Both discoveries may play roles in first how plate tectonics got started, and the dynamics that continue to make it happen.
Category: futurism – Page 384
Year 1975 Basically pyrite has infinite strings in it which can also make a battery that lasts forever:3.
The IUCr is a scientific union serving the interests of crystallographers and other scientists employing crystallographic methods.
Remains of earwig-like insects discovered near village of Chekarda, Russia, covered in pollen.
For windows 11 users.
New features make it easier than ever to find what you need and connect to what’s important.
Timing of feature delivery varies by device. Feature availability may vary by market.
💫 We’re Live 💫
Posted in futurism, robotics/AI
Today, Figure emerges from stealth.
We’re building autonomous humanoid robots.
One robot for every human on the planet.
Here’s what the future will look like:
The Body Electric
Posted in futurism
Making an embryo is much like making a Lego castle: In the same way that a castle needs turrets and gargoyles and a moat, you need two legs and two eyes and a heart.
Except unlike the Lego Camelot, you don’t come with a picture on the box of what you’re meant to look like, much less an instruction manual—and you’re not going to be the one to assemble the structure. Instead, you’ll sit back and wait for the Lego pieces to organize themselves. Our cells, our little Lego pieces, assembled themselves. What’s even more astonishing is that when they get it right, all those cells get it right in broadly the same ways: We all managed to come out with the characteristic shape and proportions appropriate to our species (we can all spot a regulation-issue chicken, frog, mouse, or human shape).
Hackers breached a website that allows people to buy and sell guns, exposing the identities of its users, TechCrunch has learned.
The breach exposed reams of sensitive personal data for more than 550,000 users, including customers’ full names, home addresses, email addresses, plaintext passwords and telephone numbers. Also, the stolen data allegedly makes it possible to link a particular person with the sale or purchase of a specific weapon.
There Will Come Soft Rains
Posted in futurism
Written By: Ray Bradbury.
Narrated By: Michael Bambery.
Comments, critiques, and requests are welcomed.
If you enjoyed this video and want to help me make more, go here:
This video is an adaptation of H P Lovecraft’s famous sci-fi story. This is a collaboration between Richard Svensson (me), Daniel Lennéer and Christopher Johansson. Åke Rosén stars, and John Hutch narrates.
For a FULL behind the scenes docu:
Daniel on YouTube:
Chris on YouTube:
John on YouTube:
Daniel’s project page:
An adaption based on the novel “The ShadowOut of Time” by: H. P Lovecraft.
Written by: Richard Svenssonand Daniel Lenneér.
Director of live-action: Daniel Lenneér.
How can we start with a mix of rocks, gases, and water and end up with life?Speaker: Dr. Zachary Adam, Kacar Research Group, Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison.