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Jun 23, 2018

A Neuroscientist Says Video Games Positively Affect the Brain in Two Ways

Posted by in categories: entertainment, neuroscience

Ever watch ‘Your Brain on Blank’? Ever have a question about the brain? Then you’re in the right place. Join us as neuroscience Ph.D. candidate Shannon Odell takes a few minutes to answer some of the write-in questions from our viewers about how different stimuli affect your brain.

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Jun 23, 2018

Moths Can Use the Earth’s Magnetic Field to Navigate

Posted by in category: futurism

These plain brown moths can complete long distance migrations by moonlight, using the magnetic field like a compass.

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Jun 23, 2018

World’s tiniest ‘computer’ makes a grain of rice seem massive

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, computing

You didn’t think scientists would let IBM’s “world’s smallest computer” boast go unchallenged, did you? Sure enough, University of Michigan has produced a temperature sensing ‘computer’ measuring 0.04 cubic millimeters, or about a tenth the size of IBM’s former record-setter. It’s so small that one grain of rice seems gigantic in comparison — and it’s so sensitive that its transmission LED could instigate currents in its circuits.

The size limitations forced researchers to get creative to reduce the effect of light. They switched from diodes to switched capacitors, and had to fight the relative increase in electrical noise that comes from running on a device that uses so little power.

The result is a sensor that can measure changes in extremely small regions, like a group of cells in your body. Scientists have suspected that tumors are slightly hotter than healthy tissue, but it’s been difficult to verify this until now. The minuscule device could both check this claim and, if it proves true, gauge the effectiveness of cancer treatments. The team also envisions this helping to diagnose glaucoma from inside the eye, monitor biochemical processes and even study tiny snails.

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Jun 23, 2018

This Engineer Is Building an Armada of Saildrones That Could Remake Weather Forecasting

Posted by in category: robotics/AI

Engineer and adventurer Richard Jenkins has made oceangoing robots that could revolutionize fishing, drilling, and environmental science. His aim: a thousand of them.

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Jun 23, 2018

This floating robotic factory will build satellites and spaceships in orbit

Posted by in categories: 3D printing, robotics/AI, satellites

The Archinaut, a system made of 3D printers and robotic arms, could be the flying factory humans need to colonize space.

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Jun 23, 2018

Amazing Facts

Posted by in category: space

Collection of many amazing and stunning facts which you have never ever heard before!! A better place for Space, NASA, & astronomy facts.

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Jun 23, 2018

How Artificial Intelligence Could Help Us Live Longer

Posted by in category: robotics/AI

Insilico and its researchers are the first in the world to use GANs to generate molecules.

“The GAN technique is essentially an adversarial game between two deep neural networks,” as Alex explains.

While one generates meaningful noise in response to input, the other evaluates the generator’s output. Both networks thereby learn to generate increasingly perfect output.

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Jun 23, 2018

How machine intelligence is remaking the American economy

Posted by in categories: economics, robotics/AI

American companies like Amazon and Netflix are already using artificial intelligence, says data scientist Michael Li, and ones that will not adapt will be left behind. What we need is to expand the discussion and possible regulation of this new technology that is transforming our lives.

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Jun 23, 2018

The Mystics Seeking Eternal Life Through Liquid Nitrogen

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, life extension, transhumanism

KrioRus charges $36,000 to cryonize a corpse, or half that for just the head. The process is fairly straightforward: First, cryonicists drain the blood of the “patient,” and pump in a solution resembling antifreeze. The body goes into a cooling chamber beneath KrioRus’s 2,000-square-foot hangar in Sergiyev Posad, a suburb north of Moscow, for roughly a week. Then it’s immersed, head first, in a double-walled dewar of liquid nitrogen, where it hangs indefinitely until scientists figure out how to revive it. In this way, KrioRus has cryopreserved 61 people and 31 pets, including a cat, a goldfinch, and a chinchilla. At least 487 others have signed up.

“Maybe in five, 30, or 300 years, there will be a way to wake her again,” Riabinina says.

Riabinina’s story is among several that Italian photographer Giuseppe Nucci documents in -196: The Pioneers of Resurrection. His ethereal, atmospheric images respectfully capture the quest for immortality in Russia, home to a visionary gaggle of cosmists, cryonicists, and transhumanists who believe in a deathless future. They preach resurrection, wear high-tech cyber-suits, and deep-freeze the corpses of loved ones they hope to meet again.

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Jun 23, 2018

Scientists develop fusion rocket technology in lab – and aim for Mars

Posted by in category: space

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