Kaalagyan: Farsighted-Future Investigation And Reoriented Research By Drashtara, Andres Agostini!
“…White Swan [ http://amzn.to/1tH7Fpl ]; yes White Swan! In Sanskrit‚ we have an adage-HAMSA KSHEERA NYAYAM — meaning Swan and the Milk Example! What does this mean? It is believed that Swan accepts milk portion only from out of the mixture of Milk and Water! [….] I am honored to compare this Vedic Analogy with Mr. Andres Agostini’s WHITE SWAN — I do know whether Andres kept this Vedic term. While titling his Great foreseeing of the Future! [….] Needless to say that Andres is a foreseer; DRASHTARA! He illumines the present science and technology and heightens the future Metascale heights, yet he says that he does know what could be in 2045! [….] In Sanskrit the Vedantic Sages call Andres «… a DRASHTARA …» and as such he is set out to re-channelize the R&D&I effort’s direction and pathway by applied scientists in dire straits, thus re-illuminating them in the unaccounted-for dynamic driving forces in order for scientists to return to the right path [….] THE UNIVERSE IS A LEGENDARY VERSE AND I MUST ADMIT WITH MY LIMITED KNOWLEDGE OF THE PAST TO FUTURE, THE EVOLUTION IS THE GREATEST REVOLUTION IN ALL ASPECTS; KNOWN BECOMES NON EXISTENT AND UNKNOWN BECOMES THE MOST ADORED AND PREFERRED TOOL OF THE PRESENT TOOL FOR AFFLUENCE IN SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL FAST TRACKS! I admire Andres at every meticulous step in his narration citing and acknowledging his indebtedness to his peers! My knowledge of Science and Technology is limited to appreciation of the facts of the future! I am no match to Andres Agostini’s knowledge, but have the firm belief that Andres Agostini’s forethoughts of the future are the as true as Sun and Moon! [….] It is a prevailed I casually came across this page and must say I am a gainer in knowledge! [.…] THERE IS IGNORANCE IN KNOWLEDGE AND SO TOO KNOWLEDGE IN IGNORANCE BECAUSE THE MORE ONE LEARNS; MUCH MORE HE/SHE FEELS MORE HE/SHE MUST LEARN! [….] PEOPLE LIKE MR. ANDRES AGOSTINI ARE ALWAYS SOUGHT AFTER TO EDUCATE THE THIRSTY FOR KNOWLEDGE OF THE FUTURISTIC DEVELOPMENTS! [….] WISDOM AND KNOWLEDGE ARE DUAL ENTITIES OF THE MIND! Needless to say drawing from the expressive impressions of previous births to forecast the futuristics of the incoming generations called in Sanskrit as KAALAGYAN! (in Sanskrit, ‘… knowledge and awareness with farsightedness of eternal future times…’) [….] Whatever we call genes/genetic in modern scientific terminology! As usual Mr. Andres Agostini, with his habitual farsightedness has inherent KAALAGYAN to disclose whatever the future holds for the future! I wish Mr Andres Agostini all the great results for the future he is investigating! [….] SOMETIMES I HAVE THE PREMONITION, HAVING READ SEVERAL OF MR ANDRES AGOSTINI’S PUBLICATIONS, THAT HE BELONGS TO PRE-VEDIC PERIOD IN FORESEEING THE FUTURISTIC HAPPENINGS! HE IS TOTALLY DEDICATED IN HIS STUDIES: WIDTH AND DEPTH! HIS ZEAL SURMOUNTS MOUNT EVEREST! …”
— Mr. Grama Keshava Ananthram
“ … I absolutely agree with your opinion that MR ANDRES AGOSTINI is a great visionary of our time. His findings forewarns us about the future. IGNORING THEM IN FORMULATING POLICIES FOR THE FUTURE OF OUR PLANET IS LIKE WALKING THE CLIFF EDGE BLINDFOLD. Yes, the unique intuitive power that MR AGOSTINI is endowed with, must have been the result of good Karma of past several births …”
— Sukanta Rout
“ … Andres is no longer a captive to history.
Whatever he can imagine, he can accomplish.
He is no longer a vassal in a faceless
bureaucracy, He is an activist, not a drone.
He is no longer a foot soldier
in the march of progress.
He is a Technological Revolutionary! … ”
Authored By Copyright Mr. Andres Agostini
White Swan Book Author (Source of this Article)
https://www.FACEBOOK.com/heldenceo (Other Publications)
I.- Thou Shalt Have a Written Detailed Step-by-Step Disaster Plan,
II.- Thou Shalt Do Cost-Benefit Analysis,
III.- Thou Shalt Be Fully Insured (beyond any plain-vanilla insurance companies, by the government or otherwise),
IV.- Thou Shalt Search Out and Repair Vulnerable Systems,
V.- Thou Shalt Prepare To Outsmart Your Threats and To Deal With the Consequences,
VI.- Thou Shalt Have Redundant Systems,
VII.- Thou Shalt Be Mobile,
VIII.- Thou Shalt Set and Follow Priorities,
IX.- Thou Shalt Not Depend on Others,
X.- Thou Shalt Keep Lines of Communication Open,
XI.- Thou Shalt Capitalize on Opportunities,
XII.- Thou Shalt Rid Bureaucracy At Any Cost And Always Run Mean And Lean,
XIII.- Thou Shalt Concentrate on Completion Through The End. (Leonardo Da Vinci asserted, “ …Let’s first think in completion, and then let’s carry on through the end …”) Item XIII.- was researched and written by author. [221].
XIV.- Thou Shalt Follow Precedence insofar that “…Two paradoxes are better than one; they may even suggest a solution …” Item XIII.- was originally generated by Edward Teller. [93]
XVI.- Thou shalt not bear ignorance of supine ignorance about every strategic military and technological surprises in the form of Corporate Sputnik Moment, thus causing bankruptcy.
XVII.- Thou shalt not think the out-the-box folly, unless you are eager and over-prepared to embrace failure.
XVIII.- Thou shalt trust, but verify.
XIX.- Thou shalt not think out-the-box, unless you are eager to embrace failure. Thou shalt be infinitely more unconventional and heterodox,
XX.- Thou shalt depend only on your own intellectual capital, methods, technologies, resources, and actions.
XXI.- Thou shalt be self-reliant at all times, for Life.
XXII.- Thou shalt be Disruption-Ready and Adjust and Adjust and Adapt and Adapt.
XXIII.- Thou shalt be Business-Recovery Ready and Adjust and Adjust and Adapt and Adapt.
XXIV.- Thou shalt be Business-Restoration Ready and Adjust and Adjust and Adapt and Adapt.
XXV.- Thou Must Prepare For Darkness While Traveling In The Sunlight.
XXVI.- Thou Must Realize That Plans Without Action Are Only Dreams.
XXVII.- Thou Must Sweep Cobwebs From Thy Mind Before They Imprison Thee.
XXVIII.- Thou Must Lighten Thy Load If Ye Would Reach Thy Destination.
XXIX.- Thou Must Never Forget That It Is Always Later Than Ye Think.
XXX.- Thou Must Never Live Near the Coast or Riversides, Nor Never Live In Low-Lying Lands.
XXXI.- Thou Must Prepare Cash Reserves Instead of Relying on Indemnity Payments from Private or Public Insurance Companies. Remember that Insurance and Re-Insurance Companies, in their great majority, take their moneys and that of yours into a gambling race with doctored algorithms and manipulated practices in the Stock Market and Financial Sector, globally.
XXXII.- Thou Shalt Not Depend On Other People’s Theories, Ideas And Books. Create and Depend on Yours Only.
Authored By Copyright Mr. Andres Agostini
White Swan Book Author (Source of this Article)
https://www.FACEBOOK.com/heldenceo (Other Publications)
This archive file was compiled from an interview conducted at the SENS Research Foundation in Mountain View, California, February 2013.
“The first person to live to 150 is alive today.” That was the promise featured on a billboard from the insurance giant Prudential in the year 2013. The advertisement was perhaps representative of a growing awareness that the possibility of substantially extended human longevity was, if not around the corner, no longer a science fiction daydream. Later the same year, search leader Google established a company, Calico, specifically dedicated to rethinking aging. It seemed as though the existing paradigm, in which thinking about longevity was all well and good — but actually investing in it crossed over into madness — was starting to crumble.
Despite these outward signs of change however, polls indicated that most people were not interested in investing — financially or emotionally — in longevity. Many saw in longevity research the problems implicit in the message of the Insurance billboard: “If I live to 150, won’t I run out of money? Will I ever be able to retire? Wouldn’t dying at 80 or 90 be just fine, really?”
In this archive file, Dr. Aubrey de Grey discusses his perspective on the reservations the people of the time had in relation to anti-aging and rejuvenation research.
What was the tipping point that would make the public want to defeat aging?
More about Dr. Aubrey de Grey:
SENS Research Foundation:
To Omniscience or To Not Omniscience? By Copyright Mr. Andres Agostini
Authored By Copyright Mr. Andres Agostini
White Swan Book Author (Source of this Article)
https://www.FACEBOOK.com/heldenceo (Other Publications)
Posted in human trajectories, space, space travel
FUTURISM UPDATE (January 02, 2015) — Mr. Andres Agostini, Amazon, LinkedIn
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Authored By Copyright Mr. Andres Agostini
White Swan Book Author (Source of this Article)
https://www.FACEBOOK.com/heldenceo (Other Publications)
FUTURISM UPDATE (January 01, 2015) — Mr. Andres Agostini, Amazon, LinkedIn
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Authored By Copyright Mr. Andres Agostini
White Swan Book Author (Source of this Article)
https://www.FACEBOOK.com/heldenceo (Other Publications)
Everyone can witness it in the scientifically well-researched blockbuster movie “Interstellar”: The protagonist had to travel fairly deep down to the vicinity of the surface of a giant black hole while feeling absolutely normal there. But there he realizes that when he is to come back home soon, decades will have passed by out there owing to his momentarily heavily slowed clocks and aging. Hence he is younger now than his own daughter whom he had so reluctantly left behind. This is the ingenious part of the script. The rest of the movie becomes inconsistent, the viewer realizes: The crew next goes down much deeper to reach the horizon and travel through the wormhole (and so a second time on the way back), but this time around the matching infinitely fast aging rate in the outside world is swept under the rug for the sake of the narrative having a happy end.
My point is that near the horizon itself, the slowdown becomes infinite. Hence “infinity plus infinity equals zero” is the axiom presupposed in the movie’s second part. Therefore we can dismiss that part as crab? Please, do not do so: this part describes exactly what modern physics is teaching. That is, the movie’s inconsistent second part is the current textbook knowledge: a belief in the presence of “equal rights” between the two time scales, the one outside and the one downstairs in gravity. This is the canonical teaching in physics for 75 years – ever since 1939 when J. Robert Oppenheimer unwittingly laid the ground to this logical error in his ingenious paper, written jointly with Hartland Snyder, in which the physical existence of stellar black holes was first predicted. It is highly technical (http://journals.aps.org/pr/pdf/10.1103/PhysRev.56.455 ).
Following 1939, only the “Russian school” avoided the mentioned error by speaking of “frozen stars” rather than of “stellar black holes.” Eventually, however, peer pressure from the West caused this view to fall into oblivion following the end of the cold war. The once correctly recognized “freezing of time near a black hole” was forgotten by the profession. Interstellar now brought it to the whole world.
The mentioned emotional scene (a father suffering in his heart because the imperceptible slowing-down of time that holds true for him near a mega black hole implies that his beloved young daughter will no longer be a child on his impending return) is now an eye-opener for the whole planet.
But does physics – the most difficult and most highly esteemed science on earth – really teach that the freezing of time is a mere observational effect without real-life consequences? This, Sir, is the modern gospel. The fact that, in reality, nothing ever reaches the horizon in finite outer time or else comes up from it is denied by the physics community. Now, however, the mentioned scene in the movie makes it clear to everyone endowed with a heart that the two time scales are indeed interlocked.
Does this mean that the perhaps most highly regarded profession on earth cannot think? The answer is: yes, but so only for a particular kind of reasoning. Direct – non-algorithmic – thinking has no niche left to it. Oppenheimer got blessed with the wisdom of hindsight when he said “physics has met sin” but here he hit on a perhaps even more fateful case.
Shall the scientific community go on trying to produce black holes down on earth – now that the profession has learnt from a blockbuster movie that it had believed in falsity regarding black holes for 75 years?
I plead that an almost 7 years old proposal for a “safety conference” ( http://www.wissensnavigator.com/documents/petitiontocern.pdf ) be heeded at long last – before the LHC experiment, designed to build black holes down on earth, gets re-started at twice world record energies with a multiplied chance at producing black holes in a few weeks’ time from today.
There is a good chance for a renewal of the more than six years old safety report at last after Interstellar has translated Oppenheimer’s ingenious insights into a theatrical scene that is intuitive to the eye and the heart of every viewer. After this superhuman feat accomplished by the movie-makers, every person on earth is obliged to them. I reckon it was Kip Thorne who is responsible for the miracle of a clear-sighted grief that revealed the existential dimension of gravity’s temporal effects. How does it feel, dear reader, to jointly with Kip be more intelligent than a whole profession and become a benefactor of humankind if you continue to believe in yourself? I can tell you: it feels awful since most everybody hates you – so as if belief in authority was worth dying-for even if it costs the planet. But then just look in the eyes of the young girl in the movie and you know better. This is the miracle worked by Interstellar: your own honesty towards yourself makes all the difference of the world. Even the best-educated group of people on earth is bound to concede your point if you stick to it: “Infinity plus infinity is infinity, not zero.” The correction changes the face of terrestrial black holes as well.
by Frederic Lardinois — TechCrunch
Designing a good-looking website has never been easy, and while many services promise to let you build a site without ever having to touch any code, you quickly reach their limits if you want to have a more advanced site. The Grid, which is launching its crowdfunding campaign today, promises to do away with all of this. Instead of designing your site pixel by pixel yourself, The Grid team wants to use artificial intelligence to design your site based on your content and goals (more followers, more customers, higher sales, etc.).