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Jul 14, 2023

Scientist protects crafts from space debris in the Earth-Moon region

Posted by in category: space

A Purdue University engineer is exploring how to spot and track all human-made objects and predict the impact of their potential damage in the Cislunar region.

To protect new craft from being hit by such space waste, Purdue University engineer Carolin Frueh is exploring how to spot and keep track of all human-made objects and predict the impact of their potential damage in this Earth-Moon neighborhood, called the Cislunar region.

Space is crowded. Particularly the region between Earth and the Moon. That part is full of space debris.

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Jul 14, 2023

NASA begins tests on most powerful solar electric propulsion thrusters

Posted by in categories: chemistry, solar power, space travel

The thrusters will play an important role on NASA’s Gateway, the outpost orbiting the Moon.

Engineers from NASA and Aerojet Rocketdyne have begun the multiyear qualification testing of the most powerful solar electric propulsion (SEP) thrusters, which are expected to radically change propulsion in space, a press release from the space agency said.

For decades, space research has relied on chemical propulsion to generate millions of pounds of thrust and has attempted to make bigger and more powerful rockets to take us further in our space voyages. While this is a standard even with the most advanced methane-powered rocket engines, it is not necessarily the most efficient way to move about in space.

Jul 14, 2023

At 100 nautical miles, this battery-powered hydrofoil boat offers world’s longest range

Posted by in categories: sustainability, transportation

The purpose-built 35ft electric flying boat also offers a top speed of 22 knots.

How do you make an electric boat go faster and further on a single charge? Either you fit a more powerful battery that usually increases the weight, making it counterproductive, or use a hydrofoil system to reduce drag.

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Jul 14, 2023

Venus Stargazer: Hypersonic jet could reach Tokyo from San Francisco in just one hour

Posted by in category: space

Venus Aerospace.

Planned to travel at Mach 9, the new craft should be able to transport 12 passengers between San Francisco to Tokyo in just one hour. That’s eleven times faster than a typical long-haul flight today.

Jul 14, 2023

Self-taught AI is best yet at strategy game Go

Posted by in category: robotics/AI

Year 2017 😗😁

Artificial-intelligence program AlphaGo Zero trained in just days, without any human input.

Jul 14, 2023

DeepMind Launches Self-Improving AI Model

Posted by in category: robotics/AI

Google’s DeepMind has revealed an AI model capable of teaching itself without human intervention. Find out more.

Jul 14, 2023

A new method might enable the mass generation of fusion energy

Posted by in category: nuclear energy

Scientists achieved ignition at the National Ignition Facility at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in December 2022. However, there are still many obstacles to overcome before fusion energy is technically and economically feasible for widespread production and use.

Researchers at the University of Rochester’s Laboratory for Laser Energetics (LLE) have, for the first time, experimentally demonstrated a method called dynamic shell formation, which may help achieve the goal of creating a fusion power plant.

Jul 14, 2023

Fractional quantum Hall state appears in ultracold atoms

Posted by in categories: particle physics, quantum physics

Physicists at Harvard University in the US have created a novel strongly interacting quantum liquid known as a Laughlin state in a gas of ultracold atoms for the first time. The state, which is an example of a fractional quantum Hall (FQH) state, had previously been seen in condensed-matter systems and in photons, but observations in atoms had been elusive due to stringent experimental requirements. Because atomic systems are simpler than their condensed-matter counterparts, the result could lead to fresh insights into fundamental physics.

“Some of the most intriguing phenomena in condensed-matter physics emerge when you confine electrons in two dimensions and apply a strong magnetic field,” explains Julian Léonard, a postdoctoral researcher in the Rubidium Lab at Harvard and the lead author of a paper in Nature on the new work. “For example, the particles can behave collectively as if they have a charge that is only a fraction of the elementary charge – something that does not occur anywhere else in nature and is even ruled out by the Standard Model for all fundamental particles.”

The way in which such fractional charges arise is still not fully understood because it is difficult to study solid-state systems at an atomic scale. This is why it is so desirable to study the behaviour of FQHs in synthetic quantum systems such as cold atoms, which act as quantum simulators for more complex condensed-matter phenomena.

Jul 14, 2023

Flying electric car takes off in the US as CEO discusses industry’s future [Video]

Posted by in categories: government, law, sustainability, transportation

Flying cars are becoming closer to reality than what sci-fi movies may lead you to believe. Another electric flying car “took flight” this week in the US. CEO Doron Merdinger of Miami-based Doroni Aerospace successfully piloted a two-seater personal vertical takeoff and landing (eVTOL) aircraft that fits in your garage.

Electric flying cars are all of a sudden taking the US by storm. Last month, California-based Alef Aeronautics revealed its 100% electric flying car, “Model A,” the first of its kind to receive legal approval to fly from the US government.

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Jul 14, 2023

New research puts age of universe at 26.7 billion years, nearly twice as old as previously believed

Posted by in category: space

Our universe could be twice as old as current estimates, according to a new study that challenges the dominant cosmological model and sheds new light on the so-called “impossible early galaxy problem.”

The work is published in the journal Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society.

“Our newly-devised model stretches the galaxy formation time by a several billion years, making the 26.7 billion years old, and not 13.7 as previously estimated,” says author Rajendra Gupta, adjunct professor of physics in the Faculty of Science at the University of Ottawa.