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Aug 6, 2020

A Quintillion Calculations a Second: DOE Calculating the Benefits of Exascale and Quantum Computers

Posted by in categories: information science, quantum physics, supercomputing

A quintillion calculations a second. That’s one with 18 zeros after it. It’s the speed at which an exascale supercomputer will process information. The Department of Energy (DOE) is preparing for the first exascale computer to be deployed in 2021. Two more will follow soon after. Yet quantum computers may be able to complete more complex calculations even faster than these up-and-coming exascale computers. But these technologies complement each other much more than they compete.

It’s going to be a while before quantum computers are ready to tackle major scientific research questions. While quantum researchers and scientists in other areas are collaborating to design quantum computers to be as effective as possible once they’re ready, that’s still a long way off. Scientists are figuring out how to build qubits for quantum computers, the very foundation of the technology. They’re establishing the most fundamental quantum algorithms that they need to do simple calculations. The hardware and algorithms need to be far enough along for coders to develop operating systems and software to do scientific research. Currently, we’re at the same point in quantum computing that scientists in the 1950s were with computers that ran on vacuum tubes. Most of us regularly carry computers in our pockets now, but it took decades to get to this level of accessibility.

In contrast, exascale computers will be ready next year. When they launch, they’ll already be five times faster than our fastest computer – Summit, at Oak Ridge National Laboratory’s Leadership Computing Facility, a DOE Office of Science user facility. Right away, they’ll be able to tackle major challenges in modeling Earth systems, analyzing genes, tracking barriers to fusion, and more. These powerful machines will allow scientists to include more variables in their equations and improve models’ accuracy. As long as we can find new ways to improve conventional computers, we’ll do it.

Aug 6, 2020

A magnetic switch for the control of cell death signalling in in vitro and in vivo systems

Posted by in category: nanotechnology

Circa 2018 could be used on viruses too :3.

On application of a focused magnetic field, zinc-doped iron oxide nanoparticles with targeting antibodies attached are shown to activate cell death signalling in a spatially controlled manner. This triggering of apoptosis signalling, via the magnetically activated aggregation of receptors, is observed in both in vitro and in vivo systems.

Aug 6, 2020

Next week, NASA’s OSIRIS-REx Asteroid Sample Return Mission will practice touching asteroid Bennu one last time before its big moment

Posted by in category: space

The 4-hour excursion will bring the spacecraft to just 131 ft (40 m) above Bennu.

Here’s a preview of the rehearsal:

Aug 6, 2020

Scientists rename human genes to stop Microsoft Excel from misreading them as dates

Posted by in category: futurism

Scientists have renamed 27 human genes to stop Microsoft Excel misreading them as dates. The changes have been underway for the past year but have been formally announced as new guidelines published by the HUGO Gene Nomenclature Committee. Scientist are overjoyed but annoyed Microsoft didn’t make the changes itself.

Aug 6, 2020

On its way to Mars, Chinese spacecraft spots Earth and moon, aces steering maneuver

Posted by in category: space travel

China’s Tianwen-1 spacecraft captured a stunning view of the Earth and moon before making its first trajectory maneuver on the long journey to Mars.

Aug 6, 2020

A new AI language model generates poetry and prose

Posted by in category: robotics/AI

GPT-3 can be eerily human-like—for better and for worse.

Science & technology Aug 8th 2020 edition.

Aug 6, 2020

Intel investigating breach after 20GB of internal documents leak online

Posted by in category: security

US chipmaker Intel is investigating a security breach after earlier today 20 GB of internal documents, with some marked “confidential” or “restricted secret,” were uploaded online on file-sharing site MEGA.

The data was published by Till Kottmann, a Swiss software engineer, who said he received the files from an anonymous hacker who claimed to have breached Intel earlier this year.

Continue reading “Intel investigating breach after 20GB of internal documents leak online” »

Aug 6, 2020

Hacking group has hit Taiwan’s prized semiconductor industry, Taiwanese firm says

Posted by in categories: cybercrime/malcode, mobile phones

Taiwan’s semiconductor industry, a centerpiece of the global supply chain for smartphones and computing equipment, was the focus of a hacking campaign targeting corporate data over the last two years, Taiwan-based security firm CyCraft Technology claimed Thursday.

The hackers went after at least seven vendors in the semiconductor industry in 2018 and 2019, quietly scouring networks for source code and chip-related software, CyCraft said. Analysts say the campaign, which reportedly hit a sprawling campus of computing firms in northwest Taiwan, shows how the tech sector’s most prized data is sought out by well-resourced hacking groups.

“They’re choosing the victims very precisely,” C.K. Chen, senior researcher at CyCraft, said of the hackers. “They attack the top vendor in a market segment, and then attack their subsidiaries, their competitors, their partners and their supply chain vendors.”

Aug 6, 2020

Could a Janky, Jury-Rigged Air Purifier Help Fight Covid-19?

Posted by in category: biotech/medical

Indoor-air experts think: Sure, maybe. Why the hell not? We convinced the CEO of an air filter company to give it a try.

Aug 6, 2020

Even Asymptomatic People Carry the Coronavirus in High Amounts

Posted by in category: biotech/medical

Researchers in South Korea found that roughly 30 percent of those infected never develop symptoms yet probably spread the virus.