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This video will cover the philosophy of artificial intelligence, the branch of philosophy that explores what artificial intelligence specifically is, and other philosophical questions surrounding it like; Can a machine act intelligently? Is the human brain essentially a computer? Can a machine be alive like a human is? Can it have a mind and consciousness? Can we build A.I. and align it with our values and ethics? If so, what ethical systems do we choose?

We’re going to be covering all those equations and possible answers to them in what will hopefully be an easy-to-understand, 101-style manner.

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0:00 Introduction.
0:45 What is Artificial Intelligence?
1:13 Rene Descartes.
2:11 Alan Turing & the ‘Turing Test’
3:42 A.I.M.A. & A.I.
4:45 Intelligent Agents.
5:40 Newell’s Definition.
6:26 Weak A.I. vs Strong A.I.
7:31 Narrow A.I. vs General A.I. vs Super Intelligence.
10:00 Computationalism.
10:44 Approaches to A.I.
13:32 Can a Machine Have Consciousness?
14:23 The ‘Chinese Room’
16:30 Critical Responses.
17:18 The ‘Hard Problem of Consciousness’
18:47 Philosophical Zombies.
21:20 New Questions in the Philosophy of A.I.
21:34 Singularitarianism.
24:40 A.I. Alignment.
26:45 The Orthogonality Thesis.
27:36 The Ethics of A.I.
30:56 Conclusion.

Descartes, 1,637, R., in Haldane, E. and Ross, G.R.T., translators, 1911, The Philosophical Works of Descartes, Volume 1, Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.

Russell, S. & Norvig, P., 2009, Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach 3rd edition, Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.