I.- Thou Shalt Have a Written Detailed Step-by-Step Disaster Plan,
II.- Thou Shalt Do Cost-Benefit Analysis,
III.- Thou Shalt Be Fully Insured (beyond any plain-vanilla insurance companies, by the government or otherwise),
IV.- Thou Shalt Search Out and Repair Vulnerable Systems,
V.- Thou Shalt Prepare To Outsmart Your Threats and To Deal With the Consequences,
VI.- Thou Shalt Have Redundant Systems,
VII.- Thou Shalt Be Mobile,
VIII.- Thou Shalt Set and Follow Priorities,
IX.- Thou Shalt Not Depend on Others,
X.- Thou Shalt Keep Lines of Communication Open,
XI.- Thou Shalt Capitalize on Opportunities,
XII.- Thou Shalt Rid Bureaucracy At Any Cost And Always Run Mean And Lean,
XIII.- Thou Shalt Concentrate on Completion Through The End. (Leonardo Da Vinci asserted, “ …Let’s first think in completion, and then let’s carry on through the end …”) Item XIII.- was researched and written by author. [221].
XIV.- Thou Shalt Follow Precedence insofar that “…Two paradoxes are better than one; they may even suggest a solution …” Item XIII.- was originally generated by Edward Teller. [93]
XVI.- Thou shalt not bear ignorance of supine ignorance about every strategic military and technological surprises in the form of Corporate Sputnik Moment, thus causing bankruptcy.
XVII.- Thou shalt not think the out-the-box folly, unless you are eager and over-prepared to embrace failure.
XVIII.- Thou shalt trust, but verify.
XIX.- Thou shalt not think out-the-box, unless you are eager to embrace failure. Thou shalt be infinitely more unconventional and heterodox,
XX.- Thou shalt depend only on your own intellectual capital, methods, technologies, resources, and actions.
XXI.- Thou shalt be self-reliant at all times, for Life.
XXII.- Thou shalt be Disruption-Ready and Adjust and Adjust and Adapt and Adapt.
XXIII.- Thou shalt be Business-Recovery Ready and Adjust and Adjust and Adapt and Adapt.
XXIV.- Thou shalt be Business-Restoration Ready and Adjust and Adjust and Adapt and Adapt.
XXV.- Thou Must Prepare For Darkness While Traveling In The Sunlight.
XXVI.- Thou Must Realize That Plans Without Action Are Only Dreams.
XXVII.- Thou Must Sweep Cobwebs From Thy Mind Before They Imprison Thee.
XXVIII.- Thou Must Lighten Thy Load If Ye Would Reach Thy Destination.
XXIX.- Thou Must Never Forget That It Is Always Later Than Ye Think.
XXX.- Thou Must Never Live Near the Coast or Riversides, Nor Never Live In Low-Lying Lands.
XXXI.- Thou Must Prepare Cash Reserves Instead of Relying on Indemnity Payments from Private or Public Insurance Companies. Remember that Insurance and Re-Insurance Companies, in their great majority, take their moneys and that of yours into a gambling race with doctored algorithms and manipulated practices in the Stock Market and Financial Sector, globally.
XXXII.- Thou Shalt Not Depend On Other People’s Theories, Ideas And Books. Create and Depend on Yours Only.
Authored By Copyright Mr. Andres Agostini
White Swan Book Author (Source of this Article) (Other Publications)