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FUTURISM UPDATE (September 23, 2014)

a Amazon and Lifeboat

WASHINGTON POST: United Way to begin accepting donations in Bitcoin…tion-fund/

Computer Models Tell Us That This Ebola Pandemic Could Soon Kill Millions…-millions/

NIKKEI ASIAN REVIEW: The power of digitization…gitization

NIKKEI ASIAN REVIEW: With growth flagging, Vietnam kicks up privatization…vatization

NIKKEI ASIAN REVIEW: US supports rapprochement between Japan, neighbors: Kennedy…rs-Kennedy

NIKKEI ASIAN REVIEW: South Korean company feeding Southeast Asia’s appetite for Japanese anime…nese-anime

REUTERS: Apple sells more than 10 million new iPhones in first three days

REUTERS: U.S. opposes linking Iran cooperation on Islamic State to nuclear talks…B620140922

REUTERS: White House intruder had 800 rounds of ammunition in car: prosecutor…9R20140922

DER SPIEGEL: Europe’s Original Sin: What Asylum Policy Says about the EU…92995.html

DER SPIEGEL: Sharing Burdens: Germany to Urge Shift in EU Refugee Policy…93076.html

MOSCOW TIMES: Kudrin: Russia Faces Years of Stagnation…07565.html

MOSCOW TIMES: Kremlin Adviser Says Russia Should Return to Capital Controls…07554.html

NEW YORK TIMES: Hurd: Oracle Takes On Microsoft in the Cloud…y&_r=0

Climate Skeptics Point to World Population as the Real Problem

NEW YORK TIMES: Making Big Data Think Bigger…technology

WALL STREET JOURNAL: Obama Administration Issues New Rules to Combat Tax Inversions…TopStories

WALL STREET JOURNAL: New Level of Smartphone Encryption Alarms Law Enforcement…sNewsThird

WALL STREET JOURNAL: What Happens to Yahoo’s Stock Now that Alibaba Is Public?…c/?mod=ST1

WALL STREET JOURNAL: Google’s Recipe for EU’s Digital Agenda…a/?mod=ST1

WALL STREET JOURNAL: Yahoo’s Core Business Value Cut in Half to $6.8 Billion After Alibaba IPO…o/?mod=ST1

WALL STREET JOURNAL: Need Room Service? A Google-Backed Robot May Knock at Your Door…r/?mod=ST1

WALL STREET JOURNAL: In Silicon Valley, Awe, Dread and Hope for Alibaba…a/?mod=ST1

CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR: 3D printer, 20 mice now en route to space station…ce-station

CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR: MAVEN now successfully orbiting Mars. What’s next? (+video)…next-video

CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR: Why is NASA flying planes over Alaska?

NORWAY TODAY: Arctic ice at its lowest level in years

NORWAY TODAY: Russia warns Finland against joining NATO

NORWAY TODAY: PST: More Islamists back from Syria

BLOOMBERG: Crackdown Targets Inversions Designed to Limit U.S. Taxes…deals.html

GET READY GOOGLE AND MICROSOFT. BLOOMBERG: Alibaba Could Buy Yahoo for Free…o-for-free

BLOOMBERG: World Bank Says Ebola’s Spread May Have Catastrophic Cost…-cost.html

BLOOMBERG: Global Warming (Global Existential Risk of the Planetary Climate) Is Here: Live Coverage of Climate Week 2014…-2014.html

BLOOMBERG: Billionaire’s Supersonic-Jet Plan Gets Help From Airbus…irbus.html

BLOOMBERG: Rockefeller Fund Built on Oil to Abandon Fossil Fuels…imate.html

LINKEDIN: Getting Fortune 500 Prospective Client’s Cash, Continually and Successfully!…ccessfully

THE ECONOMIST: Cloud computing. Silver lining. Tech giants are waging a price war to win other firms’ computing business…ver-lining

BLOOMBERG: China Manufacturing Gauge Tops Estimates in Support for Growth…rowth.html

THE ECONOMIST: Corporate computing. The rise of cloud computing is forcing old adversaries to work together.…ding-cloud

NPR: Experts Warn Of Turbulent Trip To Cloud Computing…-computing

WIRED: Money Is Pouring Into Tech Like It’s 1999—And That’s Not Good…al_twitter

THE INTERCEPT: Apple Still Has Plenty of Your Data for the Feds

VENTURE BEAT: Eric Schmidt to European Union: Accept Uber-style disruption or face unemployment…mployment/

Intel Powers DIY 3D-Printed Robots…ign=buffer

NPR: The Summer Of 2014 Has Been A Messy Time For The World…-the-world

KAI: Ultra-thin diamond nanothreads are strongest, stiffest materials

KAI: Russian scientists create ultrahard ‘Fullerite’ material at room temperature and lower pressure…an-diamond

Authored By Mr. Andres Agostini
White Swan Book Author

VICTORY: Getting Fortune-500 Prospective Client’s Cash, Continually and Successfully! By Mr. Andres Agostini at


Mitsubishi Motors, Honda, Daimler-Chrysler’s Mercedes-Benz, Toyota, Royal Dutch Shell Oil Company, Google, Xerox, Exxon-Mobil, Boeing, Amazon, Procter & Gamble, NASA and DARPA, Lockheed Martin, RAND Corporation and HUDSON Institute, Northrop Grumman Corporation, etc.

a Amazon and Lifeboat

FIRST. You fully study the corporation’s story and current culture and lexicon.

SECOND. You fully study the corporation’s financial and legal and compliance and tax standing.

THIRD. If the corporation is publicly traded, you strongly look into this.

FOURTH. You fully study the corporation’s industry and all of its competitors.

FIFTH. If the industry to which belongs the designated corporation is facing an extraordinary unforeseen challenge, make a long executive presentation for the middle-management executives, fully acknowledging the details of said challenge and suggesting, as per authoritative authors in the subject matter, a well-organized myriad of viable fundamental solutions.

At all times, you are to make this executive presentation like a presentation to a sacred university professor and classroom, hence an institutional one only, and not a marketing one as you objective is to break the ice with your targeted corporate client ONLY through meaningfulness, utility, relevance, and purposefulness.

In no slide you would mention your name, but in your solemn business cards.

Throughout this executive presentation, you will NEVER be addressing any theme natural to your Core Business’ Products and/or Services, but in your solemn business cards.

(Commentary to FIFTH. Why does it have to be a long executive presentation? I will respond through Napoleon Bonaparte’s best practices.

Every time a General (Manager) under his Command would give him a one-page letter (memo, slide), Napoleon would say to his General in question,

“…General (Manager), you are to wage a grave military campaigns full of dynamics and details … I want to KNOW everything at all in advance, every detail at all, large or tiny, in order for me to issue my most-detailed commanding plans for your campaign …”

Frequently, Napoleon would dishonorably discharge this General (Manager) or have his head role for incompetence, incompetence is another word for people with a Mind “Engaged” in worshiping The Least Mental Effort, thus repudiating the “extra mile” effort.

Clearly, Napoleon, during his life time and early on, heavily warns against Corporate America CEOs wanting JUST a 1-page memo delivered via email.

SIXTH. Then, you call the prospective corporate client’s P.R. person Or Communications officer and tell them about what you would like to do.

You send a letter with a summary of your presentation via FEDEX. They will give you a time and board room for your presentation, to be received by the corporation’s middle-level and supervisory-level management workers.

SEVENTH. Once you drive you car to the corporation’s office, pay extreme attention to (first) the lower-level security personnel, (second) the front-desk receptionist, and, if possible, and (third) to the great janitorial staff.

Get extremely respectful with them and treat them as the Chairman and become a bit friendly as you try to get the company’s ethos’s by and through the lower-level security personnel, the front-desk receptionist, and the great janitorial staff.

Listen and mind-record their word types and wording construes most carefully.

In my case, by observing the front-desk receptionist for ten (10) minutes, I can tell you exactly what type of corporate culture there is about my coping with, much more importantly than those confidential underground reports by Wall Street Bankers and Trader.

EIGTH. Before starting the executive presentation, say to the audience that you would like to introduce yourself to each one of them and shake their hands, to bring about much more psychological proximity and fore-acceptance.

Then, explain the order of your executive presentation. Second, with great care, deliver the presentation without attacking people, institutions, or even ideas.

Use, with extreme care and utility, their parlance and corporate culture at all times while you get, from A to Z, very solemnly.

Once you have thoroughly and calmly finished your executive presentation, use the Lee Iaccoca’s rule and say,

“ …okay, we have completed this executive presentation and through it we saw this, that, x, y, z,…” in a summarized way.

Give them now boundaryless time and psychological space to ask you zillion questions in the Q-and-A.

Ascertain to respond fully, accurately, on the point and with NONE MANIPULATION at all. If there is something that you do not know, tell them, research the answer fully, and get back with the answer via FEDEX-ed hard-copy.

Once you have responded all of the questions, give them an exact copy of the Executive Presentation, with the additional attachment of the authoritative literature you used in your evidence-based research.

Do this in hard-copy only and put it a nice white envelope. You give one package to each attendee and give the P.R. Manager three or four more for the CEO and the Board Members.

NINE. If you followed through to ULTIMATE PERFECTION, points #1 through #8, step by step, you will see them ask you something along these lines,

“…Okay, Mr. A, we like you evidence-based research and executive presentation and wonder who in the marketplace could offer these solutions to us …” Without being or sounding desperate, you will say quickly and softly, “… Our Company can fully take care of those for you …”

And the idea now is that you go from a Pro Bono Executive Presentation into a formal for-business conversation with your prospective corporate client.

As the formal conversation begins, as per my long experience, tell them kindly that in parallel you want to fulfill the corporation’s Guidelines to become a Registered Contractor as per your company’s Lines of Professional Practice.

Also in parallel, ask the mid-level managers that you are formally talking to that you would like to gain more familiarity by doing some small talk with lower-level employees, including the lower-level security and janitorial staff.

Put in writing a detailed overview and hand to him or her personally.

Sometimes these folks know the corporation better than the CEO.


(1.- of 17 ).- If you want to seize the undivided attention of top executives at Los Alamos National Laboratory and Procter & Gamble, talk to them through the notions of and by Process Re-engineering.

(2.- of 17 ).- If you want to seize the undivided attention of top executives at GE, talk to them through the notions of and by Six Sigma, and Peter F. Drucker’s Management by Objective (MBO). While you are with them, remember to commend on the Jack Welch’ and Jeff Immelt’s master lectures at GE’s Crotonville.

(3.- of 17 ).- If you want to seize the undivided attention of top executives at RAND Corporation and HUDSON Institute, talk to them through the notions of and by Herman Khan’s (Dr. Strangeloves’) Scenario Methodology.

(4.- of 17 ).- If you want to seize the undivided attention of top executives at Mitsubishi Motors and Honda and Daimler-Chrysler’s Mercedes-Benz and Maytag, talk to them through the notions of and by Kaisen.

(5.- of 17 ).- If you want to seize the undivided attention of top executives at NASA and DARPA and the Industrial-Military Complex, talk to them through the notions of and by Systems Approach with the Perspective of Applied Non-Theological Omniscience. And, also, want to get funded by DARPA? How? The pathway is extremely easy and promissory. Just give them an unimpeachable real-life demonstration of how to “violate” the Laws of Physics correctly and frequently, for Life!

(6.- of 17 ).- If you want to seize the undivided attention of top executives at Lockheed Martin, talk to them through the notions of and by Lean, Six Sigma and Skunk Works.

(7.- of 17 ).- If you want to seize the undivided attention of top executives at Toyota, talk to them through the notions of and by Toyota Production System (methodology). Please remember: TPS is also known as “…Thinking People System…”

(8.- of 17 ).- If you want to seize the undivided attention of top executives at Royal Dutch Shell, talk to them through the notions of and by Pierre Wack’s Scenario Methodology.

(9.- of 17 ).- If you want to seize the undivided attention of top executives at Mayo Clinic, talk to them through the notions of and by Dr. Joseph Juran’s (Total Quality Assurance) Prescription (ISBN: 978–0787900960).

Also remember to conjointly speak, at all times, of efficiency, productivity, and ROI as it stems in the incessant real-time reckoning of man-hours per patient cured and healed.

To this end, you might wish to peruse this great title: The Essential Drucker: The Best of Sixty Years of Peter Drucker’s Essential Writings on Management by Peter F. Drucker (ISBN: 978–0061345012).

(10.- of 17 ).- If you want to seize the undivided attention of top executives at Google, talk to them through the notions of and by Strong Quantum Supercomputing and Human-Death Reverse-Engineering, as well as Curing Human Death.

(11.- of 17 ).- If you want to seize the undivided attention of top executives at Xerox, talk to them through the notions of and by PARC (Palo Alto Research Center Incorporated).

(12.- of 17 ).- If you want to seize the undivided attention of top executives at ExxonMobil, talk to them through the notions of and by Efficiency and Productivity as well as Return On Investment (ROI) per Petroleum Barrel produced (outputted), and Project Management.

(13.- of 17 ).- If you want to seize the undivided attention of top executives at Boeing, talk to them through the notions of and by Aerospace Engineering, Avionics, Systems Engineering, Reliability Engineering, Safety Engineering, Industrial Engineering, and Mechanical Engineering.

(14.- of 17 ).- If you want to seize the undivided attention of top executives at SETI (Search for ExtraTerrestrial Intelligence), talk to them through the notions of and by Superintelligence entrenched, in “… plain sight…,” in the covert ad infinitum realm of Dark Energy and Dark Matter.

(15.- of 17 ).- If you want to seize the undivided attention of top executives at Loyd’s of London, Swiss RE, Munich RE, and Allianz, talk to them through the notions of and by Minimax, Statistics, Actuarial Science, Predictive Analytics, and Systems Engineering.

(16.- of 17 ).- If you want to seize the undivided attention of top executives at Amazon, talk to them through the notions of and by Low-Cost And High-End Online Commerce, Content Creation, Hi-Tech, Quadcopters (Commercial Flying Drones), and Eternal Staggering Innovation. Don’t forget to mention the Mechanical Turk.

(17.- of 17 ).- If you want to seize the undivided attention of top executives at Northrop Grumman Corporation, talk to them through the notions of and by State of the Art: Quality, Continuous Improvement, Customer Satisfaction, Leadership (Man-Management and Statesmanship), Integrity, People, Suppliers, Sound Business Management, “…Best in Class…” Products and Services, and how to preemptively countermeasure Chinese penetrations and otherwise of both commercial and government networks in the United States.

NOTE: I know great c-suite consulting incumbents and other professional service providers who want to get the undivided attention of 90% of the CEOs above at once.

The majority of those CEOs are august applied scientists. They are only into applied scientific management. Ergo, they really need to get ready to be multidimensional and cross-functional and multifarious.

There is, NEVER EVER, no Internet resource, nor an online book or article giving you this most-profound advice/

Authored By Copyright Mr. Andres Agostini
White Swan Book Author

Hayley Tsukayama — WashingtonPost

United Way Worldwide announced Monday that it will begin taking donations in Bitcoin, the digital currency.

Bitcoin users can now use the currency for donations to the United Way’s Innovation Fund, a part of the United Way dedicated to updating the organization through “technology, relationships and efficiency.” Coinbase, one of the leading Bitcoin payment platforms, is partnering with the charity to let those interested donate directly from their digital Bitcoin wallets to the fund. According to a page on the United Way’s Web site, anyone from around the world can donate to the fund using Bitcoin.

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When it comes to 3D printing, new breakthroughs and new achievements are being realized almost on a daily basis. From 3D printable human tissue, to a 3D printed life-size castle, and now a 3D printed automobile, the technology never seizes to amaze.

This week, at the International Manufacturing Technology Show (IMTS) in Chicago, Arizona-based automobile manufacturer Local Motors stole the show. Over the six day span of the IMTS, the company managed to 3D print, and assemble an entire automobile, called the ‘Strati’, live in front of spectators.

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FUTURISM UPDATE (September 22, 2014)

a Amazon and Lifeboat

THE INDEPENDENT: A SpaceX cargo ship rocketed toward the International Space Station yesterday, carrying the first 3D printer for astronauts in orbit.…47380.html

3D PRINTING: 3D Re-Printer Concept – All-in-one Plastic Recycling 3D Printer

FOREIGN POLICY: Stuff I didn’t know: Earth’s rotation affects the accuracy of long-range shells…nge_shells

WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM: How printable organs will change the future of medicine…ign=buffer

Rowbot Robot Tends to Farmers’ Fields

THE ECONOMIST: How Alibaba measures up. China’s big e-commerce site dominates its American peers.…easures_up

WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM: What makes Switzerland so competitive?…ign=buffer

THE ECONOMIST: The internet of things. Home, hacked home. The perils of connected devices.…acked-home

THE ECONOMIST: The language of the internet of things. More and more devices are becoming connected, but will they speak the same language?…speak-same

FINANCIAL TIMES: The Connected Business. Need-to-know: A guide to the internet of things.

RREUTERS: Exclusive: Siemens near deal to buy Dresser-Rand — sources…sinessNews

REUTERS: Exclusive: Iran seeks give and take on Islamic State militants, nuclear program…YN20140922

REUTERS: SoftBank estimates $4.6 billion gain from Alibaba listing…8A20140921

REUTERS: Facebook’s Oculus unveils new virtual reality prototype device…L120140920

REUTERS: Rocket Internet CEO stands to lift stake via options: report…F820140920

MORE WWIII. MOSCOW TIMES: One-Fifth of Russia’s Oil Production Is at Risk Due to Sanctions…07474.html

MOSCOW TIMES: Russia’s Banks Make ‘Colossal’ Efforts to Find Funding as Sanctions Bite…07465.html

MOSCOW TIMES: Russian Strategic Bombers Approached U.S. Borders…07475.html

THE ECONOMIST: The internet of things (to be hacked). Hooking up gadgets to the web promises huge benefits. But security must not be an afterthought.…Id=8786768

INC: 3 Things Entrepreneurs Need to Learn from Joan Rivers…ivers.html

CISCO: What is the Internet of Everything?

TIME: The Next Big Thing for Tech: The Internet of Everything

FORBES: How The Internet Of Everything Transforms Traditional Industries…ndustries/

WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM: Climate targets have failed. Time to try something new…ign=buffer

THE ECONOMIST: Bioethics. It’s not about miracles or monsters. A hands-on look at some hard, practical questions in bioethics

FOREIGN AFFAIRS: ISIS Goes to Asia. Extremism in the Middle East Isn’t Only Spreading West…es-to-asia

GIZMODO: A Common Bacteria Can Be Injected Directly Into Tumors to Fight Cancer…1621189270

WASHINGTON POST: The coming era of unlimited — and free — clean energy…an-energy/

By Mr. Andres Agostini

We’ve seen several attempts at making jetpacks that fly, but over at Arizona State University, a team is developing one for those who prefer staying closer to the ground. The DARPA-funded project (naturally) is called 4MM or 4 minute mile, and it aims to develop a jetpack that can provide soldiers that extra boost needed to run a full mile within four minutes. Sure, soldiers are physically fit, but the jetpack will make sure each one can do a 4-minute mile, even if they’re not particularly fast runners, and even if they’re carrying heavy equipment and armor.

Thus far, testers have been shaving seconds off their running time even while carrying the 11-pound jetpack, though the ASU researchers still have a ways to go to achieve their goal. Since being able to move fast without much rest can save your life in the battlefield, Harvard’s Soft Exosuit inventors should totally get together with these ASU researchers to make the ultimate getaway suit.

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The ability to 3D print objects of all shapes, and many sizes, has enabled individuals to take at least some control of their lives away from the large manufacturers and corporations out there. We can now become the makers of what we consumer. 3D printing has been touted as a way to cut back on waste. Additive manufacturing is clearly a much better fabrication method than that of subtractive manufacturing. These new processes are certainly saving materials for the large manufacturers out there who may be printing in metals, or other materials instead of using milling techniques. For those of us who use ordinary FDM-based desktop 3D printers to make trinkets and little doo-dads, let’s be honest, we are probably causing more plastic waste than we were prior to purchasing these machines. How many 3D prints have you had which have failed and you simply end up throwing away? Half of the stuff you print, you likely would never have purchased anyway, right?

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FUTURISM UPDATE (September 21, 2014)

a Amazon and Lifeboat

GE INTELLIGENT PLATFORMS: High-performance Automation for a Connected World

CNN: View from Russia: Could Putin be in Obama’s ‘broad coalition’ against ISIS?…?hpt=hp_c1

YAHOO NEWS: Russian fighters intercepted by U.S. near Alaska…07256.html

YAHOO NEWS: Russian fighters intercepted by U.S. near Alaska…07256.html

GLOBAL NEWS: Canadian and U.S. jets intercepted Russian planes over Arctic: Norad…tic-norad/

NOT THE WORLD, BUT NATO AND THE MIDDLE EAST. CNN: Is the world going nuts?…?hpt=hp_t5

FOX NEWS: F-22 fighters intercept Russian military planes 55 miles off Alaska…ff-alaska/

RT: Spare parts in space: NASA to send ISS its first 3D printer

NASA: 3D Printing: Food in Space

NASA: 3D Printing In Zero-G Technology Demonstration (3D Printing In Zero-G)

SPACE COM: How NASA Is Launching 3D Printing Into Space

GIZMODO: NASA Is Blasting the First 3D Printer Into Space Tonight…1636978871

THE VERGE: The International Space Station is about to get its first 3D printer…into-space

CBS: A Pill To Treat Concussions Is On The Way…n-the-way/

FORBES: These Are Not Your Father’s Solar Panels…ar-panels/

MAX PLANCK INSTITUTE: A Map of Rosetta’s Comet

THE ECONOMIC TIMES: Bill Gates meets Narendra Modi, lauds focus on sanitation and banking for poor…?adcode=13

TIMES UNION: Russia — China relations“Russia reorients to the Orient” New monthly memo from Russia Direct…760713.php

TIMES OF INDIA: It takes a solar lantern to change destinies…027767.cms

NEWS INDIA: U.S. seeks ‘talk and trade’ to rebuild India ties

BUSINESS INSIDER: Two Big Trends Will Fuel The Renewable Energy Boom For Years…z3DuDEq8Rp

BUSINESS INSIDER: This Startup Is Replacing Phone And Tablet Batteries With Invisible Solar Panels…z3DuDeumGJ

BUSINESS INSIDER: 9 Signs That Americans Will See Solar Power Everywhere Within The Decade

BUSINESS INSIDER: What If Giant Space-Based Solar Panels Could Beam Unlimited Power To The Earth?…2014-7

Could the U.S. Military Be a Catalyst for Solar Energy?…-ener.aspx

THE GUARDIAN: Solar energy cells you can print out catching commercial eye, says CSIRO…says-csiro

THE GUARDIAN: Focus on the facts – wind energy works

BBC: Generating electricity from wind power…/6616.html

BBC: Cheap solar energy…ower.shtml


By Mr. Andres Agostini

— BetaBoston

Via Empire Robotics

The candidate for best robotic hand looks like a beanbag and claims to grip anything.

A Boston builder of robot hands, Empire Robotics, is showing its first commercial grippers today: the enchanting and entirely fingerless VersaBall. Interestingly, this first demonstration is in partnership with Universal Robots, who happens to be local bot maker Rethink Robotics’ competitor.

Robotics companies and researchers have already found ways to move robots around, not just in factories, but around your house too. But as robots begin to do more, they’re still trying to solve the problem of dexterity—how do you build a robotic hand that can hold and move objects of entirely different shapes, sizes, and textures?

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a Amazon and Lifeboat

FUTURISM UPDATE (September 20, 2014)

DARPA: President Obama Highlights New DARPA Program Aimed at Developing Novel Therapies Customized to Individual Patients

Rising Tides – Mitigation versus Consternation

REUTERS: North Korea says imprisoned American tried to become ‘second Snowden’…0B20140920

REUTERS: French jets strike in Iraq, expanding U.S.-led campaign against Islamic State

REUTERS: Other automakers to challenge Tesla in over-the-air software upgrades…HL20140919

BLOOMBERG: Al-Qaeda Spokesman Admits Embassy Plot as Judge Questions Deal…ioned.html

BLOOMBERG: Protecting the Power Grid From Malware That Doesn’t Exist Yet…t-yet.html

KAI: A long-lasting, water-based nuclear-energy-powered battery…ed-battery

KAI: A new impermeable form of graphene oxide could be the ultimate protective coating…ve-coating

KAI: Car hacking: who’s monitoring (or controlling) your car?

HARVARD BUSINESS REVIEW: 3-D Printing Will Change the World

SLATE: A Very Matter-of-Fact Interview About the Russian Tradition of Arresting Billionaires and Taking Their Stuff…ments.html

BBC: Poland, Ukraine and Lithuania form joint military unit

BBC: Six Russian fighter jets intercepted off Alaska

HUFF POST: Canadian fighter jets intercept Russian bombers in Arctic…;ir=Canada

DESIGN ENGINEERING: NASA’s JPL develops multi-metal 3D printing process…ess-132113

NASA: Printing the Metals of the Future

BBC: eBay security flaw has existed for months

SCIENCE MAG: Gene therapy helps weak mice grow strong…row-strong

LA TIMES: A theory for toddlers’ turbo-charged learning style. The lack of a fully formed prefrontal cortex — the section of the brain that keeps an adult ‘on task’ — may help young kids accumulate knowledge rapidly, a study suggests.

(CNN) — 2 US. jets intercepted six Russian planes that neared U.S. airspace off Alaska on Thursday and Canadian planes intercepted 2 Russian bombers that approached Canadian airspace, NORAD reported.

MOSCOW TIMES: Putin Seeks Ways to Cut Russia Off From the Internet…07449.html

PEW RESEARCH: AI, Robotics, and the Future of Jobs

Internet of Everything is a $4.6 trillion opportunity for global public-sector organizations over the next decade

NATURE AND SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN: The Long Slow Rise of Solar and Wind…45;52.html

NATURE: Economics: Manufacture renewables to build energy security…ty-1.15847

WALL STREET JOURNAL: GlaxoSmithKline Found Guilty of Bribery in China…1411114817

ADAGE: Hey, CMO: Larry Ellison and Oracle Want Your Business As Tech Titans Race to Dominate the Marketing Cloud, Oracle and Others Are Courting the New Decision Makers — You…1411659572

PHYS ORG: Quick-change materials break the silicon speed limit for computers

ECONOMICALLY, EXPECT ZERO. PEW RESEARCH: World Remains Glum about Economic Prospects

PEW RESEARCH CENTER: Global Public Downbeat about Economy. Many Wary of the Future and the Present.

BLOOMBERG: Pena Nieto Heads to New York After Energy Overhaul Moves…entum.html

WALL STREET JOURNAL: Chinese Views of India: Culturally Rich but Backward…-backward/

PEW RESEARCH: Indians Reflect on Their Country & the World. Troubled by Economic Problems, Corruption, Pakistan and China.

BUSINESS INSIDER: Alibaba Is Already The Fourth Most Valuable Technology Company In The World…z3DpXE42qS

THE NATO CONSEQUENCES. BREAKING DEFENSE: Army Scrambles On 4 Continents: Odierno Previews New Doctrine…-doctrine/