ModalAI, a Blue UAS framework manufacturer of autonomous drone technology, says it has developed the world’s smallest and most advanced autopilot built in the USA. Weighing only 16 grams, ModalAI’s VOXL 2 is designed specifically for GPS-denied, autonomous drones with obstacle avoidance.
It is powered by the Qualcomm Flight RB5 5G platform and integrates a PX4 real-time flight controller with an 8-core CPU, a GPU and NPU that provide a combined 15 Tera Operations Per Second (TOPs), seven image sensors, and TDK IMUs, and barometer.
Dr Johnston is also Founding CEO and Chairman of the Board Of Directors of Calviri (
The Center for Innovations in Medicine and Dr. Johnston’s current work focuses on innovative solutions to fundamental problems in bio-medicine, and their organization brings together a unique group of interdisciplinary scientists to identify, analyze, and come up with inventive solutions for significant un-met medical needs.
Current major translational sciences and technology development projects of Dr. Johnston include 1) Cancer Eradication: with a focus on developing a universal, preventative cancer vaccine, and 2) Health Futures: with an aim of producing a diagnostic system that allows continuous monitoring of the health status of healthy people — helping in the revolution to pre-symptomatic medicine.
BLACKSBURG, Va. (WFXR) – As housing prices across the country continue to skyrocket, an Iowa-based company, Alquist 3D, is looking to combat the crisis by 3D-printing homes.
Alquist, one of a few U.S. companies that 3D-prints houses, is looking to build 200 of these homes in Virginia starting this summer.
The process is somewhat simple. First, a person designs what they want the frame of the house to look like by using a computer program. Then, a file is transmitted to a machine, which tells it what to do and how to move.
US-based architecture studio NBBJ has released designs for a net-zero school in Encino, California, that will cater to neurodiverse students.
The design of the Lower School campus of Westmark School uses acoustic technologies, as well as the integration of flora and natural materials, to create a comfortable environment for students with special needs.
“Designers selected a variety of sound-absorbing materials for different spaces, developed reading nooks and other niches for creative learning both inside and outside the classroom, and oriented views to green space to enhance different educational modes,” said NBBJ.
Highlighting recent robotics research, MIT’s robot “mini cheetah” combines the best of electronics and machine learning to zoom towards the future.
Four-legged animals have long been a popular platform for basing walking robots on. Some of the most widely internet-famous robots are the quadrupeds that have come out of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), such as Boston Dynamics’ Spot (a spin-off of MIT bought by Hyundai) and the MIT Mini Cheetah.
Kondo is one of the thousands of people who have entered into unofficial relationships with fictional characters in Japan. While some of those relationships are for a joke, Kondo’s is not.
He has publicly shared his marriage and relationship with the world in hopes of helping the growing wave of fictosexuals and show the world that with advances in artificial intelligence allowing for more profound interactions their numbers are likely to increase.
Being bullied in the workplace is what drove Kondo into finding comfort in his fictional wife back in 2008 when he left work and felt isolated and depressed.