TOC 00:00:00 Intro 00:03:38 Reasoning 00:13:09 Potential AI Breakthroughs Reducing Computation Needs 00:20:39 Memorization vs. Generalization in AI 00:25:19 Approach to the ARC Challenge 00:29:10 Perceptions of Chat GPT and AGI 00:58:45 Abstract Principles of Jurgen’s Approach 01:04:17 Analogical…
Jürgen Schmidhuber, the father of generative AI shares his groundbreaking work in deep learning and artificial intelligence. In this exclusive interview, he discusses the history of AI, some of his contributions to the field, and his vision for the future of intelligent machines. Schmidhuber offers unique insights into the exponential growth of technology and the potential impact of AI on humanity and the universe.
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