

Archive for the ‘life extension’ category: Page 371

May 17, 2019

Exploring the scientific potential of the ATLAS Experiment at the High-Luminosity LHC

Posted by in categories: life extension, particle physics

The High-Luminosity upgrade of the Large Hadron Collider (HL-LHC) is scheduled to begin colliding protons in 2026. This major improvement to CERN’s flagship accelerator will increase the total number of collisions in the ATLAS experiment by a factor of 10. To cope with this increase, ATLAS is preparing a complex series of upgrades including the installation of new detectors using state-of-the-art technology, the replacement of aging electronics, and the upgrade of its trigger and data acquisition system.

What discovery opportunities will be in reach for ATLAS with the HL-LHC upgrade? How precisely will physicists be able to measure properties of the Higgs boson? How deeply will they be able to probe Standard Model processes for signs of new ? The ATLAS Collaboration has carried out and released dozens of studies to answer these questions—the results of which have been valuable input to discussions held this week at the Symposium on the European Strategy for Particle Physics, in Granada, Spain.

“Studying the discovery potential of the HL-LHC was a fascinating task associated with the ATLAS upgrades,” says Simone Pagan Griso, ATLAS Upgrade Physics Group co-convener. “The results are informative not only to the ATLAS Collaboration but to the entire global community, as they reappraise the opportunities and challenges that lie ahead of us.” Indeed, these studies set important benchmarks for forthcoming generations of particle physics experiments.

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May 17, 2019

Researchers develop electric field-based dressing to help heal wound infections

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, engineering, life extension

Researchers at Indiana University School of Medicine have found a way to charge up the fight against bacterial infections using electricity.

Work conducted in the laboratories of the Indiana Center for Regenerative Medicine and Engineering, Chandan Sen, Ph.D. and Sashwati Roy, Ph.D. has led to the development of a dressing that uses an to disrupt biofilm . Their findings were recently published in the high-impact journal Annals of Surgery.

Bacterial biofilms are thin, slimy films of bacteria that form on some wounds, including burns or post-surgical infections, as well as after a , such as a catheter, is placed in the body. These bacteria generate their own electricity, using their own electric fields to communicate and form the biofilm, which makes them more hostile and difficult to treat. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates 65 percent of all infections are caused by bacteria with this biofilm phenotype, while the National Institutes of Health estimates that number is closer to 80 percent.

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May 17, 2019

Ending Age-Related Diseases: 2019

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, business, life extension

Special offer ticket price extended until midnight EDT today! Join us for two action-packed days of aging research and biotech business talks in the heart of New York City. Use the code: Metchnikoff to get $50 off the ticket cost today.

Find out more here:

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May 17, 2019

Is Comprehensive Damage Repair Feasible?

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, life extension

Earlier this year at the Undoing Aging conference in Berlin, I had the opportunity to listen to a debate between Dr. Vadim Gladyshev of Harvard Medical School and Aubrey de Grey of the SENS Research Foundation. The topic was “Is comprehensive damage repair feasible?”

What followed was a friendly and interesting discussion about the three main approaches that might be applied to aging in order to delay, prevent, or reverse age-related diseases.

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May 17, 2019

New video from our 2019 Undoing Aging conference: Is comprehensive damage repair feasible?

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, life extension

An entertaining debate between Vadim Gladyshev — Havard Medical School and Aubrey de Grey — SENS Research Foundation.…/a-debate-between-vadim-gladyshev-and-au…


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May 16, 2019

Classic Daily Brain Teasers and Crosswords Have a Major Effect on Aging

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, life extension, neuroscience

These studies show that older adults who frequently pick up a puzzle tended to have the short-term memory capacity of someone eight years their junior and the grammatical reasoning of someone ten years younger.

“We hope this will encourage people to consider how they challenge their brain on a regular basis, and perhaps consider taking up puzzles or evidence-based brain training games as part of a lifestyle approach to keep their brains healthy,” Corbett tells Inverse.

Corbett’s study is one of a few showing that frequent engagement with puzzles has lasting effects on memory and cognitive decline, the slow loss of memory and other problem-solving skills that accompany aging (and is also a feature of brain diseases like Alzheimer’s). Other studies include the Bronx Aging study, which showed that dementia patients who did crossword puzzles started to lose their memory about 2.54 years later than those who didn’t do crosswords.

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May 16, 2019

The Processes and Impact of Aging

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, life extension

Nina Khera writes about the aging processes and why she took an interest in aging research and why she thinks young people should too.

Aging is a series of processes in which the body’s ability to perform functions gradually decreases. The Hallmarks of Aging includes such things as an increase in senescent cells and a decrease in stem cells, but decreasing NAD+ and increasing free radicals matter as well. This article will cover a few root causes of aging and their total impact on humanity.

Senescent cells

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May 15, 2019

Come to Our Conference at a Special Price!

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, life extension

We’re offering a few discounted tickets to our conference, Ending Age-Related Diseases 2019, in order to celebrate the 174th birthday of Élie Metchnikoff, the father of gerontology. We’re selling these tickets at the previous early bird price of $350 instead of the current $400!

This special, lower-price offer is valid from May 15, Noon EDT to May 17, Noon EDT, so this is the ideal time to guarantee your place at this exciting event. Prices will also be rising to $500 from June 10th onwards as we draw closer to the conference.

You can get your discounted ticket by visiting our Eventbrite page and using the discount code Metchnikoff.

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May 15, 2019

Dr. Matthew Roberts, CSO and SVP Innovation, Chromadex — ideaXme — Ira Pastor

Posted by in categories: aging, biotech/medical, business, chemistry, DNA, finance, genetics, health, life extension, transhumanism

May 15, 2019

The Future of Pensions

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, life extension

Nicola Bagalà and Michael Nuschke take a look at the future of pensions and how the possible defeat of age-related diseases will affect them.

If you work in social security, it’s possible that your nightmares are full of undying elderly people who keep knocking on your door for pensions that you have no way of paying out. Tossing and turning in your bed, you beg for mercy, explaining that there’s just too many old people who need pensions and not enough young people who could cover for it with their contributions; the money’s just not there to sustain a social security system that, when it was conceived in the mid-1930s, didn’t expect that many people would ever make it into their 80s and 90s. Your oneiric persecutors won’t listen: they gave the country the best years of their lives, and now it’s time for the country to pay them their due.

When you wake up, you’re relieved to realize that there can’t be any such thing as people who have ever-worsening degenerative diseases yet never die from them, but that doesn’t make your problem all that better; you still have quite a few old people, living longer than the pension system had anticipated, to pay pensions to, and the bad news is that in as little as about 30 years, the number of 65+ people worldwide will skyrocket to around 2.1 billion, growing faster than all younger groups put together [1]. Where in the world is your institution going to find the budget?

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