First, there came self-checkout.
Now, it’s self-driving cars to make the delivery.
Two Kroger markets in Houston are rolling out a self-driving car program, in which orders can be placed online and delivered right to your home without a driver.
First, there came self-checkout.
Now, it’s self-driving cars to make the delivery.
Two Kroger markets in Houston are rolling out a self-driving car program, in which orders can be placed online and delivered right to your home without a driver.
Posted in sustainability, transportation
Goodyear has unveiled a new concept tire that would work as both a propeller for a flying car, and a regular tire
A team of international astronomers have been hunting for ancient, supermassive black holes — and they’ve hit the motherlode.
Lurking in the distant corners of space are 83 monster black holes that can teach us about the early days of the cosmos.
Jackson Ryan
Posted in futurism
Democratic presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke has revealed he was a member of a notorious decades-old hacking group.
The former congressman was a member of the Texas-based hacker group, the Cult of the Dead Cow, known for inspiring early hacktivism in the internet age and building exploits and hacks for Microsoft Windows. The group used the internet as a platform in the 1990s to protest real-world events, often to promote human rights and denouncing censorship. Among its many releases, the Cult of the Dead Cow was best known for its Back Orifice program, a remote access and administration tool.
O’Rourke went by the handle “Psychedelic Warlord,” as revealed by Reuters, which broke the story.