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Well that’s good news.

I see several parts to the problem where many people believe the doomer overpopulation myths.

The fear story resonates with deep caveman fears of starvation. Any individual person can experience hunger. This reinforces and validates the fear of potential starvation.

The small scale and valid fears and issues for individuals and small groups do not match up to real global risk. There are counter-intuitive aspects.

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The topic for the December Journal Club will be the recently published paper – Fisetin is a senotherapeutic that extends health and lifespan. This commonly available supplement and a plant-based polyphenol appears to influence the aging process in mice by clearing senescent cells, one of the suggested reasons we age.

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2018 was a huge success! We launched a mission to “touch” the Sun, stuck another nearly flawless #MarsLanding, marked our #NASA60th anniversary of opening our doors for business, welcomed NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine and began #Apollo50 celebrations! That’s just some of what happened This Year @ NASA — there’s even more at