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The US government has launched a new supercomputer in Livermore, California.

The Department of Defense (DoD) and National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) this month inaugurated a new supercomputing system dedicated to biological defense at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL).

Specs not shared, but same architecture as upcoming El Capitan system.

Living organisms constantly navigate dynamic and noisy environments, where they must efficiently sense, interpret, and respond to a wide range of signals. The ability to accurately process information is vital for both executing interspecies survival strategies and for maintaining stable cellular functions, which operate across multiple temporal and spatial scales [1] (Fig. 1). However, these systems often have access to only limited information. They interact with their surroundings through a subset of observable variables, such as chemical gradients or spatial positions, all while operating within constrained energy budgets. In this context, Giorgio Nicoletti of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL) and Daniel Maria Busiello of the Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems in Germany applied information theory and stochastic thermodynamics to provide a unified framework addressing this topic [2]. Their work has unraveled potential fundamental principles behind transduction mechanisms that extract information from a noisy environment.

Bacteria, cells, swarms, and other organisms have been observed acquiring information about the environment at extraordinarily high precision. Bacteria can read surrounding chemical gradients to reach regions of high nutrients consistently [3], and cells form patterns during development repetitively and stably by receiving information on the distribution and concentration of external substances, called morphogens [4]. In doing so, they must interact with a noisy environment where the information available is scrambled and needs to be retrieved without corrupting the relevant signal [5]. All this comes at a cost.

The idea that precision is not free is an old one in the field of stochastic thermodynamics, and the cost usually comes in the form of energy dissipation [6]. This trade-off is even more relevant for biological systems that have limited access to energy sources. Living systems are pushed to find optimal strategies to achieve maximum precision while minimizing energy consumption. Consequently, a complete quantitative description of how these strategies are implemented requires the simultaneous application of information theory and stochastic—that is, noisy—thermodynamics.

We tackle the hard problem of consciousness taking the naturally-selected, self-organising, embodied organism as our starting point. We provide a mathematical formalism describing how biological systems self-organise to hierarchically interpret unlabelled sensory information according to valence and specific needs. Such interpretations imply behavioural policies which can only be differentiated from each other by the qualitative aspect of information processing. Selection pressures favour systems that can intervene in the world to achieve homeostatic and reproductive goals. Quality is a property arising in such systems to link cause to affect to motivate real world interventions. This produces a range of qualitative classifiers (interoceptive and exteroceptive) that motivate specific actions and determine priorities and preferences.

Traditional , which trap and manipulate particles using light, usually require bulky microscope setups, but chip-based optical tweezers could offer a more compact, mass manufacturable, broadly accessible, and high-throughput solution for in biological experiments.

However, other similar integrated optical tweezers can only capture and manipulate cells that are very close to or directly on the chip surface. This contaminates the chip and can stress the cells, limiting compatibility with standard biological experiments.

Using a system called an integrated optical phased array, the MIT researchers have developed a new modality for integrated optical tweezers that enables trapping and tweezing of cells more than a hundred times further away from the chip surface.

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Put simply, the brain is not too warm or wet for consciousness to exist as a wave that connects with the universe.

For decades, Penrose has been working with anesthesiologist Stuart Hameroff on a theory of consciousness called Orchestrated Objective Reduction (Orch OR). Penrose primarily handles the physics of Orch OR, whereas Hameroff handles the biology. Their theory addressed serious gaps in established scientific frameworks spanning physics, neuroscience and psychology. All, some or none of the hypotheses in this theory might prove out experimentally. See the paper below as a step towards proof.

Researchers have developed a new type of bifocal lens that offers a simple way to achieve two foci (or spots) with intensities that can be adjusted by applying external voltage. The lenses, which use two layers of liquid crystal structures, could be useful for various applications such as optical interconnections, biological imaging, augmented/virtual reality devices and optical computing.

Does nature have to do everything itself?

An international cohort of marine scientists discovered an ocean-borne fungus chomping through plastic trash suspended in the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, as detailed in a new study published in the journal Science of the Total Environment.

Dubbed Parengyodontium album, the fungus was discovered among the thin layers of other microbes that live in and around the floating plastic pile in the North Pacific.

The Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS), the world’s most powerful X-ray laser located at the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory in the US, is set for a major upgrade that will increase its X-ray energy 3,000-fold, a press release shared with Interesting Engineering said.

When complete, the upgrade will let scientists explore atomic-scale processes in their search for answers in biology, materials science, quantum physics, and much more.