Sending rockets into space requires sacrificing expensive equipment, burning massive amounts of fuel, and risking potential catastrophe. So in the space race of the 21st century, some engineers are abandoning rockets for something more exciting: elevators. What would it take to build such a structure? Fabio Pacucci explores the physics behind modern space elevators. [Directed by Tjoff Koong Studios, narrated by Addison Anderson].
An exploration of what I think is one of the spookiest solutions to the Fermi Paradox that could explain SETI’s great silence.
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Richard Gott, co author with Neil De Grasse Tyson of “Welcome to The Universe” argues the key to understanding the origin of the universe may be the concept of closed time like curves. These are solutions to Einstein’s theory that may allow time travel into the past. in this film, Richard Gott of Princeton University explains the model he developed with LIxin Li. Gott explores the possibility of a closed time like curve forming in the early universe and how this might lead to the amazing property of the universe being able to create itself. Gott is one of the leading experts in time travel solution to Einstein’s equations and is author of the book “Time Travel In Einstein’s Universe”.
This film is part of a series of films exploring competing models of th early universe with the creators of those models. We have interviewed Stephen Hawking, Roger Penrose, Alan Guth and many other leaders of the field. To see other episodes, click on the link below:
We would like to thank the following who helped us are this movie:
Morn 1415
David Yates.
M Buser, E Kajari, and WP Schleich.
Nina McCurdy, Anthony Aguirre, Joel Primack, Nancy Abrams.
Ziri Younsi.
Audio & music from:
Audio Network.
Photography Rob, Speakers Corner Uk.…_polymer=1
Thanks to:
University College London.
Princeton University Press.
Howard Walwyn Fine Antique Clocks.
00:00 Introduction.
1:07 Working with Penzias and Wilson.
1:42 relativity and time.
2:58 the block universe.
4:00 time travel in Einstein’s universe.
4:54 Godel and time travel into the past.
5:54 Cosmic Strings.
7:43 Cosmic inflation.
8:50 Bubble Universes.
9:56 Lixin Li.
12:11 The Gott Li self creating universe model.
14:17 Jinn Particles.
14:35 How to escape a time loop.
16:14 Experimental test.
20:05 Hawking’s Chronology Protection Conjecture.
23:46 The Arrow of Time.
29:00 The Second Law.
33:00 Answering Hiscock’s criticisms.
40:07 fine tuning.
40:46 Boltzmann Brains.
44:37 Quantum Entanglement and Wormholes.
46:04 Uncertainty.
47:11 A Universe from Nothing.
50:25 Summing Up
One of the hallmarks of aging, cellular senescence is what happens when aging cells do not die in the usual way (a process known as apoptosis) and start to accumulate in our bodies. The accumulation of these “senescent” cells is implicated in diseases including dementias, atherosclerosis, cancers, diabetes and arthritis. But senescence is not just part of the aging process – it tends to occur in individuals who develop frailty and multiple illnesses, and this can occur at any point during life.
In 2015, a team of researchers at the Mayo Clinic, led by Dr James L Kirkland, published a seminal paper in Aging Cell that introduced a new class of drugs called senolytics. Based on the idea that removing senescent cells may enhance human healthspan, these drugs were identified based on their ability to selectively target and eliminate those cells.
Longevity. Technology: Since the discovery of the first senolytics, hundreds of others have since been identified or created, and senotherapeutics is now one of the hottest areas in longevity, with a host of clinical trials under way and companies pursuing senolytic therapies for a range of age-related conditions. But what does the man who started it all think about the therapeutic field he helped create? In the first of two articles, we bring you Dr Kirkland’s unique perspective on the world of senolytics.
Scientists have discovered what turns off the molecular alarm system that plays a critical role in our immune response.
The antibacterial superhero MR1 (MHC class I-related molecule) is a protein found in every cell of the human body that functions as a molecular alarm system, alerting powerful cells of our immune system, our white blood cells, when cancer or bacterial infection is present.
While prior groundbreaking research revealed the cellular machinery that MR1 depends on to activate, nothing was understood about how the MR1 alarm is “turned off” until now.
New research from the University of Cincinnati bolsters a hypothesis that Alzheimer’s disease is caused by a decline in levels of a specific protein, contrary to a prevailing theory that has been recently called into question.
UC researchers led by Alberto Espay, MD, and Andrea Sturchio, MD, in collaboration with the Karolinska Institute in Sweden, published the research on Oct. 4 in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease.
The research is focused on a protein called amyloid-beta. The protein normally carries out its functions in the brain in a form that is soluble, meaning dissolvable in water, but it sometimes hardens into clumps, known as amyloid plaques.
One of the powerful features of big language models, such as GPT-3, comes from its ability to learn after it has been trained and without being updated. You simply feed it a few examples of input and…
A team of researchers with the University of New South Wales (UNSW) in Sydney has achieved a breakthrough in spin qubit coherence times (opens in new tab). The research took advantage of the team’s previous work on so-called “dressed” qubits — qubits constantly under the effect of an electromagnetic field shielding them from interference. In addition, the researchers leveraged a newly-designed protocol, SMART, (opens in new tab) which leverages the increased coherence times to allow individual qubits to be safely coaxed to perform the required computations.
The improvements allowed the researchers to register coherence times of up to two milliseconds — over a hundred times higher than similar control methods in the past, but still a ways from the amount of time your eyelids take to blink.
Posted in biotech/medical, robotics/AI
The advanced Computer Vision and Artificial Intelligence technologies in X·TERROIR allow enologists to make optimal decisions about the wine destination of grapes.
X·TERROIR technology makes possible cost-effective phenotypic profiling of every vine in the vineyard. This is an exponential increase over what is possible with current technology. The more information that Enologists have to work their magic… the more quality and value they can extract from the vineyard.
To the naked eye, this vineyard looks homogeneous. One might assume that a vineyard like this will produce grapes that are fairly uniform in aromatic profile.
The reality is very different.
The grapes from this vine, will produce a different wine than the vines that are only 50 meters away. Plant genomics, varying soil types, cultural interventions, micro-climate, and even disease result in a substantial variety of aromatic expressions in a single vineyard.
So the grapes that this vine will produce will embody the unique complexity of the aromatic expressions of the soil, climate, and cultural interventions of its own micro-terroir.
How we got to where we are today, and where we go from here. Featuring Dr. Daniel Monti (Director — Marcus Institute of Integrative Health) and leading neuroscientist Dr. Andrew Newberg (DMT: The Spirit Molecule), we get a fresh perspective on the effects of stress. Thanks to a new study from the Marcus Institute of Integrative Health at Thomas Jefferson University in Philadelphia, PA, there is now compelling evidence that this breakthrough intervention can help people to alleviate their emotional stress, as well as deeper insight into this exciting topic.