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Nerve cells have amazing strategies to save energy and still perform the most important of their tasks. Researchers from the University Hospital Bonn (UKB) and the University of Bonn as well as the University Medical Center Göttingen found that the neuronal energy conservation program determines the location and number of messenger RNA (mRNA) and proteins and differs depending on the length, longevity and other properties of the respective molecule. The work has now been published in Nature Communications.

We have all experienced the need to save energy in recent years. To do this, we all had to come up with strategies to save energy while still meeting our most important needs.

Our are facing a similar dilemma: They have to supply their synapses, i.e., their contact points with other neurons, but also organize their in such a way that they don’t produce too much or too little proteins.

Mercedes-Benz recently presented a brand new solar paint technology that aims to improve an EV’s driving range through the use of solar power. In the best-case scenario, this novel evolution could probably enable EVs to produce sufficient electrical energy for about 20,000 km (12,427 miles) of yearly driving.

The Science Behind Mercedes Solar Paint

Solar paint is a new Mercedes-Benz innovation that embeds highly efficient photovoltaic plates into the car’s body. Unlike ordinary solar panels, commonly seen on rooftops, or as accessories, this paint facilitates conversion of sunlight into electricity without needing to change the car’s appearance. These are tiny photovoltaic cells that are embedded in paint to capture sunlight and convert it to electricity that is needed to recharge the electric vehicle’s battery.

Many describe this as the experience of seeing their life ‘flash before their eyes.’

The recording was made when an 87-year-old patient underwent cardiac arrest while being treated for epilepsy.

Doctors had strapped a device on his head to monitor brain activity, but the man died during the process.

Two hundred million years ago, our mammal ancestors developed a new brain feature: the neocortex. This stamp-sized piece of tissue (wrapped around a brain the size of a walnut) is the key to what humanity has become. Now, futurist Ray Kurzweil suggests, we should get ready for the next big leap in brain power, as we tap into the computing power in the cloud.

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Like the Buddhist concept of Emptiness sunyata.

The purpose of this lecture is to defend a reading of Nietzsche that attributes to him an ontology that reduces everything to relations of force against the charge that such an ontology is wildly implausible. Rather than rehearsing the textual evidence supporting such a view, the tactic employed in this chapter is to show that Nietzsche’s relational ontology of force can be understood as a proto-form of a view currently being given serious consideration in contemporary philosophy of science: Ontic Structural Realism. Ontic structural realism is a form of structural realism that eliminates things-in-themselves and inflates the ontological significance of relations vis-à-vis relata. Because Nietzsche appeals to the natural sciences to justify his rejection of things-in-themselves in favour of a relational ontology of force, it is argued that Nietzsche should be understood as offering a proto-version of ontic structural realism.

Informational Structural Realism (ISR) has been presented by Luciano Floridi and others as an alternative form of structural realism that can overcome many of structural realism’s shortcomings. The essential idea behind ISR is that nature is ultimately informational in nature and scientific theories present data structures that represent this information. In this talk I assess whether ISR is able to reconcile the two most important arguments in the realism-antirealism debate: the \.

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Graham Cooks and his team at Purdue University have discovered a chemical process that has exciting implications for people who believe that life could have emerged spontaneously and through natural means. The idea that the building blocks of life started in a primordial ocean now has a competitor: airborne tiny water droplets.

Estimating spectral features of quantum many-body systems has attracted great attention in condensed matter physics and quantum chemistry. To achieve this task, various experimental and theoretical techniques have been developed, such as spectroscopy techniques1,2,3,4,5,6,7 and quantum simulation either by engineering controlled quantum devices8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16 or executing quantum algorithms17,18,19,20 such as quantum phase estimation and variational algorithms. However, probing the behaviour of complex quantum many-body systems remains a challenge, which demands substantial resources for both approaches. For instance, a real probe by neutron spectroscopy requires access to large-scale facilities with high-intensity neutron beams, while quantum computation of eigenenergies typically requires controlled operations with a long coherence time17,18. Efficient estimation of spectral properties has become a topic of increasing interest in this noisy intermediate-scale quantum era21.

A potential solution to efficient spectral property estimation is to extract the spectral information from the dynamics of observables, rather than relying on real probes such as scattering spectroscopy, or direct computation of eigenenergies. This approach capitalises on the basics in quantum mechanics that spectral information is naturally carried by the observable’s dynamics10,20,22,23,24,25,26. In a solid system with translation invariance, for instance, the dynamic structure factor, which can be probed in spectroscopy experiments7,26, reaches its local maximum when both the energy and momentum selection rules are satisfied. Therefore, the energy dispersion can be inferred by tracking the peak of intensities in the energy excitation spectrum.