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Support my work on Patreon: | Get the soundtrack: | How’s it all gonna end? This experience takes us on a journey to the end of time, trillions of years into the future, to discover what the fate of our planet and our universe may ultimately be.

We start in 2019 and travel exponentially through time, witnessing the future of Earth, the death of the sun, the end of all stars, proton decay, zombie galaxies, possible future civilizations, exploding black holes, the effects of dark energy, alternate universes, the final fate of the cosmos — to name a few.

This is a picture of the future as painted by modern science — a picture that will surely evolve over time as we dig for more clues to how our story will unfold. Much of the science is very recent — and new puzzle pieces are still waiting to be found.

To me, this overhead view of time gives a profound perspective — that we are living inside the hot flash of the Big Bang, the perfect moment to soak in the sights and sounds of a universe in its glory days, before it all fades away. Although the end will eventually come, we have a practical infinity of time to play with if we play our cards right. The future may look bleak, but we have enormous potential as a species.

Cellular Aquaculture — Feed The World and Save the Oceans — Lou Cooperhouse, President & CEO, of BlueNalu, joins me on ideaXme ( to discuss his company’s technologies to provide the world with healthy and safe cell-based seafood products, and support the sustainability and diversity of our oceans — #Ideaxme #StemCells #Aquaculture #Oceans #Fish #Sushi #Poke #Ceviche #SustainableDevelopment #Agriculture #Health #Wellness #RegenerativeMedicine #Biotech #Longevity #Aging #IraPastor #Bioquark #Regenerage ideaXme BlueNalu Rutgers University Rich Products Sumitomo Chemical: Group Companies of the Americas KBW Investments.

Ira Pastor, ideaXme life sciences ambassador and founder of Bioquark, interviews Lou Cooperhouse, President and CEO of BlueNalu.

Ira Pastor comments:

Amanda Christensen, ideaXme guest contributor, fake news and deepfake researcher and Marketing Manager at Cubaka, interviews Dan Mapes, PhD, MBA co-founder of and co-author of The Spatial Web: How Web 3.0 Will Connect Humans, Machines, and AI to Transform the World.

Amanda Christensen Comments:

We’ve come a long way since the invention of the internet, and even further since the invention of the first computer, which together have undeniably significantly facilitated everyday life. We have never had access to more information at the touch of our fingers, or been more connected than we are now.

However, the exponential advancement of the internet has brought along with it a whole host of problems, such as the rampant spread of fake news, deep fake technology, significant data breaches, and hacking, to name a few.

Deploying “AI for Good” In The Life Sciences — Tom Lawry, National Director for Artificial Intelligence, Health & Life Sciences, Microsoft, joins me on ideaXme to discuss how they are deploying artificial intelligence “at scale”, across the major organizations responsible for delivery quality, next generation healthcare to millions of patients and customers — #Ideaxme #Microsoft #ArtificialIntelligence #MachineLearning #DeepLearning #Health #Healthcare #Wellness #Medicine #Pharmacy #Hospitals #Nursing #Insurance #Diagnostics #Data #Moonshots #Biotechnology #Longevity #LifeExtension #Aging #IraPastor #Bioquark #Regenerage

Ira Pastor, ideaXme life sciences ambassador, interviews Tom Lawry, National Director for Artificial Intelligence — Health & Life Sciences at Microsoft.

Ira Pastor Comments:

Worldwide, 800,000 people die annually due to suicide (1 every 40 seconds) — There are more than twice as many suicides as homicides — Suicide is now the 10th leading cause of death in the US, and the 2nd leading cause of death among individuals between ages of 10 and 34 — Dr. Christine Moutier, M.D., Chief Medical Officer, American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, joins me on ideaXme to discuss her organization’s work in suicide prevention science and impacting these disturbing trends — #Ideaxme #Suicide #Depression #MentalHealth #Psychiatry #Anxiety #Stress #Trauma #Coronavirus #Burnout #WellBeing #Resilience #Health #Wellness #Longevity #Aging #IraPastor #Bioquark #Regenerage National Institute of Mental Health National Academy of Medicine.

Ira Pastor, ideaXme life sciences ambassador and founder of Bioquark, interviews Dr. Christine Moutier, MD, Chief Medical Officer, at the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP).

Ira Pastor comments:

Actually, the predominant language of the website is English, but even me being bilingual, I felt more comfortable delivering the narrative in my native language.

In the video, I give a thorough overview of the content and organization of my website It has a huge amount of information, growing constantly, on the transhumanist movement, emerging technologies in general, and very specially, on the longevity, rejuvenation and life extension field.

The idea is to provide a 20 minute guide to visitors, so you can have a good understanding and take the most out of it when surfing the web.

If you enjoy the video or are interested in these matters, I invite you to contact me through any of the following social media channels: