Microsoft has released the remaining Phi-3 models!
We’re on a journey to advance and democratize artificial intelligence through open source and open science.
Microsoft has released the remaining Phi-3 models!
We’re on a journey to advance and democratize artificial intelligence through open source and open science.
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A team of astronomers and citizen scientists has discovered a planet in the habitable zone of an unusual star system, including two stars and potentially another exoplanet.
The planet hunters spotted the Neptune-like planet as it crossed in front of its host star, temporarily dimming the star’s light in a way akin to a solar eclipse on Earth. This “transit method” usually identifies planets with tight orbits, as they are more likely to follow paths that put them between Earth and their host star and, when following such paths, move into light-blocking positions more frequently. That’s why this newly discovered planet is considered unusually far out, with the planet taking 272 days to lap its star.
Furthermore, the star is now by far the brightest one known to host a transiting planet in the habitable zone where liquid water can exist.
Mao, H., Tian, Y., Wang, Z. et al. Discovery and engineering of Tsp2Cas9 for genome editing. Cell Discov 10, 55 (2024).
Inflation: The leading theory for the universe’s earliest moments, cosmic inflation, proposes that the universe underwent a brief period of exponential expansion an instant after the Big Bang. This process would have enlarged a minuscule volume of space to a tremendous size, much larger than our observable universe. Inflation neatly explains the flatness and uniformity we observe. But it also suggests that our entire observable universe is a tiny bubble in a vast inflated expanse.
Infinite replicas: If the universe is truly infinite, then everything that occurs within our observable universe must recur an infinite number of times beyond our cosmic horizon. The number of possible particle configurations in any finite volume is large but limited. In an infinite expanse, each configuration, no matter how unlikely, will be realized somewhere, and not just once but an infinite number of times. There would be infinite copies of our observable universe, infinite Milky Way galaxies, infinite Earths, and even infinite versions of you pondering this article. It’s a dizzying but inevitable consequence of an endless cosmos.
Achieving the promised advantages of quantum computing relies on translating quantum operations into physical realizations. Fürrutter and colleagues use diffusion models to create quantum circuits that are based on user specifications and tailored to experimental constraints.
As autonomous drones soar toward the frontline, bigger countries like China and the U.S. are watching.
However, if long and thin strips of graphene (termed graphene nanoribbons) are cut out of a wide graphene sheet, the quantum charge carriers become confined within the narrow dimension, which makes them semi-conducting and enables their use in quantum switching devices. As of today, there are a number of barriers to using graphene nanoribbons in devices, among them is the challenge of reproducibly growing narrow and long sheets that are isolated from the environment.
In this new study, the researchers were able to develop a method to catalytically grow narrow, long, and reproducible graphene nanoribbons directly within insulating hexagonal boron-nitride stacks, as well as demonstrate peak performance in quantum switching devices based on the newly-grown ribbons. The unique growth mechanism was revealed using advanced molecular dynamics simulation tools that were developed and implemented by the Israeli teams.
These calculations showed that ultra-low friction in certain growth directions within the boron-nitride crystal dictates the reproducibility of the structure of the ribbon, allowing it to grow to unprecedented lengths directly within a clean and isolated environment.
Theory of mind —the ability to understand other people’s mental states—is what makes the social world of humans go around. It’s what helps you decide what to say in a tense situation, guess what drivers in other cars are about to do, and empathize with a character in a movie. And according to a new study, the large language models (LLM) that power ChatGPT and the like are surprisingly good at mimicking this quintessentially human trait.
“Before running the study, we were all convinced that large language models would not pass these tests, especially tests that evaluate subtle abilities to evaluate mental states,” says study coauthor Cristina Becchio, a professor of cognitive neuroscience at the University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf in Germany. The results, which she calls “unexpected and surprising,” were published today —somewhat ironically, in the journal Nature Human Behavior.
The results don’t have everyone convinced that we’ve entered a new era of machines that think like we do, however. Two experts who reviewed the findings advised taking them “with a grain of salt” and cautioned about drawing conclusions on a topic that can create “hype and panic in the public.” Another outside expert warned of the dangers of anthropomorphizing software programs.
Geoffrey Hinton, one of the “godfathers” of AI, is adamant that AI will surpass human intelligence — and worries that we aren’t being safe enough about its development.
This isn’t just his opinion, though it certainly carries weight on its own. In an interview with the BBC’s Newsnight program, Hinton claimed that the idea of AI surpassing human intelligence as an inevitability is in fact the consensus of leaders in the field.
“Very few of the experts are in doubt about that,” Hinton told the BBC. “Almost everybody I know who is an expert on AI believes that they will exceed human intelligence — it’s just a question of when.”