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Here’s a new story on my AI & ChatGPT ideas from Singularity Group (Singularity University). Special thanks Steven Parton & Valeria Graziani:

In episode 90 of the Feedback Loop Podcast: “The Current State of Transhumanism,” we catch up with one of our first guests on the show, çΩΩ≈ΩΩ

The swift progress in biotechnology, artificial intelligence (AI), and neuroscience has been a significant contributor to the growth of transhumanism. Nevertheless, despite the increasing interest in this field, many remain apprehensive about the consequences of employing technology to augment the human body and mind. Ongoing discussions revolve around the ethics of creating superhumans, the possible hazards of artificial intelligence, and the potential societal impact of these technologies.

So according to Zoltan Istavan what’s changed and what is waiting for us in the future?

Resist the temptation to take credit for patchwork combinations of other people’s work. If you’re great, prove it by articulating unique ideas in unique ways. Never before has there been a better opportunity for ambitious thinkers to achieve greatness. When others are creating and consuming synthetically generated content like flying drones in a perpetual hover state, there’s an opportunity for non-drones to fly higher, farther and faster.

For example, students manipulating the system by having ChatGPT write essays miss an opportunity to learn, demonstrate a dangerously poor understanding of ethics and prove they’re no better than everyone else. Students who learn on their own, articulate original ideas and share a passion for a subject will outperform the machines by an increasingly wide margin.

The future of humans is a fusion of what machines and people do best. What can be predicted or regurgitated should be left to machines, but what requires judgment or rational thinking should be left to us. Generative AI isn’t a crutch, it’s not a panacea, and it’s not a threat to humans. We’re the only species capable of synthesizing ideas, forming opinions and making decisions based on ethical principles. Let’s use this moment in history to embrace the future while investing in our humanity.

I notice that the token in question happens to be segmented as “_an” and “_a” and not “_an_” or “_a_”.

So continuations like [_a, moral,_fruit] or [_an, tagonist, ic,_monster, s] could be possible (assuming those are all legal tokens).

I am reminded of the wonderful little nuggest in linguistics, where people are supposed to have said something like “a narange” (because that kind of fruit came from the spanish province of “naranja”). The details on these claims are often not well documented.

Yes, the world has some serious problems, but if we did not have problems, we would never be forced to find new solutions. Problems push progress forward. Let’s embrace our ultimate existential challenges and come together to solve them. It is time to forget our differences and think of ourselves only as humans, engaged in a common biological and moral struggle. If the cosmic perspective, and the philosophy of poetic meta-naturalism, or some similar world-view of evolution and emergence, can build a bridge between the reductionist worldview and the religions of the world, then we can be optimistic that a new level of order and functionality will emerge from the current sea of chaos.

Knowledge is enlightenment, knowledge is transcendence, and knowledge is power. The tendency toward disorder described by the second law requires that life acquire knowledge forever, giving us all an individual and collective purpose by creating the constraint that forces us to create. By becoming aware of our emergent purpose, we can live more meaningful lives, in harmony with one another and with the aspirations of nature. You are not a cosmic accident. You are a cosmic imperative.

Get your helmet on and be ready for the fallout from an emerging battle royale in AI. Here’s the deal. In one corner stands Microsoft with their business partner OpenAI and ChatGPT. Leering anxiously in the other corner is Google, which has announced that they will be making available a similar type of AI, based on their long-standing insider AI app known as Lambda sounds kind of techie, which is a stark contrast to “ChatGPT” (seems kind of light and airy). Google, perhaps realizing that a name embellishment was needed, has opted to put forth its variant of Lambda and anointed it with a new name “Bard”.

I’ll say more about Bard in a moment, hang in there.

Google has announced they will be releasing a generative AI app called Bard, based on their Lambda AI app. Microsoft is going to incorporate OpenAI ChatGPT into Bing. The AI wars are getting avidly underway. Here’s the scoop.

Connor Leahy from Conjecture joins the podcast for a lightning round on a variety of topics ranging from aliens to education. Learn more about Connor’s work at

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We are living in an age of rapid technological advancement, and with this growth comes a digital divide. Professor Luciano Floridi of the Oxford Internet Institute / Oxford University believes that this divide not only affects our understanding of the implications of this new age, but also the organization of a fair society.

The Information Revolution has been transforming the global economy, with the majority of global GDP now relying on intangible goods, such as information-related services. This in turn has led to the generation of immense amounts of data, more than humanity has ever seen in its history. With 95% of this data being generated by the current generation, Professor Floridi believes that we are becoming overwhelmed by this data, and that our agency as humans is being eroded as a result.

According to Professor Floridi, the digital divide has caused a lack of balance between technological growth and our understanding of this growth. He believes that the infosphere is becoming polluted and the manifold of the infosphere is increasingly determined by technology and AI. Identifying, anticipating and resolving these problems has become essential, and Professor Floridi has dedicated his research to the Philosophy of Information, Philosophy of Technology and Digital Ethics.

Do we make conscious decisions? Or are all of our actions predetermined? And if we don’t have free will, are we responsible for what we do? Modern neurotechnology is now allowing scientists to study brain activity neuron by neuron to try to determine how and when our brains decide to act. In this program, experts probe the latest research and explore the question of just how much agency we have in the world, and how the answer impacts our ethics, our behavior, and our society.

This program is part of the Big Ideas Series, made possible with support from the John Templeton Foundation.

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Original Program Date: May 30, 2015

Now you see your data, now you don’t.

Meanwhile, your precious data has become part of the collective, as it were.

I’m referring to an aspect that might be quite surprising to those of you that are eagerly and earnestly making use of the latest in Artificial Intelligence (AI). The data that you enter into an AI app is potentially not at all entirely private to you and you alone. It could be that your data is going to be utilized by the AI maker to presumably seek to improve their AI services or might be used by them and/or even their allied partners for a variety of purposes.

You have now been forewarned.

While many have claimed to fix politics, very few even came close. Centuries have come and gone with their empires and ideals. Despite the many attempts to reform and improve the political landscape, the issues at hand remain largely unchanged. Corruption, inequality, and moral decay continue to plague governments around the world. It is clear that simply implementing new systems or electing the same leaders is not enough to address these longstanding issues. To truly reform and reverse the decay we see will need more. It will take a multifaceted approach that involves both systemic changes and individual actions, and some radical new ideas.

Many people find themselves today in countries that are repeating history. Inflation that only taxes the working class. Scandals from politicians that care not for the country nor the people they claim to represent. Lies of taxing the wealthy while continuing to burden all others with the shackles of debt. Fear and alarm echoed through every channel of state media that does nothing but leave the public despondent and hopeless about their future. Constant pandering and pilfering by people who see the nation they reside in as nothing but a sinking ship to be looted and left.

Fixing political systems has been a problem prominent in my mind for a long time. With the current order and systems of governance collapsing globally many have begun to ponder this as well. Unfortunately for the simple-minded, I foresee the rise of autocracy, be it communism, socialism, republicanism, or fascism. Such a thing cannot be averted and in fact, many people I doubt would even want it to be. The world has cried out far too long for order, and sooner or later every society will heed that call. Proof enough of this observation would be the nationalist movements that have gained widespread traction in 2022. While I won’t name them such parties and movements have spawned in virtually every western nation. The reason for this is painfully simple: democracy has failed in many people’s lives. It has failed to increase wages or lower housing costs, or even provide reasonable public services.