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Jul 9, 2024

Is the Information-Theoretic Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics an ontic structural realist view?

Posted by in category: quantum physics

The Information-Theoretic Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics from (Bub & Pitowsky, 2010) has been criticized in two ways related to the ontological picture it supplies. This paper explores whether Ontic Structural Realism can supplement the metaphysics of ITIQM in a way that would satisfy its critics. The many similarities between the two views are detailed. And it is argued that the ITIQM view ca. 2010 does seem to be compatible with OSR, but as the view evolved in Bub’s Bananaworld (2016), its fundamental metaphysical commitments shifted, making it a less clean fit with OSR.

Jul 9, 2024

Meet the AI-powered robots that Big Tech thinks can solve a global labor shortage

Posted by in category: robotics/AI

AI-powered robots are popping up across Silicon Valley. If some industry experts are right, they could help solve a global labor shortage.

Companies like Tesla, Amazon, Microsoft and Nvidia have plowed billions of dollars into what are known as “humanoid” robots. These machines typically stand on two legs, and are designed to perform tasks meant for people.

Jul 9, 2024

We Are All Dennettians Now

Posted by in category: robotics/AI

An homage riff on AI+mind+evolution in honor of Daniel Dennett.

Jul 9, 2024

LHS 1140 b: From Mini-Neptune to Potential Water World

Posted by in categories: evolution, space

“Of all currently known temperate exoplanets, LHS 1,140 b could well be our best bet to one day indirectly confirm liquid water on the surface of an alien world beyond our Solar System,” said Charles Cadieux.

The search for Earth’s twin just got a little closer as astronomers recently presented findings regarding a potential icy or watery “super-Earth” called LHS 1,140 b, which is located approximately 49 light-years from Earth and whose radius is approximately 1.7 times our planet, along with orbiting within its star’s habitable zone. What makes this finding unique is LHS 1,140 b was previously hypothesized to be a mini-Neptune and astronomers speculate could be completely covered in either ice or water.

The findings were recently accepted to The Astrophysical Journal Letters and hold the potential to help astronomers better understand the formation and evolution of exoplanets, and specifically Earth-sized exoplanets within their star’s habitable zone.

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Jul 9, 2024

Global Food Waste in 2024

Posted by in category: food

Global food waste is a cross-cutting issue that starts during agricultural production, available food supply, and continues all of the way to the landfill.

Over 30% of food is lost or wasted each year. This number is even more striking, given the large number of hungry people in the world. Wasted food is not only inefficient, it’s a social justice issue – as all the food wasted could be used to serve the food recovery hierarchy and prevent perfectly good food from being wasted.

Jul 9, 2024

A trans-oceanic flight of over 4,200 km by painted lady butterflies

Posted by in category: futurism

The extent and impact of global insect movements is hindered by tracking limitations. This study reveals a 4,200 km transatlantic journey by butterflies from West Africa to South America, lasting 5–8 days, highlighting the remarkable capacity of certain insects to disperse over vast distances.

Jul 9, 2024

Vessel Wall Imaging Features of Spontaneous Intracranial Carotid Artery Dissection

Posted by in category: futurism

This study investigated the ability of vessel wall imaging to identify the rarely reported spontaneous intracranial carotid dissection (sICD) guided by postmortem validation:

Background and Objectives.

Jul 9, 2024

Brain Organoids Communicate: A Step Toward “Organoid Intelligence”

Posted by in categories: genetics, neuroscience

Scientists have connected two organoids together with an axon bundle, to study how brain areas communicate. They sent signals back and forth and responded to external stimulation. This could be a step toward biocomputing.

Learn about: axons, white matter, re-entry, optogenetics, myelination, entrainment, short-term potentiation.

Continue reading “Brain Organoids Communicate: A Step Toward ‘Organoid Intelligence’” »

Jul 9, 2024

Thomas Hartung and colleagues | The future of organoid intelligence | Frontiers Forum Deep Dive 2023

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, chemistry, computing, engineering, ethics, health, neuroscience, policy


Human brains outperform computers in many forms of processing and are far more energy efficient. What if we could harness their power in a new form of biological computing?

Continue reading “Thomas Hartung and colleagues | The future of organoid intelligence | Frontiers Forum Deep Dive 2023” »

Jul 9, 2024

Many-to-Many Networks: Multifunctional Modules for Multicellularity — Michael Elowitz

Posted by in categories: bioengineering, biotech/medical, computing, genetics

In multicellular organisms, many biological pathways exhibit a curious structure, involving sets of protein variants that bind or interact with one another in a many-to-many fashion. What functions do these seemingly complicated architectures provide? And can similar architectures be useful in synthetic biology? Here, Dr. Elowitz discusses recent work in his lab that shows how many-to-many circuits can function as versatile computational devices, explore the roles these computations play in natural biological contexts, and show how many-to-many architectures can be used to design synthetic multicellular behaviors.

About Michael Elowitz.
Michael Elowitz is a Howard Hughes Medical Institute Investigator and Roscoe Gilkey Dickinson Professor of Biology and Biological Engineering at Caltech. Dr. Elowitz’s laboratory has introduced synthetic biology approaches to build and understand genetic circuits in living cells and tissues. As a graduate student with Stanislas Leibler, Elowitz developed the Repressilator, an artificial genetic clock that generates gene expression oscillations in individual E. coli cells. Since then, his lab has continued to design and build synthetic genetic circuits, bringing a “build to understand” approach to bacteria, yeast, and mammalian cells. He and his group have shown that gene expression is intrinsically stochastic, or ‘noisy’, and revealed how noise functions to enable probabilistic differentiation, time-based regulation, and other functions. Currently, Elowitz’s lab is bringing synthetic approaches to understand and program multicellular functions including multistability, cell-cell communication, epigenetic memory, and cell fate control, and to provide foundations for using biological circuits as therapeutic devices. His lab also co-develops systems such as “MEMOIR” that allows cells to record their own lineage histories and tools for RNA export, and precise gene expression. Elowitz received his PhD in Physics from Princeton University and did postdoctoral research at Rockefeller University. Honors include the HFSP Nakasone Award, MacArthur Fellowship, Presidential Early Career Award, Allen Distinguished Investigator Award, the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and election to the National Academy of Sciences.

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