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Dec 14, 2020

Tiny Nuclear Reactors Yield a Huge Amount of Clean Hydrogen

Posted by in category: nuclear energy

They’re another welcome weapon in the fight against fossil fuels.

After getting bodied in the news cycle for a few months, small modular nuclear startup NuScale Power has an additional potential path to the diverse energy market. In a new evaluation run by the U.S. Department of Energy’s Idaho National Laboratory, NuScale’s nuclear module performed effective catalysis for hydrogen.

☢️You love nuclear. So do we. Let’s nerd out over nuclear together.

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Dec 14, 2020

Improving portraits

Posted by in categories: information science, mobile phones

Recently, Google introduced Portrait Light, a feature on its Pixel phones that can be used to enhance portraits by adding an external light source not present at the time the photo was taken. In a new blog post, Google explains how they made this possible.

In their post, engineers at Google Research note that professional photographers discovered long ago that the best way to make people look their best in portraits is by using secondary flash devices that are not attached to the camera. Such flash devices can be situated by the photographer prior to photographing a subject by taking into account the direction their face is pointing, other available, skin tone and other factors. Google has attempted to capture those factors with its new -enhancing . The system does not require the camera operator to use another . Instead, the software simply pretends that there was another light source all along, and then allows the user to determine the most flattering configuration for the subject.

The engineers explain they achieved this feat using two algorithms. The first, which they call automatic directional light placement, places synthetic light into the scene as a professional photographer would. The second algorithm is called synthetic post-capture relighting. It allows for repositioning the light after the fact in a realistic and natural-looking way.

Dec 14, 2020

China’s Chang’e 5 moon lander is no more after successfully snagging lunar rocks

Posted by in category: space

China’s Chang’e 5 lander touched down on the moon and collected the first lunar samples in nearly 50 years, but now the lights have gone out.

Dec 14, 2020

Only total solar eclipse of 2020 thrills spectators in South America

Posted by in category: futurism

The only total solar eclipse of 2020 dazzled spectators in South America, and some lucked out even as overcast skies threatened to put a damper on an incredible celestial event.

The so-called Southern Cone has now been treated to two total solar eclipses in back-to-back years. But each event was unique. Both eclipses were visible in Chile and Argentina, but the 2019 total solar eclipse happened in the wintertime for the Southern Hemisphere and in the late afternoon. This meant that the sun was low on the horizon, so the sky didn’t get as dark as it did this year.

Dec 14, 2020

Hubble Space Telescope Spots Enormous Einstein Ring

Posted by in category: space

Astronomers using the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope have captured a striking photo of GAL-CLUS-022058–38303, the largest and one of the most complete Einstein rings known in the Universe.

Dec 14, 2020

New Deep Learning Method Helps Robots Become Jacks-of-all-Trades

Posted by in categories: information science, robotics/AI, transportation

Put a robot in a tightly-controlled environment and it can quickly surpass human performance at complex tasks, from building cars to playing table tennis. But throw these machines a curve ball and they’re in trouble—just check out this compilation of some of the world’s most advanced robots coming unstuck in the face of notoriously challenging obstacles like sand, steps, and doorways.

The reason robots tend to be so fragile is that the algorithms that control them are often manually designed. If they encounter a situation the designer didn’t think of, which is almost inevitable in the chaotic real world, then they simply don’t have the tools to react.

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Dec 14, 2020

Elon Musk, Artificial Intelligence and OpenAI

Posted by in categories: Elon Musk, existential risks, government, robotics/AI

Elon Musk has been a vocal critic of artificial intelligence, calling it an “existential threat to humanity”. He is wrong, right?

Musk is heavily invested in AI research himself through his OpenAI and NeuroLink ventures, and believes that the only safe road to AI involves planning, oversight & regulation. He recently summarized this, saying:

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Dec 14, 2020

Kris Verburgh | How to Live Longer? High-Tech and Low-Tech Approaches

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, genetics, life extension, neuroscience

A bit of everything here from hallmarks of aging to epigenetic reprogramming(which effects telomeres, gene expression, etc) and even diet.

In this talk given at Ending Age-Related Diseases 2020, Dr. Kris Verburgh of the Free University of Brussels discusses the methods by which people might lead longer, healthier lives. While some of these methods involve the use of advanced rejuvenation biotechnology techniques, others are simpler to implement and require a minimum amount of technology, such as nutrition and exercise, along with health-monitoring technology that already exists in the public space.

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Dec 14, 2020

Advances in supercomputing make DARPA confident about CRANE active flow control effort

Posted by in categories: supercomputing, transportation

Advances in supercomputing technology during the past 20 years are one of multiple reasons that the US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is confident that it can succeed in its Control of Revolutionary Aircraft with Novel Effectors (CRANE) active flow control (AFC) programme.

Dec 14, 2020

This New Nuclear Battery Could Power Deep Space Missions for Decades

Posted by in categories: nuclear energy, space


A new method called lattice confinement fusion could be the compact, long-lasting energy source we’ve been searching for to power deep space missions 🤯 🚀.