Category: entertainment – Page 96
Alex Garland continues to cultivate his reputation as one of the most exciting and challenging voices in modern science fiction cinema.
Annihilation is an upcoming science fantasy action horror film written for the screen and directed by Alex Garland based on the novel of the same name by Jeff VanderMeer. The film stars Natalie Portman, Jennifer Jason Leigh, Gina Rodriguez, Tessa Thompson, Tuva Novotny, and Oscar Isaac.
Having previously written screenplays for cult classics like 28 Days Later and Dredd, Garland’s Ex Machina is arguably the definitive film about artificial intelligence (and killer robots) of the 21st century. And that was only his directorial debut.
A team of researchers at UC San Diego and San Diego State University has developed a pair of “4D goggles” that allows wearers to be physically “touched” by a movie when they see a looming object on the screen, such as an approaching spacecraft.
The device was developed based on a study conducted by the neuroscientists to map brain areas that integrate the sight and touch of a looming object and aid in their understanding of the perceptual and neural mechanisms of multisensory integration.
But for the rest of us, the researchers said, it has a more practical purpose: The device can be synchronized with entertainment content, such as movies, music, games and virtual reality, to deliver immersive multisensory effects near the face and enhance the sense of presence.
Will the Future Be Human?
Posted in entertainment, futurism
“For 4 Billion Years Nothing Has Changed in the Rules of the Game of Life. That is Ending.”
~ Yuval Harari
What can we learn from a history of the future? Historian Yuval Harari takes us on a journey through technological development and challenges leaders to develop a substantive vision of what it means for society, politics, religion and ideology.
Introduced by · gillian R. tett, managing editor, US, financial times, USA
With · yuval noah harari, professor, department of history, hebrew university of jerusalem, israel.
Official Trailer [HD]
Posted in entertainment
From visionary filmmakers James Cameron and Robert Rodriguez.
#Alita Battle Angel is in theaters July 20, 2018.
Directed by: Robert Rodriguez
Screenplay by: James Cameron and Laeta Kalogridis and Robert Rodriguez.
Based on the Graphic Novel (“Manga”) Series: “Gunnm” By Yukito Kishiro
Produced by: james cameron and jon landau
Cast: rosa salazar, christoph waltz, jennifer connelly, mahershala ali, ed skrein, jackie earle haley, keean johnson.
Neuroscientist Marco Iacoboni discusses mirror neurons, autism and the potentially damaging effects of violent movies.
The robots are coming for your … chess game.
Google’s AI, AlphaZero, developed a “superhuman performance” in chess in just four hours.
Essentially, the AI absorbed humanity’s entire history of chess in one-sixth of a day — and then figured out how to beat anyone or anything.
After being programmed with the rules of the game (not the strategy) AlphaZero played 100 games against Stockfish, the world champion chess program. AlphaZero won 25 playing as white (which has first-mover advantage) and three games playing as black. The last 72 games were a draw with AlphaZero recording no losses and Stockfish recording no wins.
A few months after demonstrating its dominance over the game of Go, DeepMind’s AlphaZero AI has trounced the world’s top-ranked chess engine—and it did so without any prior knowledge of the game and after just four hours of self-training.
AlphaZero is now the most dominant chess playing entity on the planet. In a one-on-one tournament against Stockfish 8, the reigning computer chess champion, the DeepMind-built system didn’t lose a single game, winning or drawing all of the 100 matches played.