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Mar 17, 2024

Wikipedia No Longer Considers CNET a “Generally Reliable” Source After AI Scandal

Posted by in category: robotics/AI

Conversations between Wikipedia editors following CNET’s AI scandal reflect the reputational hazards of AI content and dubious ownership.

Mar 17, 2024

Extreme treatment for alcoholism slashes drinking by 90% in monkeys

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, chemistry, neuroscience

According to the CDC, more than 140,000 Americans are dying each year from alcohol-related causes, and the rate of deaths has been rising for years, especially during the pandemic.

The idea: For occasional drinkers, alcohol causes the brain to release more dopamine, a chemical that makes you feel good. Chronic alcohol use, however, causes the brain to produce, and process, less dopamine, and this persistent dopamine deficit has been linked to alcohol relapse.

There is currently no way to reverse the changes in the brain brought about by AUD, but a team of US researchers suspected that an in-development gene therapy for Parkinson’s disease might work as a dopamine-replenishing treatment for alcoholism, too.

Mar 17, 2024

Love Languages Are Fake, Scientists Say

Posted by in category: futurism

The concept of “love languages” has had a vice grip on pop psychology for decades — and now, some scientists are calling bull.

Mar 17, 2024

Coal Plants Staying Online Because AI Needs So Much Power

Posted by in category: robotics/AI

These data centers are even more power hungry than traditional ones, and as every tech company pivots to AI, the energy demand steepens.

Mar 16, 2024

Earth’s Oldest Fossilized Forest Has Been Hiding Its Bizarre Trees For 390 Million Years

Posted by in category: futurism

The highest sea cliffs in England have been hiding the oldest fossilized forest yet found on planet Earth. The long-lost ecosystem’s palm-like trees, called Calamophytons, are 390 million years old.

That’s roughly three or four million years older than the previous record holder, found across the Atlantic in New York State.

In southwest England, the red sandstone rock face where scientists found the imprints of logs, roots, and twigs was once considered “barren of trace fossils”

Mar 16, 2024


Posted by in category: space

“Semiparametric Token-Sequence Co-Supervision”

We introduce semiparametric token-sequence co-supervision, which trains LM by simultaneously leveraging supervision from a parametric token and a nonparametric sequence embedding space.

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Mar 16, 2024

Fantastic Jet Set Radio Animated Cover That Can Fool Your Eye

Posted by in category: futurism

Real After Effects magic.

Mar 16, 2024

GALILEO: Scientists propose a new method to search for light dark matter

Posted by in category: cosmology

New research in Physical Review Letters (PRL) has proposed a novel method to detect light dark matter candidates using laser interferometry to measure the oscillatory electric fields generated by these candidates.

Mar 16, 2024

Study reveals ancient ice may still exist in distant space objects

Posted by in category: space

A paper recently published in Icarus presents findings about the Kuiper Belt Object 486,958 Arrokoth, shedding new light on the preservation of volatile substances like carbon monoxide (CO) in such distant celestial bodies.

Mar 16, 2024

Abnormal brain structure identified in children with developmental language problems

Posted by in category: neuroscience

A rigorous analysis of numerous studies concludes that a part of the brain traditionally associated with movement is abnormal in children with developmental language impairments, according to Georgetown University Medical Center neuroscientists. The discovery has the potential to improve both the diagnosis and treatment of the language difficulties.

The researchers investigated in developmental language disorder. This condition, which impacts the development of various aspects of language, is about as common as attention-deficit/ (ADHD) and dyslexia, and more prevalent than autism. The scientists found that abnormalities occurred specifically in the anterior neostriatum within the basal ganglia, a structure found deep in the brain.

They describe their findings in Nature Human Behaviour on March 15.

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