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Humans haven’t set foot on the Moon since the Apollo 17 mission in 1972. By the time they return to our cosmic neighbor by around 2025, the exploration landscape will be very different due to wide-ranging technological advances.

In a bid to further accelerate the technology that will power future lunar missions, NASA, alongside the Department of Energy (DOE) 0, has put out a press statement calling for companies to help it develop nuclear energy solutions.

The design is a cubic frame on six mechanical legs that looks like it emerged from futuristic sci-fi movies. The mobile home is able to traverse on almost any terrain including steep hills and mountain gorges with its mechanical legs that are enhanced with 2 inches (5 cm) of non-slippery rubber layers and two deployable spikes on the bottom of each piece for easy bolting on the ground.

The mobile home can lay its foundation while remaining uplifted from the ground, descending, or sitting on the ground.

The mobile home’s interior design comes with high-tech elements inspired by a futuristic architectural perspective. The windows of the mobile home are equipped with smart glass technology that can block sunlight when needed. Enchev also used automated furniture and smart technological gadgets in his design. With its integrated storage space, water tanks, and power cells, the mobile home enables its residents to live off-grid comfortably.

The auto industry is starting to get serious about solar.

Chinese automaker EdisonFuture, a subsidiary of renewable energy firm SPI Energy, revealed the EF1-T, its first electric pickup with a retractable solar panel roof last month.

On its website, EdisonFuture describes the EF1-V as a “modern multi-purpose van for work, travel, family or personal use in varying road and environment conditions from city streets to off-road.” The delivery van will be available in different cargo iterations, depending on the space required, ranging from 260 to 400 cubic feet (7.3−11.3 cubic meters) of cargo space.

It’s a web of endless possibilities, but there’s a chance we might find ourselves interwoven in the same old web of Big Tech.

The emergence of blockchain-based technologies such as cryptocurrency, NFTs, metaverse, blockchain, and distributed ledger technology, etc is being seen as the herald of a new era of the internet — a more transparent and open version of the web that would be collectively controlled by users, instead of tech giants like Google and Facebook.

Some experts believe this decentralized Web, which is also referred to as Web 3.0, will bring more transparency and democratization to the digital world. Web 3.0 may establish a decentralized digital ecosystem where users will be able to own and control every aspect of their digital presence. Some hope that it will put an end to the existing centralized systems that encourage data exploitation and privacy violation.

More than 30 years have passed since the World Wide Web first came into existence, and over this course of time, the world of the internet has gone through various stages of development. There is no textbook definition of Web 3.0, but by going through these stages, you can have an idea of how Web 3.0 may shape the future of the internet experience.

Eliminating old, dysfunctional cells in human fat also alleviates signs of diabetes, researchers from UConn Health report. The discovery could lead to new treatments for Type 2 diabetes and other metabolic diseases.

The cells in your body are constantly renewing themselves, with older cells aging and dying as new ones are being born. But sometimes that process goes awry. Occasionally damaged cells linger. Called senescent cells, they hang around, acting as a bad influence on other cells nearby. Their bad influence changes how the neighboring cells handle sugars or proteins and so causes metabolic problems.

Type 2 diabetes is the most common metabolic disease in the US. About 34 million people, or one out of every 10 inhabitants of the US, suffers from it, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Most people with diabetes have insulin resistance, which is associated with obesity, lack of exercise and poor diet. But it also has a lot to do with senescent cells in people’s body fat, according to new findings by UConn Health School of Medicine’s Ming Xu and colleagues. And clearing away those senescent cells seems to stop diabetic behavior in obese mice, they report in the 22 November issue of Cell Metabolism. Ming Xu, assistant professor in the UConn Center on Aging and the department of Genetics and Genome Sciences at UConn Health, led the research, along with UConn Health researchers Lichao Wang and Binsheng Wang as major contributors. Alleviating the negative effects of fat on metabolism was a dramatic result, the researchers said.

US President Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris, and members of the current administration who are seemingly refusing even to mention the word “Tesla” may soon find their online presence saturated with the EV maker’s name. This was after Tesla CEO Elon Musk poked fun at the Biden administration’s tendency to completely ignore Tesla’s existence or accomplishments during public appearances and on social media.

Last week, the online electric vehicle community was aghast after US President Joe Biden visited General Motors’ Factory Zero in Detroit, Michigan. While speaking to the audience, Biden patted GM CEO Mary Barra’s back, stating that the executive was leading the auto sector’s transition to electric vehicles. “You electrified the entire automotive industry. I’m serious. You led, and it matters,” Biden said. The US President doubled down on this sentiment with a series of posts on Twitter, stating that the future of the US is electric.

Biden’s sentiments were later echoed by VP Kamala Harris, who also noted that the United States would be building electric vehicles, including the batteries and parts that go in them, instead of relying on other countries. Just like the President, she also noted that the “future will be made in America.” This resulted in numerous netizens poking fun at the Vice President, stating that the future is already being made in America by Tesla — for over a decade. Other Twitter users further joked that Harris might have simply never seen a Tesla, despite serving as California’s attorney general from 2011 to 2017.

Miso Robotics’ Flippy 2 Robot promises to be the first household robot that any person or small buisness could buy to help prepare and make food inside of a kitchen without any big changes having to be made. This looks like it could be the first glimpse into a future in which robots help us inside of our homes.

Daily Futurology News:

00:00 Finally a real Robot Assistant.
01:34 Their new & improved Robot (Flippy 2)
03:52 Are Household Robots the future?
06:59 When can we expect our own Robots?
09:06 Last Words.

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