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Advances in artificial-intelligence-based technologies have led to an astronomical increase in the amounts of data available for processing by computers. Existing computing methods often process data sequentially and therefore have large time and power requirements for processing massive quantities of information. Hence, a transition to a new computing paradigm is required to solve such challenging issues. Researchers are currently working towards developing energy-efficient neuromorphic computing technologies and hardware that are capable of processing massive amounts of information by mimicking the structure and mechanisms of the human brain.

The Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST) has reported that a research team led by Dr. Jung ah Lim and Dr. Hyunsu Ju of the Center for Opto-electronic Materials and Devices has successfully developed organic neurofiber with an architecture and functions similar to those of neurons in the human brain, which can be used as a . Research on devices that can function as neurons and synapses is needed so that large-scale computations can be performed in a manner similar to data processing in the human brain. Unlike previously developed devices that act as either neurons or synapses, the artificial neurofiber transistors developed at KIST can mimic the behaviors of both neurons and synapses. By connecting the transistors in arrays, one can easily create a structure similar to a neural .

Biological neurons have fibrous branches that can receive multiple stimuli simultaneously, and signal transmissions are mediated by ion migrations stimulated by electrical signals. The KIST researchers developed the aforementioned artificial neurofibers using fibrous transistors previously developed by them in 2019. They devised memory transistors that remember the strengths of the applied , similar to synapses, and transmit them via between the semiconductor channels and ions within the insulators upon receiving the electrical stimuli from the neurofiber transistors. These artificial neurofibers also mimic the signal summation functionality of .

MIT researchers have developed a method for 3D printing materials with tunable mechanical properties, which can sense how they are moving and interacting with the environment. The researchers create these sensing structures using just one material and a single run on a 3D printer.

To accomplish this, the researchers began with 3D-printed lattice materials and incorporated networks of air-filled channels into the structure during the . By measuring how the pressure changes within these channels when the structure is squeezed, bent, or stretched, engineers can receive feedback on how the material is moving.

These lattice materials are composed of in a repeating pattern. Changing the size or shape of the cells alters the material’s mechanical properties, such as stiffness or hardness. For instance, a denser network of cells makes a stiffer structure.

With the ongoing and deadly Russian and Ukraine war, the world continues to hold its breath as death tolls, building, communities, and relationships are shattered. The Russian invasion has been nothing short of devastation with Russian forces inflicting so much pain. The trickle down effects are not just with the two battling countries involved, but it has also created a domino effect on world powers like the United States. There have been fears that with the slowing progress of the Russian front, that they may instigate everyone’s worst nightmare: a nuclear bomb attack. Russia has stated before that any country that will assist Ukraine “will feel powers like never before.

US shocked: china tests MOST DANGEROUS military weapon.

China’s FOBS can go around the planet at hypersonic speeds to wipe out entire cities — and the United States is very worried. FOBS stands for Fractional Orbital Bombardment System — a weapon that goes into orbit and deorbits at the right time to deal maximum damage to targets, making even the most advanced missile-defense systems almost useless. This is no casual, baseless project. The US Military has reason to believe the FOBS was designed to be used against them and they’re not about to be silent about it. In this video, we shed light on this punch-for-punch dangerous arms race going on between two of the world’s most powerful nations.


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For More Videos :
1 — Japanese Reborn YF-23 Will Make China and Russia Panic.

2 — US Shocked: China Tests MOST DANGEROUS Military Weapon.
3 — NASA Builds Impossible Light Speed Engine To Break Laws Of Physics.


Over the past few decades, computers have seen dramatic progress in processing power; however, even the most advanced computers are relatively rudimentary in comparison with the complexities and capabilities of the human brain.

Researchers at the U.S. Army Combat Capabilities Development Command’s Army Research Laboratory say this may be changing as they endeavor to design computers inspired by the human brain’s neural structure.

As part of a collaboration with Lehigh University, Army researchers have identified a design strategy for the development of neuromorphic materials.

New research published in Experimental Neurology provides some initial evidence that the psychedelic substance known as LSD has nootropic properties. The study found that LSD increased markers of neuroplasticity in human brain organoids, increased novelty preference in rats, and improved memory performance in humans.

When combined with psychotherapy, psychedelic drugs have shown promise in the treatment of psychiatric conditions such as depression, PTSD, and addiction. But the cellular and molecular mechanisms involved in the therapeutic effects of psychedelics remains unclear.

Some research has indicated that psychedelic substances produce positive impacts, in part, because they promote neurogenesis and neuroplasticity. The authors of the new study were interested in better understanding whether the neuroplasticity induced by psychedelics could be harnessed to enhance learning and memory.

Deep dive into the nature of consciousness and reality.

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–Donald Hoffman’s book The Case Against Reality (affiliate):
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00:00:00 Introduction.
00:03:34 Is a Theory of Everything possible? / Definition of Consciousness.
00:08:32 Spacetime’s fundamental nature (or not)
00:14:27 Joscha Bach on mysterianism, telepathy, and consciousness.
00:34:40 Joscha has a way of interpreting the Bible literally.
00:42:01 Physical world vs Computational world.
00:57:57 On Gödel and changing the definition of truth to provable / computable.
01:12:33 What parts of the mind makes statements beyond computation?
01:13:57 Real numbers don’t exist?
01:15:23 [Prof. Edward Lee] Reality is not necessarily algorithmic.
01:34:02 Donald Hoffman on Free Will.
01:44:03 Joscha Bach on Free Will and whether a TOE exists.
01:57:10 What would change in Bach’s model if classical logic was correct?
02:07:42 Penrose and Lucas argument regarding Gödel and the mind.
02:13:55 Closing thoughts from Bach and Hoffman on each other’s work.

Just wrapped (April 2021) a documentary called Better Left Unsaid on the topic of “when does the left go too far?” Visit that site if you’d like to watch it.