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Nov 16, 2021

Realization of active metamaterials with odd micropolar elasticity

Posted by in category: materials

Mechanical metamaterials can be engineered with properties not possible in ordinary materials. Here the authors demonstrate and study an active metamaterial with self-sensing characteristics that enables odd elastic properties not observed in passive media.

Nov 16, 2021

Element selection for crystalline inorganic solid discovery guided by unsupervised machine learning of experimentally explored chemistry

Posted by in categories: chemistry, robotics/AI, space

Machine learning (ML) models are powerful tools to study multivariate correlations that exist within large datasets but are hard for humans to identify16,23. Our aim is to build a model that captures the chemical interactions between the element combinations that afford reported crystalline inorganic materials, noting that the aim of such models is efficacy rather than interpretability, and that as such they can be complementary guides to human experts. The model should assist expert prioritization between the promising element combinations by ranking them quantitatively. Researchers have practically understood how to identify new chemistries based on element combinations for phase-field exploration, but not at significant scale. However, the prioritization of these attractive knowledge-based choices for experimental and computational investigation is critical as it determines substantial resource commitment. The collaborative ML workflow24,25 developed here includes a ML tool trained across all available data at a scale beyond that, which humans can assimilate simultaneously to provide numerical ranking of the likelihood of identifying new phases in the selected chemistries. We illustrate the predictive power of ML in this workflow in the discovery of a new solid-state Li-ion conductor from unexplored quaternary phase fields with two anions. To train a model to assist prioritization of these candidate phase fields, we extracted 2021 MxM yAzA t phases reported in ICSD (Fig. 1, Step 1), and associated each phase with the phase fields M-M ′-A-A′ where M, M ′ span all cations, A, A ′ are anions {N3−, P3−, As3−, O2−, S2−, Se2−, Te2−, F, Cl, Br, and I} and x, y, z, t denote concentrations (Fig. 1, Step 2). Data were augmented by 24-fold elemental permutations to enhance learning and prevent overfitting (Supplementary Fig. 2).

ML models rely on using appropriate features (often called descriptors)26 to describe the data presented, so feature selection is critical to the quality of the model. The challenge of selecting the best set of features among the multitude available for the chemical elements (e.g., atomic weight, valence, ionic radius, etc.)26 lies in balancing competing considerations: a small number of features usually makes learning more robust, while limiting the predictive power of resulting models, large numbers of features tend to make models more descriptive and discriminating while increasing the risk of overfitting. We evaluated 40 individual features26,27 (Supplementary Fig. 4, 5) that have reported values for all elements and identify a set of 37 elemental features that best balance these considerations. We thus describe each phase field of four elements as a vector in a 148-dimensional feature space (37 features × 4 elements = 148 dimensions).

To infer relationships between entries in such a high-dimensional feature space in which the training data are necessarily sparsely distributed28, we employ the variational autoencoder (VAE), an unsupervised neural network-based dimensionality reduction method (Fig. 1, Step 3), which quantifies nonlinear similarities in high-dimensional unlabelled data29 and, in addition to the conventional autoencoder, pays close attention to the distribution of the data features in multidimensional space. A VAE is a two-part neural network, where one part is used to compress (encode) the input vectors into a lower-dimensional (latent) space, and the other to decode vectors in latent space back into the original high-dimensional space. Here we choose to encode the 148-dimensional input feature space into a four-dimensional latent feature space (Supplementary Methods).

Nov 16, 2021

Insular cortex neurons encode and retrieve specific immune responses

Posted by in category: neuroscience

Neuronal ensembles in the mouse insular cortex activated during distinct inflammatory conditions are capable of retrieving or suppressing the associated peripheral immunological responses.

Nov 16, 2021

Physical reservoir computing with FORCE learning in a living neuronal culture

Posted by in categories: biological, robotics/AI

Rich dynamics in a living neuronal system can be considered as a computational resource for physical reservoir computing (PRC). However, PRC that generates a coherent signal output from a spontaneously active neuronal system is still challenging. To overcome this difficulty, we here constructed a closed-loop experimental setup for PRC of a living neuronal culture, where neural activities were recorded with a microelectrode array and stimulated optically using caged compounds. The system was equipped with first-order reduced and controlled error learning to generate a coherent signal output from a living neuronal culture. Our embodiment experiments with a vehicle robot demonstrated that the coherent output served as a homeostasis-like property of the embodied system from which a maze-solving ability could be generated. Such a homeostatic property generated from the internal feedback loop in a system can play an important role in task solving in biological systems and enable the use of computational resources without any additional learning.

Nov 16, 2021

The UN revealed a $6.6 billion strategy to address world hunger in response to Elon Musk challenge

Posted by in categories: Elon Musk, food

The World Food Programme (WFP), the UN’s food assistance arm, outlined how $6.6 billion in investments might prevent 42 million people in 43 countries from becoming hungry. In a tweet outlining the plan, WFP President David Beasley singled out Musk, the world’s wealthiest individual by far.

Nov 16, 2021

Singularity Is Fast Approaching, and It Will Happen First in the Metaverse

Posted by in categories: futurism, singularity

Is the metaverse going to change life as we know it? What does this mean for our future?

Nov 16, 2021

SECRET Artificial Intelligence Project — Google’s Plan for AI Supremacy

Posted by in categories: military, robotics/AI

Google is secretly working on some of the most advanced and crazy-sounding Artificial Intelligence Systems in the world. Some of them they’ve announced and released to the public, while others are being worked on behind closed curtains.
What these secret AI Projects are, what evil, bad or good things they’ll accomplish and how Googles motto of “Don’t be evil” doesn’t apply anymore, all in this one video. One thing is for sure, this might be the dawn of super intelligent AI robots owned by a single company in the hopes of reaching AI Supremacy.

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00:00 Don’t be evil.
01:32 Google and Deepmind.
03:26 Google’s Connections with the Military.
04:39 What is Googles plan?
07:21 Last Words.

#robots #ai #google

Nov 16, 2021

SpaceX launch calendar 2022: Why the year is set to be Elon Musk’s biggest

Posted by in categories: Elon Musk, space travel

SpaceX plans to launch a staggering number of rockets next year, helping to reach CEO Elon Musk’s goal of completing 48 launches in one year.

Nov 16, 2021

New algorithms advance the computing power of early-stage quantum computers

Posted by in categories: chemistry, computing, information science, quantum physics

A group of scientists at the U.S. Department of Energy’s Ames Laboratory has developed computational quantum algorithms that are capable of efficient and highly accurate simulations of static and dynamic properties of quantum systems. The algorithms are valuable tools to gain greater insight into the physics and chemistry of complex materials, and they are specifically designed to work on existing and near-future quantum computers.

Scientist Yong-Xin Yao and his research partners at Ames Lab use the power of advanced computers to speed discovery in condensed matter physics, modeling incredibly complex quantum mechanics and how they change over ultra-fast timescales. Current high performance computers can model the properties of very simple, small quantum systems, but larger or more rapidly expand the number of calculations a computer must perform to arrive at an , slowing the pace not only of computation, but also discovery.

“This is a real challenge given the current early-stage of existing quantum computing capabilities,” said Yao, “but it is also a very promising opportunity, since these calculations overwhelm classical computer systems, or take far too long to provide timely answers.”

Nov 16, 2021

Why Did China Keep Its Exascale Supercomputers Quiet?

Posted by in category: supercomputing

There are no greater bragging rights in supercomputing than those that come with top ten listing on the bi-annual list of the world’s most powerful systems—the Top 500. And there are no countries more inclined to throw themselves (and billions) into that competition this decade than the U.S. and China.

Today, the latest results were announced (much more on those here) but notably absent, aside from the expected first exascale machine in the U.S., “Frontier” at Oak Ridge National Laboratory in the U.S., are China’s results, which if published, would have shown two separate exascale-class machines.

This would have been a major mainstream news story had China decided to publicize its results–and on several fronts.