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Oct 1, 2020

US Navy SEALs change creed statement to become gender-neutral

Posted by in category: military

The US Navy SEALs have changed their creed statement to become gender-neutral and have eliminated terms such as “brotherhood,” according to a report.

“Naval Special Warfare continues to deliberately develop a culture of tactical and ethical excellence that reflects the nation we represent, and that draws upon the talents of the all-volunteer force who meet the standards of qualification as a SEAL or SWCC,” Navy Special Warfare spokesman Lt. Cmdr. Matthew Stroup told American Military News.

One change addresses the first paragraph of the SEAL ethos.

Oct 1, 2020

What’s Up: October 2020 Skywatching Tips from NASA

Posted by in category: space

There’s a reason our Perseverance rover and other missions left Earth for Mars recently: the two planets are close together right now. For those of us still on the ground, this also means Mars will be gorgeous in the sky this month. See more at:

Oct 1, 2020

For the First Time Ever, Scientists Caught Time Crystals Interacting

Posted by in categories: computing, quantum physics, time travel

That’s big news for the most mysterious phase of matter—and maybe physics as we know it.

For the first time, scientists have observed an interaction of a rare and baffling form of matter called time crystals. The crystals look at a glance like “regular” crystals, but they have a relationship to time that both intrigues and puzzles scientists because of its unpredictability. Now, experts say they could have applications in quantum computing.“regular” crystals, but they have a relationship to time that both intrigues and puzzles scientists because of its unpredictability. Now, experts say they could have applications in quantum computing.

🤯 You love time travel. So do we. Let’s nerd out over it together.

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Oct 1, 2020

Google launches AI secretary that waits on hold for phone users

Posted by in categories: mobile phones, robotics/AI

Hold for Me notifies users when call is picked up, leaving them free to put phone down.

Oct 1, 2020

How hybrids have upturned evolutionary theory

Posted by in category: futurism

Match and mix.

The origin of species is more complex than Darwin envisaged.

Science & technology Oct 3rd 2020 edition.

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Oct 1, 2020

A Printed Generator — No Copper, No Coils, No Wire, No Magnets

Posted by in category: futurism

If you want to have a look at those special videos become a member and join by clicking this link

Oct 1, 2020

Did NASA detect a hint of life on Venus in 1978 and not realize it?

Posted by in category: alien life


Pioneer 13 dropped a probe through Venus’s clouds 42 years ago. A reexamination of that probe’s data reveals faint signatures that may turn out to be the earliest signs of life on the inhospitable planet.

Oct 1, 2020

Trapped-ion quantum computer sets new mark for quantum volume

Posted by in categories: computing, quantum physics

Fewer qubits but higher fidelity, and a promise of rapid advances.

Oct 1, 2020

Tests Confirm That Germany’s Massive Nuclear Fusion Machine Really Works

Posted by in category: nuclear energy

At the end of 2015, Germany switched on a new type of massive nuclear fusion reactor for the first time, and it was successfully able to contain a scorching hot blob of helium plasma.

But since then, there’s been a big question — is the device working the way it’s supposed to? That’s pretty crucial when you’re talking about a machine that could potentially maintain controlled nuclear fusion reactions one day, and thankfully, the answer is yes.

Continue reading “Tests Confirm That Germany’s Massive Nuclear Fusion Machine Really Works” »

Oct 1, 2020

New Website Lets You Help NASA Find Alien Worlds

Posted by in categories: information science, robotics/AI, space

NASA just launched a new citizen science project — it wants the public’s help to find and identify brand new exoplanets.

Human Touch

This is the sort of work that technically could be automated with an algorithm trained to spot new worlds, reports. But it turns out that in this case, there’s no substitute for human judgment.

Continue reading “New Website Lets You Help NASA Find Alien Worlds” »