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Regeneron rose as much as 2.4% in the stock market today, touching a record high of 655.93. Shares seesawed in a small range Thursday before ending the day up a small fraction, at 640.63. The peak price topped Regeneron stock’s previous high of 653.53, touched on Tuesday. Regeneron is part of the IBD Biomed/Biotech group, which ranks No. 14 out of 197 industry groups tracked. The group is just off its all-time high, which it hit on June 23.

Regeneron Pharmaceuticals (REGN) jumped to an all-time high Thursday, its second of the week, as analysts remain bullish on Regeneron stock due to its coronavirus treatment and other businesses.

According to a Paris-based photographer, Olivier Grunewald, it is when the sulphuric gases come out of the vents or cracks in the volcano and get in contact with the oxygen-rich atmospheric air that the light is produced. This is the reason behind the blue flame which flows down the slope as burning hot liquid sulphur, after the sulphur gases condense, giving the illusion of lava flowing after a volcanic eruption.

Since Grunewald has been documenting the rare phenomenon for over several years, he reportedly suggests sighting the blue lava during the night or after sunset. German videographer and volcano explorer Marc Szeglat filmed the sight of the eerie blue flames at night which is breathtaking enough to enter the bucket list of travel enthusiasts and photographers whenever the COVID-19 lockdown lifts.

Check out the video here:

Cardiff University scientists have devised a new way of making reactions up to 70 times faster by using state-of-the-art equipment to spin chemicals around.

They found that efficient mixing within a chemical reaction could be achieved by spinning chemicals and catalysts around in a small tube, causing the reactions to happen much quicker.

The new findings could have a profound influence on the way that chemicals are made in a wide variety of industries, from drug development to agriculture and fragrances.

Liquid metal machine can also be made as tiny motors. In fact, the micro- or even nanomotors that could run in a liquid environment is very important for a variety of practices such as serving as pipeline robot, soft machine, drug delivery, microfluidics system, etc. However, fabrication of such tiny motors is generally rather time and cost consumptive and has been a tough issue due to the involvement of too many complicated procedures and tools. This lab had discovered a straightforward injectable way for spontaneously generating autonomously running soft motors in large quantity Yao et al (Injectable spontaneous generation of tremendous self-fuelled liquid metal droplet motors in a moment, 2015 [ ]). It was demonstrated that injecting the GaIn alloy pre-fuelled with aluminum into electrolyte would automatically split in seconds into tremendous droplet motors swiftly running here and there. The driving force originated from the galvanic cell reaction among alloy, aluminum, and surrounding electrolyte, which offers interior electricity and hydrogen gas as motion power. This finding opens the possibility to develop injectable tiny-robots, droplet machines, or microfluidic elements. It also raised important scientific issues regarding characterizing the complicated fluid mechanics stimulated by the quick running of the soft metal droplet and the gases it generated during the traveling. Our lab Yuan et al (Sci Bull 60:1203–1210, 2014 [ ]) made further efforts to disclose that the self-powered liquid metal motors takes interiorly driven macroscopic Brownian motion behavior. Such tiny motors in millimeter-scale move randomly at a velocity magnitude of centimeters per second in aqueous alkaline solution, well resembling the classical Brownian motion. However, unlike the existing phenomena where the particle motions were caused by collisions from the surrounding molecules, the random liquid metal motions are internally enabled and self-powered, along with the colliding among neighboring motors, the substrate, and the surrounding electrolyte molecules. This chapter illustrates the typical behaviors of the self-powered tiny liquid metal motors.

As Fifi the llama munches on grass on a pasture in Reading, her immune system has provided the template for a coronavirus treatment breakthrough.

Scientists from the UK’s Rosalind Franklin Institute have used Fifi’s specially evolved antibodies to make an immune-boosting therapy.

The resulting llama-based, Covid-specific “antibody cocktail” could enter clinical trials within months.

One day, people could monitor their own health conditions by simply picking up a pencil and drawing a bioelectronic device on their skin. In a new study, University of Missouri engineers demonstrated that the simple combination of pencils and paper could be used to create devices that might be used to monitor personal health.

Their findings are published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Zheng Yan, an assistant professor in the College of Engineering, said many existing commercial on-skin often contain two major components—a biomedical tracking component and a surrounding flexible material, such as plastic, to provide a supportive structure for the component to maintain an on-skin connection with a person’s body.

As cells develop, changes in how our genes interact determines their fate. Differences in these genetic interactions can make our cells robust to infection from viruses or make it possible for our immune cells to kill cancerous ones.

Understanding how these gene associations work across the development of human tissue and organs is important for the creation of medical treatments for complex diseases as broad as cancer, developmental disorders, or .

A new technology called single-cell RNA-sequencing has made it possible to study the behavior of genes in human and mammal at an unprecedented resolution and promises to accelerate scientific and medical discoveries.

I think so.

Will augs like in the video game Deus Ex ever be possible? Why or why not? If one day they are, what are the implications? We have a long way to go, and the more we try to control our system, the less we will have available to us in the future.

DARPA Research (mind controlled, robotic, prosthetic arm) ►

The findings support many vaccine strategies being used to tackle the new coronavirus.

A team led by scientists at Scripps Research has discovered a common molecular feature found in many of the human antibodies that neutralize SARS-CoV-2, the coronavirus that causes COVID-19.

The scientists, whose study appears today (July 13, 2020) in Science, reviewed data on nearly 300 anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibodies that their labs and others have found in convalescent COVID-19 patients over the past few months. They noted that a subset of these antibodies is particularly powerful at neutralizing the virus — and these potent antibodies are all encoded, in part, by the same antibody gene, IGHV3-53.

These non-random epigenetic changes imply that evolution has a “mind.” Creatures appear to have complex mechanisms to make epigenetic changes that allow them to adapt to future environmental challenges. But where did this forward-thinking design come from? Evolution is mindless; it cannot see the future. So how could it evolve mechanisms to prepare for the future?

But God does! God is omniscient (all-knowing), and He foreknew Adam and Eve would sin. He would judge that sin (Gen. 3) and the world would be cursed (Rom. 8:22). God knew that organisms would need the ability to adapt in a world that was no longer “very good.” God likely designed organisms with epigenetic mechanisms to allow them to change easily and quickly in relation to their environment. These types of changes are much more valuable than random mutation and natural selection because they can produce immediate benefits for offspring without harming the basic information in the actual sequence of DNA.

Although we often hear that “nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution,” it should be said that “nothing in biology makes sense without the Creator God.” Epi genetics is an exciting field of science that displays the intelligence and providence of God to help organisms adapt and survive in a fallen world.