Here’s something a little different.
Posted in futurism
The Buccino Leadership Institute presents Ideas & Trends (2024) Nanotechnology: The Three Lenses — Past, Present and Future.
A new method to make organic semiconductors more conductive used oxygen as a dopant making it more scalable and cost-effective.
Photon-number distributions of various light sources have been studied extensively, but little is known about the statistical distribution of electrons emitted under the effect of intense quantum light.
However, researchers at the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light (MPL) and Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU) have made a discovery that highlights this phenomenon.
Published in the journal Nature Physics, the study led by Prof. Maria Chekhova at MPL and Prof. Peter Hommelhoff at FAU reveals extreme and highly unusual statistical events in electron-number distributions obtained when nanometer-sized metal needle tips are illuminated with ultrashort pulses of bright quantum light.
Most people agree that the spread of online misinformation is a serious problem. But there is much less consensus on what to do about it.
A from-scratch implementation of Kolmogorov-Arnold Networks (KAN)…and MLP
By: Lorenzo Maggi…works-kan/
With KAN DYI implementation.
Code repository of ml-without-tears blog: — lollodealma/ml_without_tears.
Due to the presence of non-Hermitian components, wave intensities tend to localize at the system boundary, namely the non-Hermitian skin effect. The skin behavior is protected by topology, making it insensitive to minor changes. Nevertheless, it has recently been shown that the non-Hermitian skin effect can be suppressed by real magnetic fields.
Zhang, Xue, and Zhang’s graduate student Hau Tian Teo wondered, “Can a ‘fake’ magnetic field —pseudomagnetic field—also suppress the non-Hermitian skin effect?” The team then performed theoretical calculations on a two-dimensional lattice array to study the topology and movement of the skin behavior.
By switching on the pseudomagnetic field, the team discovered that the skin states can be pushed into the bulk. “This movement from skin to bulk can be precisely traced by a theoretically predicted trajectory,” Teo suggests. In addition to the movement, the suppression is reflected in the reduction of topological number.
Although the Tesla Cybertruck has only been available for about six months, it is already making a major splash in the electric pickup scene.
According to data from S&P Global Mobility, Tesla’s first all-electric pickup had more registrations in March than one of its most notable foes, the Rivian R1T.
March was the fourth month the Tesla Cybertruck was available for purchase. Production is still ramping, and after Tesla built 1,000 units in a single week during Q1, it is evident the company is starting to get the hang of things.
“Both zinc and lignin are super cheap, and the battery is easily recyclable,” said Khan in the press release. “If you calculate the cost per usage cycle, it becomes an extremely cheap battery compared to lithium-ion batteries.”
Unlike other zinc-based batteries that discharge in just a few hours, the newly made battery can retain its charge for a week. Additionally, the battery is stable and maintains 80 percent of its performance even over the course of 8,000 cycles.
Life is shaped by choices. The fundamental debate is whether to live life for learning or for pleasure. This weekend, my existential tension boiled down to a simple question: why am I writing my next book and my next scientific paper rather than having fun in the sun?
After some contemplation, I came up with the realization that learning is pleasure. But there is another benefit to writing. Most people will live in the future and I wish to communicate my thoughts to those who will be born long after I am gone. I weigh my priorities in life based on the number of people who might benefit from my actions.
There are currently 8.1 billion people on Earth, about 7% of the total number of humans who have ever lived since the Big Bang, 117 billion. Based on the star count from the Gaia sky survey, the number of stars in the Milky-Way galaxy is comparable to this total value within a factor of a few. This implies that for the foreseeable future, Milky-Way stars could be named after each person who ever lived on Earth.