The Posthuman University
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We’re thrilled
Posted in innovation, robotics/AI
We’re thrilled to announce a new ideation opportunity for innovative adult learning solutions. AI Tools for Adult Learning will award a total of $750,000 to winning concepts. Submit your abstract by Dec. 18.
We’re seeking your innovative ideas for tools or technologies to enhance learning and skills development among adults. We’re especially interested in surfacing ideas that leverage intelligent tutoring to allow adult learners to self-direct learning and develop critical skills.
Technologists, researchers, students, teachers, and creators of digital learning platforms or cutting-edge AI techniques are invited to participate. By doing so, you will gain access to a network of experts and receive feedback and technical support.
The U.S. Department of Energy’s INCITE program has awarded supercomputing time to 56 projects!
Managed jointly by the Argonne Leadership Computing Facility and Oak Ridge Leadership Computing Facility, INCITE supports large-scale, computationally intensive projects that address “grand challenges” in science and engineering.
About this partnership.
AppHarvest is exploring the future of indoor farming and agriculture technology by using up to 90% less water, human-assisting AI, and the power of the sun for reliable food growth.
In this video we jump trillions of years into the future to examine the concept of civilizations living in a dark, post-stellar Universe, where we encounter some surprising possibilities about just how abundant and robust life might be in a seemingly dark and dead Universe.
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Watch Part 2 over on Isaac Arthur’s channel.
If you’d like to know more about Boltzmann Brains, here are some informative papers:
Identical in practically every aspect. We don’t come from primates, we are primates.
We are not a race, we are a species. We are animals. We are mammals. We are a product of nature. We belong to it and we are a part of it.
-dominic dyer.