National Laboratory have developed a new material that opens doors for a new class of neutron detectors.

With the ability to sense smuggled nuclear materials, highly efficient neutron detectors are critical for national security. Currently, there are two classes of detectors which either use helium gas or flashes of light. These detectors are very large — sometimes the size of a wall.

Oct 16, 2020

Graphene ‘Wonder Material’ Can Now Be Made Using Trash

Posted by in categories: innovation, materials

Graphene out garbage?

A recent breakthrough promises to make graphene out of garbage in a flash.

Oct 16, 2020

For The First Time, Physicists Have Achieved Superconductivity at Room Temperature

Posted by in categories: materials, physics

A major new milestone has just been achieved in the quest for superconductivity. For the first time, physicists have achieved the resistance-free flow of an electrical current at room temperature — a positively balmy 15 degrees Celsius (59 degrees Fahrenheit).

This has smashed the previous record of −23 degrees Celsius (−9.4 degrees Fahrenheit), and has brought the prospect of functional superconductivity a huge step forward.

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Oct 15, 2020

NASA is getting ready to land on an asteroid that may hold the building blocks of life

Posted by in categories: materials, space

With NASA getting ready to land a spacecraft on the asteroid Bennu in just a few short days, the mysterious space rock is already revealing some of its secrets, including the presence of carbon-bearing materials.

Several studies were published on the matter in the journals Science and Science Advances, noting that carbon-bearing, organic material is “widespread” on the surface of the asteroid. This includes the area where NASA’s OSIRIS-REx spacecraft will take its first sample from, known as Nightingale, on Oct. 20.

“The abundance of carbon-bearing material is a major scientific triumph for the mission. We are now optimistic that we will collect and return a sample with organic material – a central goal of the OSIRIS-REx mission,” said Dante Lauretta, OSIRIS-REx principal investigator at the University of Arizona in Tucson, in a statement.

Oct 14, 2020

Room-Temperature Superconductivity Achieved for the First Time

Posted by in categories: materials, physics

Physicists have reached a long-sought goal. The catch is that their room-temperature superconductor requires crushing pressures to keep from falling apart.

Oct 14, 2020

Superconductor technology for smaller, sooner fusion

Posted by in category: materials

MIT and Commonwealth Fusion Systems developed and tested a high-temperature superconductor technology (HTS) cable that can be engineered into the high-performance magnets for tokamaks like SPARC.