Lawrence Livermore electronics technologists Dale Kurita, at microscope, and Julian Larregui examine manufacturing circuits for 3D printing. Photo by Julie Russell/LLNL (Download Image)
Category: 3D printing – Page 125
It’s 7.5 times lighter than air, and a cubic metre of the stuff weighs just 160 grams. It’s 12 percent lighter than the second lightest material in the world – aerographite – and you can balance a few cubic centimetres of the stuff on a dandelion head. Water is about 1,000 times as dense.
Yep, graphene aerogel is about as cool as it gets. And while silica aerogel (pictured above) is the most commonly used and studied type of aerogel, as of 2013, graphene aerogel has held the record of being the lightest material on Earth. And producing it is about to get a whole lot easier because scientists have just figured out how to 3D print it.
March 16th, 2016 Editors Nanomedicine
Biologically powered robots may one day be used to perform surgical procedures, deliver drugs, and maybe to even make humanoid overlords for us mortals. A big step toward that was taken by researchers at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign who used light-activated muscle cells as the power source to make tiny bio-bots.
The optogenetic technique published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences relies on genetically engineered mouse muscle cells that were made to contract in response to blue light. Rings of these cells were placed around a 3D printed flexible rods of different lengths between two and seven millimeters. When light was illuminated over the mechanism, the biobots contracted and walked in a certain direction. Various lengths and configurations were tried to achieve the best walking results. Moreover, the researchers were able to change the direction of the walking bio-bot.
Children’s 3D printer
Posted in 3D printing
3D-Printed Drugs Coming Soon
Posted in 3D printing, biotech/medical, health
Frankly, in the US this makes me really nervous. Placing drug making 3D printers in your local pharmacies. I hope that the manufacturer has a mechanism setup to cause the machine not to work if it is stolen by the local drug gangs.
The brave new world of 3D-printed drugs in the healthcare industry is heating up.
These #3Dprinted sphere-shaped tires could be the future of automobiles thanks to Goodyear.
A 3D-printed layered structure that incorporates neural cells to mimic the structure of brain tissue has been created by researchers at the ARC Centre of Excellence for Electromaterials Science (ACES) in Australia, and it could have major consequences in studying and treating conditions such as schizophrenia and Alzheimer’s. The three-dimensional structure will allow scientists to better understand the complex nature of the brain and its 86 billion nerve cells. We look at the benefits and risks of this scientific breakthrough on the Lip News with Jose Marcelino Ortiz and Jo Ankier.…ing-brains
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At the end of last year, Davide Sher predicted that 2016 would see metal 3D printing move from a technology capable of producing small batches to a fully-automated method for serial manufacturing. Davide cited a number of machines in development that herald the age of serial metal 3D printing, but he may have left one system out: the Hyproline platform.
The Hyproline is the result of an EU additive manufacturing initiative began in 2012 to create a high-performance production line for small series metal parts. After several years, the group of industry partners involved, including researcher organization TNO and Swedish metal printer manufacturer Höganäs, have finalized the Hyproline system. The machine uses a similar platform as TNO’s PrintValley, which involves a conveyor belt mechanism to pass multiple build plates beneath a print head. The result is an automated assembly line that can produce a variety of custom parts at high speed.