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Artificial kidneys, powerful batteries and efficient water purification are some of the future applications of a group of ultrathin materials known as MXenes. This opinion is expressed in an article in the journal Science, whose authors include one from Linköping University.

Materials that have a cross-section as thin as one or a few layers of atoms possess unusual properties due to their thickness. These properties may be , or an ability to withstand heat, giving a great potential for use in future technology. The most well-known material is graphene, and the hunt for other ultrathin materials, also known as two-dimensional materials, has increased in intensity since its discovery.

Graphene and many other two-dimensional materials are either semiconductors, semimetals or polarized insulators. The lack of an ultrathin metal conductor is an obstacle in the development of components based exclusively on two-dimensional materials.

The results open possibilities for studying gravity’s effects on relatively large objects in quantum states.

To the human eye, most stationary objects appear to be just that — still, and completely at rest. Yet if we were handed a quantum lens, allowing us to see objects at the scale of individual atoms, what was an apple sitting idly on our desk would appear as a teeming collection of vibrating particles, very much in motion.

In the last few decades, physicists have found ways to super-cool objects so that their atoms are at a near standstill, or in their “motional ground state.” To date, physicists have wrestled small objects such as clouds of millions of atoms, or nanogram-scale objects, into such pure quantum states.

The most accurate distance measurement yet of ultra-diffuse galaxy (UDG) NGC1052-DF2 (DF2) confirms beyond any shadow of a doubt that it is lacking in dark matter. The newly measured distance of 22.1 +/-1.2 megaparsecs was obtained by an international team of researchers led by Zili Shen and Pieter van Dokkum of Yale University and Shany Danieli, a NASA Hubble Fellow at the Institute for Advanced Study.

“Determining an accurate distance to DF2 has been key in supporting our earlier results,” stated Danieli. “The new measurement reported in this study has crucial implications for estimating the physical properties of the galaxy, thus confirming its lack of dark matter.”

The results, published in Astrophysical Journal Letters on June 9, 2021, are based on 40 orbits of NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope, with imaging by the Advanced Camera for Surveys and a “tip of the red giant branch” (TRGB) analysis, the gold standard for such refined measurements. In 2019, the team published results measuring the distance to neighboring UDG NGC1052-DF4 (DF4) based on 12 Hubble orbits and TRGB analysis, which provided compelling evidence of missing dark matter. This preferred method expands on the team’s 2018 studies that relied on “surface brightness fluctuations” to gauge distance. Both galaxies were discovered with the Dragonfly Telephoto Array at the New Mexico Skies observatory.

Mesenchymal stem cells derived from adipose tissue appear to reverse some effects of aging in nearby somatic cells.

A new study published in the FASEB Journal shows how mesenchymal stem cells derived from adipose tissue (ADSCs) reverse some effects of aging in nearby cells.

It’s not the cells themselves, it’s what they secrete

The original and ongoing main purpose of stem cell therapies is to directly combat stem cell exhaustion: to replenish the body’s regenerative capability by introducing fresh stem cells, which divide into somatic cells in order to repair tissues and organs.

The 2021 Space Renaissance Congress is going to kick-off today, June 26th, at 13:45 UTC!

5 days of intense discussion on the best strategy to bootstrap the Civilian Space Development before 2025.

* 2021 is seeing the development of the first fully reusable orbital vehicle.

* this milestone will make the space settlement possible, provided that the right decisions will be taken, during next years.

Exercise and supplements are both great, but if you are constantly feeding your system with home made stimulants that your body produces, you may be fighting an uphill battle. I experienced just that recently, I seemed to be forever on one social media platform or another constantly, under the excuse of promoting my videos, and it really took its toll. So, I just had a few weeks off, reading, exercising, relaxing outside, when the sun was out that is, and going for walks in nature…and now it is your turn. In Attention Span Is Decreasing, I look at how our modern lifestyles, with all their trappings and perks, can have the opposite effect to the one we are after, and how you can start to take back control. Mute alerts, use the flight mode, stick it in a drawer and embrace the 20−5−3 rule, to live not just longer, but happier, and healthier, both in body and mind, because they are inextricably linked. And if you want to know it all in a bit more depth, check out this video on my channel.

In Attention Span Is Decreasing, we will learn how our modern lifestyles, with all their trappings and perks, can have the opposite effect to the one we are…

SpaceX prepared for its first all-civilian flight and completed a mission for the U.S. Space Force the week of June 17–23, while scientists made surprising discoveries about insects and animals on Earth.

SpaceX’s Inspiration4 all-commercial crew remains in training for its flight in September, and discoveries from deep space and Earth’s ancient past abound this week.

Great new episode with former Fermilab physicist Gerald Jackson who chats about antimatter propulsion and the politics of advanced propulsion research. This one is out a bit later in the week than normal, but please listen. Good stuff.

Guest Gerald Jackson, former Fermilab physicist and advanced propulsion entrepreneur chats about his plans for an Antimatter Propulsion interstellar robotic probe. First stop would be Proxima Centauri. In a wide-ranging interview, Jackson talks about the politics and pitfalls of advance propulsion research. Too many people seem to think antimatter is something that is still science fiction. It’s not. It’s as real as the chair you’re sitting on.