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Have you ever thought about what the world will look like in the future? and the type of technology that we will have? The technology that’s created is very fascinating. Comment your thought on this and please share.

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👉 Have They Discovered Earth 2?

👉 What Will 2030 Look Like? ***Amazing***

Personal visual development based on the novel “Rendezvous with Rama”, written by Arthur C. Clarke.
Unidad project:
Ferrol project:
#Film #RendezvousWithRama #GonzaloGolpe

In 2011, scientists found something unexpected hiding beneath the Amazon. There, 4,000 meters (13,100 feet) beneath the earth was an enormous body of water almost long enough to rival the Amazon and much wider.

River Hamza, as Brazil’s National Observatory unofficially named the beast, acts like drainage for the region and was discovered after Petrobras (an oil company) drilled hundreds of wells. They were drilled back in the 70s and 80s, but when scientists later took a look inside they discovered the monstrous waterway that was hiding underneath. It was after the leader of this team of researchers that the underground waterway was named.

It begins under the Andes in the Acre region and winds its way on through to the SolimÔes, Amazonas and Marajó basins before slipping out unseen into the Atlantic Ocean. The flowing river Amazon speeds along at around 5 meters (16 feet) per second. By comparison, the painfully slow-trickling Hamza moves along at a casual 1 millimeter (0.04 inches) per hour, writes The Guardian.

David Guetta is bringing the topic of artificial intelligence to the forefront after proving just how well the new technology works at replicating the voices of pop artists.

Last week, the French DJ and producer shared a video of him playing a song during one of his sets that used AI technology to add the “voice” of Eminem to one of his songs.

“Let me introduce you to
 Emin-AI-em,” Guetta wrote in the Twitter post’s caption. In the attached video, Guetta is seen hyping up a massive crowd while an unreleased track featuring a replica of Eminem’s voice echoes: “This is the future rave sound / I’m getting awesome and underground.”

Dr. Harold Katcher, Cheif Scientific Officer of Yuvan Research Inc., is interviewed by Nicolås Cherñavsky and Nina Torres Zanvettor about the rat Sima, a Sprague Dawley rat that has lived for 47 months (exceeding the maximum lifespan of 45.5 months of this rat strain) thanks to a treatment with E5, a plasma-based therapeutic developed by Yuvan.

#Sima #SpragueDawley #47months #HaroldKatcher #Yuvan #E5 #plasma