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There’s No Turning Back

Not long ago, solving the crystal structure of a protein required an entire PhD.

Growing crystals, collecting X-ray diffraction data, and interpreting electron density maps often took years of optimization and expensive instruments. Even then, solving all protein structures was a challenge, further compounding the “protein folding problem” in biology.

Mosasaurs are extinct marine reptiles that dominated Earth’s oceans during the Late Cretaceous period.

Mosasaurs, extinct marine reptiles that dominated Earth’s oceans during the Late Cretaceous period, have fascinated scientists since their discovery in 1766 near Maastricht, Netherlands. These formidable lizards are iconic examples of macroevolution, showcasing the emergence of entirely new animal groups.

Michael Polcyn, a paleontologist from Utrecht University, has presented the most comprehensive study yet on their early evolution, ecology, and feeding biology. His findings, aided by advanced imaging technologies, provide fresh insights into the origins, relationships, and behaviors of these ancient giants.

The reliable control of traveling waves emerging from the coupling of oscillations and diffusion in physical, chemical and biological systems is a long-standing challenge within the physics community. Effective approaches to control these waves help to improve the present understanding of reaction-diffusion systems and their underlying dynamics.

Researchers at Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB) and Université de Rennes recently demonstrated a promising approach to control chemical waves in a type of known as hyperbolic flow. Their experimental methods, outlined in Physical Review Letters recently, entail the control of chemical waves via the stretching and compression of fluids.

“At a summer school in Corsica, discussions between the Brussels and Rennes team triggered the curiosity to see how chemical waves studied at ULB in Brussels would behave in hyperbolic flows analyzed in Rennes,” Anne De Wit, senior author of the paper, told “The primary objective was to see how a non-trivial flow would influence the dynamics of waves.”

A new study in Physical Review Letters demonstrates the levitation of a microparticle using nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), having potential implications from biology to quantum computing.

NMR is a spectroscopic technique commonly used to analyze various materials based on how the respond to external magnetic fields. This provides information about the internal structure, dynamics, and environment of the material.

One of the main challenges with NMR is using it on small objects to control the quantum properties of levitating microparticles.

Blog post with audio player, show notes, and transcript:…the-brain/

The number of neurons in the human brain is comparable to the number of stars in the Milky Way galaxy. Unlike the stars, however, in the case of neurons the real action is in how they are directly connected to each other: receiving signals over synapses via their dendrites, and when appropriately triggered, sending signals down the axon to other neurons (glossing over some complications). So a major step in understanding the brain is to map its wiring diagram, or connectome: the complete map of those connections. For a human brain that’s an intimidatingly complex challenge, but important advances have been made on tinier brains. We talk with Jeff Lichtman, a leader in brain mapping, to gauge the current state of progress and what it implies.

Jeff Lichtman received an MD/PhD from Washington University in St. Louis. He is currently the Jeremy R. Knowles Professor of Molecular and Cellular Biology and Santiago Ramón y Cajal Professor of Arts and Sciences at Harvard University. He is co-inventor of the Brainbow system for imaging neurons. He is a member of the National Academy of Sciences.

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These findings dispute the former theory, suggesting the organic materials come from within the dwarf planet or are “endogenous.”

“The significance of this discovery lies in the fact that, if these are endogenous materials, it would confirm the existence of internal energy sources that could support biological processes,” team leader and Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía researcher Juan Luis Rizos said in a statement.

To investigate the organic compounds found on Ceres, the team used a new approach that examined the dwarf planet’s surface and the distribution of organic matter at the highest possible resolution.

Real life modern Frankenstein.

World-leading scientists have called for a halt on research to create “mirror life” microbes amid concerns that the synthetic organisms would present an “unprecedented risk” to life on Earth.

The international group of Nobel laureates and other experts warn that mirror bacteria, constructed from mirror images of molecules found in nature, could become established in the environment and slip past the immune defences of natural organisms, putting humans, animals and plants at risk of lethal infections.

NASA’s Synthetic Biology Project is collaborating with the GrabCAD community to create innovative 3D-printable bioreactor designs. These bioreactors aim to reduce the mass and volume of supplies needed for extended space missions by enabling in-situ production of essential nutrients through reusable or recyclable solutions.

The project focuses on enhancing BioNutrient Production Packs, which use bio-engineered microorganisms to generate critical nutrients like beta carotene. Crews activate these microorganisms by adding water and growth media to dormant cultures. The existing bioreactors include early polycarbonate Gen-0 models and lightweight Gen-1 soft packs. Both designs allow gas exchange to prevent over-pressurization while ensuring safe nutrient production.

NASA seeks to address key challenges for long-duration missions, including designing bioreactors that are either reusable or recyclable and can be manufactured aboard spacecraft. The bioreactor must safely handle liquid cultures, support gas exchange, and be compatible with additive manufacturing technologies. Reusability designs must consider sterilization challenges, while recyclable designs should use materials that can be reprocessed into new bioreactors.