“That thread comes from a company called Parley for the Oceans, and it’s special, spun from plastic waste and old fishing nets retrieved from the coast of Africa.”
Fun video and article with some transhumanism now on the main China Public TV (English).
We’ve heard a lot about Augmented and Virtual Reality. But outside of gaming, is it practical in the workplace? That’s a key focus at this year’s Augmented World Expo in Silicon Valley.
At the Augmented World Expo, it’s goggles, goggles and more goggles.
Companies like Vuforia are out to prove augmented reality is not just fun and games. Their software allows a service technician to more quickly repair almost anything.
“If you’ve ever struggled with something that looks like a diagram, something 3-dimensinal maybe an instruction manual, an automotive manual where you are trying to go through different steps. All of those diagrams come off the paper and can be over your eyes and in your hands using AR,” Jay Wright, president of Vuforia, said.
Today’s reminder that you are definitely living in the future — 3,000 engineers have an “uncertain future” after Holmes, an artificial intelligence (AI) tool at Wipro which can automate these projects.
The Prostitutes Of The Future Will Be Robots, According To This Study
According to the Mint, it will free up 3,000 engineers from “mundane” software maintenance jobs, and save save the company about $46.5 million.
The QUTIS research group (www.qutisgroup.com) of the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) and Google’s quantum computation team have collaborated on a pioneering experiment that universally digitizes analogue quantum computation on a superconducting chip. This breakthrough was made at Google’s labs in Santa Barbara (California) and has been published in the prestigious journal Nature.
Edwin E Klingman, [email protected]
PO Box 3000, San Gregorio CA 94074
Because every physical theory assumes something, that basic assumption will determine what is ultimately possible in that physics. The assumed thing itself will likely be unexplained. This essay will assume one thing, a primordial field, to explain current physics and its many current mysteries. The derivation of physics from this entity is surprisingly straightforward and amazingly broad in its implications.
The Syntellect Hypothesis: Five Paradigms of the Mind’s Evolution, Book Trailer, more info: www.ecstadelic.net