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Jun 24, 2022

The Rise of Supersoldiers — How AI Changes Everything

Posted by in categories: bioengineering, biotech/medical, chemistry, genetics, health, military, robotics/AI

Artificial Intelligence is touching almost every aspect of our lives. It’s reasonable to expect AI influence will only increase in the future. One of many fields heavily influenced by AI is the military. Particularly in the development of Supersoldiers. The notion of super-soldiers enhanced with biotechnology and cybernetics was once only possible in the realm of science fiction. But it may not be too long before these concepts become a reality.

A new worldwide arms race is pitting countries against each other to be the first to successfully create real genetically modified super soldiers by using tools such as CRISPR. Understandably many of these human enhancement technologies raise health and safety questions and it is more likely these enhancements will first gain traction in countries that do not place as much weight on ethical concerns.

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Jun 24, 2022

The Goodness of the Universe — John Smart

Posted by in categories: cryonics, life extension, neuroscience, robotics/AI

Outer Space, Inner Space, and the Future of Networks.
Synopsis: Does the History, Dynamics, and Structure of our Universe give any evidence that it is inherently “Good”? Does it appear to be statistically protective of adapted complexity and intelligence? Which aspects of the big history of our universe appear to be random? Which are predictable? What drives universal and societal accelerating change, and why have they both been so stable? What has developed progressively in our universe, as opposed to merely evolving randomly? Will humanity’s future be to venture to the stars (outer space) or will we increasingly escape our physical universe, into physical and virtual inner space (the transcension hypothesis)? In Earth’s big history, what can we say about what has survived and improved? Do we see any progressive improvement in humanity’s thoughts or actions? When is anthropogenic risk existential or developmental (growing pains)? In either case, how can we minimize such risk? What values do well-built networks have? What can we learn about the nature of our most adaptive complex networks, to improve our personal, team, organizational, societal, global, and universal futures? I’ll touch on each of these vital questions, which I’ve been researching and writing about since 1999, and discussing with a community of scholars at Evo-Devo Universe (join us!) since 2008.

For fun background reading, see John’s Goodness of the Universe post on Centauri Dreams, and “Evolutionary Development: A Universal Perspective”, 2019.

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Jun 24, 2022

J. Randall & S. Kalinin | Ready for Atomically Precise Manufacturing & Electron Microscopy

Posted by in categories: nanotechnology, quantum physics

Foresight Molecular Machines Group.
Program & apply to join:

John Randall.
Why the world is finally ready for Atomically Precise Manufacturing.

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Jun 24, 2022

Basics of Graph Neural Networks

Posted by in category: robotics/AI

A free course that introduces the basics of Graph Neural Networks to give you a quick, high-level understanding.

Jun 24, 2022

5 Planets Take Center Stage as They Align in The Night Sky

Posted by in category: space

A rare, five-planet alignment will peak on June 24, allowing a spectacular viewing of Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn as they line up in planetary order.

The event began at the beginning of June and has continued to get brighter and easier to see as the month has progressed, according to Diana Hannikainen, observing editor of Sky & Telescope.

A waning crescent moon will be joining the party between Venus and Mars on Friday, adding another celestial object to the lineup. The moon will represent the Earth’s relative position in the alignment, meaning this is where our planet will appear in the planetary order.

Jun 24, 2022

I Robot (extended) — The Alan Parsons Project

Posted by in category: robotics/AI

Jun 24, 2022

Wild poliovirus type 1 (WPV1) — Mozambique

Posted by in category: futurism

Did they get GitHub Copilot to write it?

Jun 24, 2022

Amazon debuts CodeWhisperer, an AI programming assistant

Posted by in category: robotics/AI

Did they get GitHub Copilot to write it?

Jun 24, 2022

How Machine Learning is Speeding Up Biomedical Breakthroughs

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, robotics/AI

BenchSci AI software parses text and images from published papers to speed up selecting reagents and antibodies for biomedical research.

Jun 24, 2022

24,649,096,027 (24.65 Billion) Account Usernames And Passwords Have Been Leaked

Posted by in category: cybercrime/malcode

Credential abuse is something that happens only to CEOs or very rich people or employees of fortune 500 companies right? Nope. It’s everywhere, and your compromised passwords and usernames are enabling all kinds of cyber criminals to perform all kinds of account takeover (ATO) attacks. 24,649,096,027 account usernames and passwords have been leaked by cyber-threat actors, as of this year. That’s a big number―one that should shake the cyber security community at its core. But despite this number, which increases exponentially each year, and the deluge of reports highlighting the risk of insecure credentials, you still have a friend or an officemate or boss, who’s carefully typing 123,456 into a password field right now.

The Digital Shadow team collated more than 24 billion leaked credentials from the dark web. That’s a 65 percent increase from 2020, likely caused by an enhanced ability to steal credentials through new ransomwares, dedicated malware and social engineering sites, plus improved credential sharing. Within this leaked usernames and passwords, approximately 6.7 billion credentials had a unique username-and-password pairing, indicating that the credential combination was not duplicated across other databases. This number was 1.7 billion more than found in 2020, highlighting the rate of data breach across completely new credential combinations.

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