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Artificial intelligence systems can mimic some aspects of human intelligence with impressive results, including detecting objects, navigating environments, playing chess, or even generating text.

But cloning human behavior has its limitations.
Without backing actions with thought, AI systems can become brittle and make unpredictable mistakes when faced with novel situations.

One recent project by scientists at the University of British Columbia and Vector Institute shows the benefits of getting AI systems to think like humans.

Google claims to have proved its supremacy over conventional machines with new quantum computer.

Google has developed a quantum computer that instantly makes calculations that would take the best existing supercomputers 47 years, in a breakthrough meant to establish beyond doubt that the experimental machines can outperform conventional rivals.

A paper from researchers at Google published online claims that the company’s latest technology is “beyond the capabilities of existing classical supercomputers”.

The very fabric of the universe is ringing with gravitational waves from its earliest epoch, and researchers have finally “heard” this cosmic symphony.

On Thursday, June 28, the North American Nanohertz Observatory for Gravitational Waves (NANOGrav) revealed the detection of low-frequency gravitational waves, a historic breakthrough that represents 15 years of searching. Yet, this isn’t the first time that humanity has detected gravitational waves. Scientists have been detecting these ripples in the fabric of space using facilities like the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO) since 2015.

On January 23, 2023, we celebrated the expansion of the SENS Research Foundation’s Research Center, more than doubling its capacity.

California Dignitaries Alison Hicks, Mayor of Mountain View, Peter Katz, President of the Mountain View Chamber of Commerce, Marc Berman, California State Assemblymember, and Saul Miranda, District Representative, were present to officiate the ribbon-cutting ceremony.

SENS Research Foundation was awarded a Certificate of Recognition by Senator Josh Becker, California State Senate.

Video by Vecc Schiafino.

The field of bone implants has taken incredible strides thanks to technological innovations that allow for stronger grafts that are easier to install. Yet even with these advances, there are still risks involved in such procedures. Implants can be loosened following operations, for example, which can lead to costly surgical revisions that lengthen the recovery process for patients.

New research published in Nature Biomedical Engineering from an interdisciplinary team from Northwestern Engineering’s Center for Advanced Regenerative Engineering (CARE) and Center for Physical Genomics and Engineering (CPGE) could reduce the likelihood of these painful, expensive complications.

Working at the convergence of the physical sciences, biology, surgery, and engineering, the investigators introduced the concept of surface topography-induced chromatin engineering. In a collaboration with The University of Chicago’s Russell R. Reid, MD, Ph.D., and Tong-Chuan He, MD, Ph.D., the team explained how and why to use surfaces to change patterns, validating the method in vivo.

China’s tit-for-tat trade war on technology with the US and Europe is escalating. Beijing has imposed restrictions on exporting two metals that are crucial to parts of the semiconductor, telecommunications and electric-vehicle industries. Stephen Engle reports on Bloomberg Television.
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Accelerating Effective Treatments To Prevent And Reverse Human Age-Related Disease — Dr. Aubrey de Grey, Ph.D. — President & Chief Science Officer, Longevity Escape Velocity Foundation (LEVF)

Dr. Aubrey de Grey, Ph.D., is President & Chief Science Officer of the Longevity Escape Velocity (LEV) Foundation (, an organization focused on proactively identifying and addressing the most challenging obstacles on the path to the widespread availability of genuinely effective treatments to prevent and reverse human age-related disease.

Dr. de Grey is internationally recognized as a visionary biomedical gerontologist who devised the Strategies for Engineered Negligible Senescence: a comprehensive set of methods to rejuvenate the human body, thereby preventing age-related ill health and mortality. He has co-founded multiple non-profit organizations – including Methuselah Foundation, SENS Research Foundation, and now LEV Foundation – to specifically enable and accelerate its development and clinical translation.

Dr. de Grey received his BA in Computer Science and Ph.D. in Biology from the University of Cambridge in 1985 and 2000, respectively. He is the author of The Mitochondrial Free Radical Theory of Aging (1999), Ending Aging (2007), and a large number of academic papers.

Dr. de Grey is a Fellow of both the Gerontological Society of America and the American Aging Association, and sits on the advisory boards of numerous scientific journals and research organizations. He is a prolific speaker who regularly presents at conferences and events world-wide.