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Dec 13, 2016

Reviewing Space developments in 2016 and the next big future in space

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, robotics/AI, space travel

This is one of the Nextbigfuture article series reviewing developments in 2016 and looking ahead to developments over the next few years. Here we look at 2016 in space. Later articles will look at medicine, life extension, energy and other areas. Previously we reviewed computers and artificial intelligence

The biggest developments in space in 2016.

SpaceX had several successful launches and landed several rocket stages but had an accident which has grounded SpaceX. They hope to launching again in January 2017.

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Dec 13, 2016

America’s first 3D printed houses

Posted by in categories: 3D printing, habitats, sustainability

The U.S may soon have 3D printed homes, and a new partnership are claiming they will be created in just one day. Construction company Sunconomy have teamed up with Russian 3D printers Apis Cor and their 3D concrete printer and realize this ambition. Larry Haines, founder of Sunconomy, wants the public to join them on a “revolutionary journey to build affordable, smart, sustainable housing with Apis Cor’s new 3D concrete printer “. Sunconomy are currently crowd-funding for this project with a goal of over $500,000.

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Dec 13, 2016

Google AI invents own language

Posted by in category: robotics/AI

A milestone in artificial intelligence.

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Dec 13, 2016

Is your brain aging faster than the rest of your body? An AI machine can now tell you

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, business, life extension, robotics/AI

Determining brain age from an MRI scan has always been a time-consuming business. Now an AI machine gives the answer in seconds.

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Dec 12, 2016

EM Drive

Posted by in category: space travel

The EM Drive has finally passed peer review, but we still don’t know how it works.

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Dec 12, 2016

A virus-sized computing device

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, computing, nanotechnology, particle physics

Researchers at University of California, Santa Barbara, have designed a functional nanoscale computing element that could be packed into a space no bigger than 50 nanometres on any side.

red blood cell nanotechnology nanotech future timeline

In 1959, renowned physicist Richard Feynman, in his talk “Plenty of Room at the Bottom” spoke of a future in which tiny machines could perform huge feats. Like many forward-looking concepts, his molecule and atom-sized world remained for years in the realm of science fiction. And then, scientists and other creative thinkers began to realise Feynman’s nanotechnological visions.

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Dec 12, 2016

Physicists in Australia Just Proved Reality Doesn’t Exist

Posted by in category: physics

Get ready to have your mind blown. According to an experiment led by two physicists in Australia, reality doesn’t exist. Turn on, tune in, and drop out man, because the world as you know it is all kinds of weird, at least on a quantum level.

Andrew Truscott and Roman Khakimov of The Australian National University used atoms to put a John Wheeler delayed-choice thought experiment to practical use. The Wheeler thought experiments ask, in theory, at what point does an object decide to act like one thing or another.

Truscott and Khakimov’s team used what is assumed to be extremely expensive and complex scientific equipment to trap a single helium atom and then drop it through a pair of laser beams that formed a scattered grating pattern.

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Dec 12, 2016

A single heterochronic blood exchange reveals rapid inhibition of multiple tissues

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, life extension

You have the power to change the future of medicine and how we treat age-related diseases. Here is an example of how grassroots fundraising is changing science.

Joining the circulatory system of an old with a young animal has been shown to rejuvenate old tissues. Here the authors describe a comparatively simple blood infusion system that allows for the controlled exchange of blood between two animals, and study the effects of a single exchange on various tissues.

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Dec 12, 2016

This extraterrestrial houseboat gets a stellar update

Posted by in category: habitats

Click on photo to start video.

I would love to live in this!!!

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Dec 12, 2016

CellAge AMA: Targeting Senescent Cells with Synthetic Biology for Human Longevity : Futurology

Posted by in categories: bioengineering, biotech/medical, genetics, life extension

The CellAge AMA is open for questions, come along and ask about biotechnology, senolytics and so on.

Welcome to the CellAge AMA with Mantas Matjusaitis, PhD student in synthetic biology and founder of CellAge. I am here to talk about our work to improve the targeting of dysfunctional “senescent” cells in the body, and thereby aid in their eventual removal. This is important because removal of these cells has been shown to be a critical component in the effort to improve healthy human lifespan.

In short, CellAge is going to develop synthetic DNA promoters which are specific to senescent cells, as the promoters that are currently used for this purpose, such as the p16 gene promoter, suffer from various issues and limitations (not comprehensively targeting all senescent cells, collateral damage in targeting some cells that are not senescent, etc.). You can find more details in our technology video here, and on our information page.

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