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Researchers say cooling 13,000 years ago is coincident with major volcanic eruption.

Texas researchers from the University of Houston, Baylor University and Texas A&M University have discovered evidence for why the earth cooled dramatically 13,000 years ago, dropping temperatures by about 3 degrees Centigrade.

The evidence is buried in a Central Texas cave, where horizons of sediment have preserved unique geochemical signatures from ancient volcanic eruptions — signatures previously mistaken for extraterrestrial impacts, researchers say.

ESA’s 2020 Φ-week event kicked off this morning with a series of stimulating speeches on Digital Twin Earth, updates on Φ-sat-1, which was successfully launched into orbit earlier this month, and an exciting new initiative involving quantum computing. Digital Twin Earth The third edition of the…

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As Starship SN8 waited to be lifted onto the mount at Pad A, the forward section of SN9 was stacked (off camera). New weather stations were installed, work on and around the launch site continued, and some scrap rolls of stainless steel were moved.

Video and Pictures from Mary (@BocaChicaGal). Edited by Theo Ripper (@TheoRipper).

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Berlin, 27 September 2020. – A New York bankruptcy judge has sent OneWeb’s Chapter 11 plan for creditor vote and approved OneWeb’s financing plan, Law360 reported.

“A New York bankruptcy judge on Wednesday sent OneWeb Global’s $181 million equity-swap Chapter 11 plan to a creditor vote while approving $235 million in new financing that the satellite internet startup said will go toward restarting its launch program,” Law 360 reported.

According to the report, OneWeb’s counsel told U.S. Bankruptcy Judge Robert Drain that it had secured full creditor consent for the plan.