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In a preclinical study, researchers led by City of Hope have discovered that a type of immune cell in the human body, known to be important for allergy and other immune responses, can also attack cancer. The cells, called human type 2 innate lymphoid cells (ILC2s), can be expanded outside of the body and applied in larger numbers to overpower a tumor’s defenses and eliminate malignant cells in mouse models with cancer.

The findings are published in Cell in an article titled, “Therapeutic application of human type 2 innate lymphoid cells via induction of granzyme B-mediated tumor cell death.”

“The City of Hope team has identified human ILC2 cells as a new member of the cell family capable of directly killing all types of cancers, including blood cancers and solid tumors,” said Jianhua Yu, PhD, a professor in the department of hematology and hematopoietic cell transplantation at City of Hope and the study’s senior author. “In the future, these cells could be manufactured, preserved by freezing, and then administered to patients. Unlike T cell-based therapies, such as CAR T cells, which necessitate using the patient’s own cells due to their specific characteristics, ILC2s might be sourced from healthy donors, presenting a distinct potential therapeutic approach as an allogeneic and ‘off-the-shelf’ product.”

One approach to AI uses a process called machine learning. In machine learning, a computer model is built to predict what may happen in the real world. The model is taught to analyze and recognize patterns in a data set. This training enables the model to then make predictions about new data. Some AI programs can also teach themselves to ask new questions and make novel connections between pieces of information.

“Computer models and humans can really work well together to improve human health,” explains Dr. Grace C.Y. Peng, an NIH expert on AI in medicine. “Computers are very good at doing calculations at a large scale, but they don’t have the intuitive capability that we have. They’re powerful, but how helpful they’re going to be lies in our hands.”

Researchers are exploring ways to harness the power of AI to improve health care. These include assisting with diagnosing and treating medical conditions and delivering care.

We don’t have a cure for Parkinson’s disease yet, but a recently discovered mutation in mitochondrial DNA that seems to protect the body against the condition could one day point the way to one. Discovered in a small protein called SHLP2, the genetic variant is relatively rare – found in just 1 percent of Europeans. Yet an analysis of the health records of 16,167 people led by researchers from the University of Southern California (USC) suggests…

“The bottom-line finding is that cannabis before exercise seems to increase positive mood and enjoyment during exercise, whether you use THC or CBD. But THC products specifically may make exercise feel more effortful,” said Dr. Laurel Gibson.

How does cannabis influence workouts? Does it serve as a performance enhancer or in other ways? This is what a recent study published in Sports Medicine hopes to address, as a team of researchers from the University of Colorado Boulder (CU Boulder) and the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus investigated how cannabis influences exercise workouts and regimens, specifically pertaining to the exercise performance. This study comes almost a decade since Colorado legalized the sale of recreational marijuana and holds the potential to help researchers and the public better understand cannabis’ role in our everyday lives.

For the first-of-its-kind study that started in 2021, the researchers recruited 42 participants who were consistent cannabis users ages 21 to 39 to ascertain their responses to exercise after using cannabis and in a controlled laboratory setting. In the end, the participants reported increased enjoyment and “runner’s high” characteristics while also reporting greater levels of exertion during their exercise regimen. Additionally, the participants reported the following when the researchers asked them why they combine cannabis with their workout routines: 90.5 percent said it increases enjoyment, 69 percent said it reduces pain, 59.5 percent said it increases focus, 57.1 percent said it increases motivation, 45.2 percent stated they perceived that it speeds up time, and 28.6 percent said it improves their performance.

The microbiome has a profound influence on our health, but exactly how our resident bacteria wield their power is still unclear. A type of T cell appears to provide some answers for gastrointestinal health, a study of the mouse microbiome finds.

The study, appearing in the journal Immunity, found that when friendly, commensal microbes set up residence inside the gut, their host produces T cells that maintain the health of the gut by counteracting .

The finding could lead to new treatments for inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD).

Ichthyosis refers to a group of skin disorders that lead to dry, itchy skin that appears scaly, rough, and red. Your health care provider may be able to diagnose ichthyosis with a genetic test that detects the mutated gene usually from a blood sample or a swab from the mouth. Find out more:

What is ichthyosis? It is a disorder that causes dry, thickened skin that may look similar to fish scales.

In the largest study of its kind, scientists report how combining health data with whole genome sequence (WGS) data in patients with cancer can help doctors provide more tailored care for their patients.

The research, published in Nature Medicine, shows that linking WGS data to real-world clinical data can identify changes in cancer DNA that may be relevant for an individual patient’s care, for example by helping identify what treatment might work best for them based on their cancer.

The study, led by Genomics England, NHS England, Queen Mary University of London, Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust and the University of Westminster, analyzed data covering over 30 types of solid tumors collected from more than 13,000 participants with cancer in the 100,000 Genomes Project. By looking at the alongside routine clinical data collected from participants over a 5-year period, such as hospital visits and the type of treatment they received, scientists were able to find specific genetic changes in the cancer associated with better or worse survival rates and improved patient outcomes.

An unexpected genetic discovery in wheat has led to opportunities for the metabolic engineering of versatile compounds with the potential to improve its nutritional qualities and resilience to disease.

Researchers in the Osbourn group at the John Innes Centre have been investigating biosynthetic gene clusters in wheat – groups of genes that are co-localized on the genome and work together to produce specific molecules.

NCI researchers have found a persistent decline in rates of both smoking-related and non-smoking-related lung cancer deaths.

In the U.S., lung cancer death rates have declined for decades, primarily due to decreases in cigarette smoking. However, it is unclear whether rates of smoking-unrelated lung cancer deaths are also decreasing. If the rates are increasing, that may suggest increases in exposure to other lung carcinogens that need to be investigated. Meredith Shiels, Ph.D., M.H.S., senior investigator in the Infections and Immunoepidemiology Branch, and colleagues in the Biostatistics Branch, the Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences, and Information Management Services, conducted a study to estimate trends in U.S. lung cancer death rates from 1991–2018. They found that both smoking-attributable and smoking-unrelated lung cancer death rates declined over this period. The findings were published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute on December 9, 2023.

Cancer registries and death certificates do not collect the smoking status of every person diagnosed with or who died from lung cancer. Thus, to estimate trends in lung cancer death rates by smoking status, the researchers needed another way to determine the age-specific trends in lung cancer deaths attributed to smoking, and unrelated to smoking. They estimated age-specific annual percentage of lung cancer deaths that could be attributed to smoking using smoking status data from the National Health Interview Survey linked to death certificate data. These population attributable fractions were then multiplied by national data on lung cancer mortality to estimate trends over time in smoking-attributable and smoking-unrelated deaths. The researchers found that the fraction of lung cancer deaths attributable to smoking decreased from 82% in 1991 to 75% in 2018. Over this same period, smoking-attributable lung cancer death rates declined 2.