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Space is not a hospitable place. Radiation, zero gravity, and the vast distances between stops make interstellar travel look like a pipe dream right now, but they can be made more manageable with gene therapy. Along with obvious choices like follistatin to fight the loss of muscle mass, anti-aging gene therapies for telomerase induction, and Klotho expression can promote overall health. Keeping the crew healthy is essential when the nearest hospital could be billions of miles away.

In a statement to Astronomy Magazine, Dr João Pedro de Magalhães said “this roadmap sets the stage for enhancing human biology beyond our natural limits in ways that will confer not only longevity and disease resistance but will be essential for future space exploration.” There’s a big overlap between the genes needed to keep people healthy on earth and the genes needed to keep them safe in space.

There are a vast array of genes that will likely prove helpful to making long space voyages safe and comfortable. A vector, like BioViva’s CMV, will be needed to deliver the substantial genetic payloads astronauts will want to take with them into space.

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Papers referenced in the video:
Age and sex variation in serum albumin concentration: an observational study.

Commonly used clinical chemistry tests as mortality predictors: Results from two large cohort studies.

The Beginnings of a biotechnology revolution in Saudi Arabia?

The Saudi royal family, led by king Salman bin Abdulaziz have announced the formation of a non-profit research foundation which intends to spend $1 billion of the countries considerable annual oil revenue on supporting anti-aging research. If such funding materialises, it will make Saudi Arabia the single greatest financial contributor to longevity research.

The Saudi royal family aims to distribute this funding through a non-profit organisation called the Hevolution Foundation 0, which was founded by Dr Mehmood Khan, formerly of the Mayo Clinic. In a formal introduction to the Hevolution Foundation, Dr Khan had the following to say.

The macula is part of the eye’s retina, which is the light-sensitive tissue mostly composed of the eye’s visual cells: cone and rod photoreceptor cells. The retina also contains a layer called the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE), which has several important functions, including light absorption, cleaning up cellular waste, and keeping the other cells of the eye healthy.

The cells of the RPE also nourish and maintain the eye’s photoreceptor cells, which is why one of the most promising treatment strategies for age-related macular degeneration is to replace aging, degenerating RPE cells with new ones grown from human embryonic stem cells.

Scientists have proposed several methods for converting stem cells into RPE, but there is still a gap in our knowledge of how cells respond to these stimuli over time. For example, some protocols take a few months while others can take up to a year. And yet, scientists are not clear as to what exactly happens over that period of time.

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David Sinclair shares another side of himself. Compassion for all people. He wants to make sure that longevity technologies are available for all people, not just for the super wealthy and their pets. He also speaks of emerging elderly populations who can live well up until death rather than suffering for so long, and instead start new careers and hobbies.

Researchers have restored vision in animal by resetting some of the thousands of chemical marks that accumulate on DNA as cells age. The work, by Dr David Sinclair Lab, published in Nature Dec 2020, suggests a new approach to reversing age-related decline, by reprogramming some cells to a ‘younger’ state in which they are better able to repair or replace damaged tissue.

David A. Sinclair, Ph.D. A.O. is a tenured Professor in the Genetics Department at the Blavatnik Institute, Harvard Medical School, Boston & Co-Director of the Paul F. Glenn Center for Biology of Aging Research, honorary Professor at the University of Sydney, and co-founder of the journal Aging. He obtained a BS and a Ph.D. at UNSW, worked as a postdoctoral researcher at M.I.T., was hired at Harvard Medical School in 1999 as an Assistant Professor, and promoted to tenured Professor in 2008. His book Lifespan: Why We Age and Why We Don’t Have To, a NYT bestseller, is published in more than 20 languages.

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Papers referenced in the video:
Glycine supplementation extends lifespan of male and female mice.

Ergothioneine exhibits longevity-extension effect in Drosophila melanogaster via regulation of cholinergic neurotransmission, tyrosine metabolism, and fatty acid oxidation.

Liz mentions combinatorial gene therapy for aging near the end which is something you hear the likes of George Church mention they are working on.

Liz Parrish is the founder of @BioViva Science, a company dedicated to curing biological aging, a disease that is at the root cause of all other chronic diseases from heart disease to Alzheimer’s. Watch this video to understand how much more control we have over our lifespan and health!

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