The early science fiction writers conceived ideas that to their contemporaries would have been impossible wells the world set free about nuclear war before world War one also wells the sleeper awakes where tv and television for media and recording predicted as well another writer wrote a book in the 19th century Paris in the 20th century.
00:00 ППК — Воскрешение (Robot’s Outro)
01:41 Gummy Boy — Don’t Leave.
05:11 PRNRML — Загадка 1
06:57 Зодиак — Зодиак
12:16 Творожное озеро — Гроза (vwqp remix)
14:41 Dmitriy Ivankov — Phobos.
21:41 Наукоград — Время
25:55 Priroda — 8080
29:15 NTorchestra — Млечными путями в Прекрасное далеко
33:50 ППК — Воскрешение