

Archive for the ‘food’ category: Page 119

Oct 21, 2021

Hydroponics made Fujitsu

Posted by in categories: business, computing, finance, food, sustainability

Fijitsu retrofitted one of it’s clean rooms in a vertical farm. The project was so successful, they discovered they could enter a new market segment and sell the systems themselves. I definately want one.

Like the giant monolith in Stanley Kubrick’s 2,001 this new head of lettuce is simultaneously a product of this factory’s past and the future. Fujitsu is a space-age R&D innovator with sprawling, specialized factories. But several of its facilities, including this one, went dark when the company tightened its belt and reorganized its product lines after the 2008 global financial crisis. Now in the aftermath, it has retrofitted this facilities to serve tomorrow’s vegetable consumers, who will pay for a better-than-organic product, and who enjoy a bowl of iceberg more if they know it was monitored by thousands of little sensors.

Like the giant monolith in Stanley Kubrick’s 2001, this new head of lettuce is simultaneously a product of this factory’s past and the future. Fujitsu is a space-age R&D innovator with sprawling, specialized factories. But several of its facilities, including this one, went dark when the company tightened its belt and reorganized its product lines after the 2008 global financial crisis. Now in the aftermath, it has retrofitted this facilities to serve tomorrow’s vegetable consumers, who will pay for a better-than-organic product, and who enjoy a bowl of iceberg more if they know it was monitored by thousands of little sensors.

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Oct 20, 2021

When Will Space Tourism be Affordable?

Posted by in categories: food, space

Brilliant breakdown of a fascinating topic, this.

Use code WENDOVER14 for up to 14 FREE MEALS across your first 5 HelloFresh boxes plus free shipping at

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Oct 20, 2021

Net Zero Strategy 2021. Through Disruptive Technology & The Power Of Exponential Growth & Uptake

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, business, economics, food, media & arts, mobile phones, robotics/AI

We are living in a time when we can see what needs to be done, but the industrial legacy of the last century has such power invested, politically and in the media, and so much money at its disposal due to the investors who have too much to lose to walk away, and so they throw good money after bad to desperately try to save their stranded assets.

Well, the next decade will bring new technologies which will rupture the business models of the old guard, tipping the balance on their huge economies of scale, which will quickly disintegrate their advantage before consigning them to history, and these new ways of doing things will be better for us and the environment, and cheaper than every before. Just look at how the internet and the smart phone destroyed everything from cameras to video shops to taxis and the very high street itself.

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Oct 17, 2021

China is shutting down Aluminium, Textile and many more industries

Posted by in categories: Elon Musk, energy, food

China is losing the most basic necessity of human civilisation-electricity. Till now, we only knew how the Chinese steel mills, aluminum manufacturing and power sector may be suffering in lack of thermal coal. However, China’s power woes could be much bigger and brutal than what we imagined.

Javier Blas, Chief Energy Correspondent at Bloomberg News, tweeted, “CHINA ENERGY CRUNCH: The electricity shortages in China are worsening, and widening geographically. It’s getting so bad Beijing is now asking some food processors (like soybean crushing plants) to shut down.” A report says, “from aluminum smelters to textiles producers and soybean processing plants, factories are being ordered to curb activity or — in some instances — shut altogether.

Oct 16, 2021

Robots and artificial intelligence enter farming

Posted by in categories: food, robotics/AI

Robotics continues to play an increasingly important role in the workplace, particularly in the manufacturing sector.

But one company is getting a big investment to transform agriculture, by growing crops in a more eco-friendly way.

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Oct 16, 2021

Can Artificial Intelligence Help To Close The Financial Equality Gap For Women?

Posted by in categories: business, finance, food, information science, robotics/AI, transportation

Using AI to analyze your income and expenses regularly is a great way to help you better understand where your money goes each month. Most modern financial institutions have apps that will automatically categorize your spending into expense types, making it easy for you to see how much of your paycheck ends up going toward rent/mortgage, food, transportation, entertainment, etc.

Technology is empowering women to build wealth through AI-assisted financial management. Women are now able to invest and manage their finances by using technology that automatically invests and manages money for them. This software provides a unique algorithm for each woman with personalized goals, risk tolerance, income, and age.

Full Story:

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Oct 12, 2021

Another Global Pandemic Is Spreading —Among Pigs

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, food, health, surveillance

In the United States, animal health authorities are now on high alert. The US Department of Agriculture has pledged an emergency appropriation of $500 million to ramp up surveillance and keep the disease from crossing borders. African swine fever is so feared internationally that, if it were found in the US, pork exports—worth more than $7 billion a year—would immediately shut down.

“Long-distance transboundary spread of highly contagious and pathogenic diseases is a worse-case scenario,” Michael Ward, an epidemiologist and chair of veterinary public health at the University of Sydney, told WIRED by email. “In agriculture, it’s the analogue of Covid-19.”

As with the Covid pandemic at its start, there is no vaccine—but also as with Covid, there is the glimmer of hope for one, thanks to basic science that has been laying down findings for years without receiving much attention. Two weeks ago, a multinational team led by scientists at the USDA’s Agricultural Research Service announced that they had achieved a vaccine candidate, based on a weakened version of the virus with a key gene deleted, and demonstrated its effectiveness in a field trial, in pigs, in Vietnam.

Oct 12, 2021

Deaths Linked to ‘Hormone Disruptor’ Chemical Costs Billions in Lost U.S. Productivity

Posted by in categories: chemistry, economics, food

Daily exposure to chemicals called phthalates, which are used in the manufacture of plastic food containers and many cosmetics, may lead to roughly 100,000 premature deaths among older Americans each year, a new study shows. The resulting annual economic burden is between $40 billion and $47 billion, a value more than quadruple that of previous estimates.

NYU Langone study shows deaths linked to endocrine-disrupting chemicals called phthalates may cost United States billions in lost productivity. Learn more.

Oct 12, 2021

Can We Save Our Planet. Creating A Future We Can All Embrace

Posted by in categories: existential risks, food

Our planet is in crisis.

From increasing storms, wild fires and extinctions, to the pollution of our water and the possible failure of our food systems, we are on the brink of a disaster of epic proportions.

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Oct 12, 2021

Endocrine Disruptors

Posted by in categories: chemistry, food, health, neuroscience

Endocrine disrupting chemicals cause adverse effects in animals. But limited scientific information exists on potential health problems in humans. Because people are typically exposed to multiple at the same time, assessing public health effects is difficult.

Many chemicals, both natural and man-made, may mimic or interfere with the body’s hormones, known as the endocrine system. Called endocrine disruptors, these chemicals are linked with developmental, reproductive, brain, immune, and other problems.

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