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The integration of graphene-metal metastructures with laser micropropulsion systems promises significant advancements in space exploration and energy systems.
Quantum entanglement—spooky action at a distance—works differently inside the nuclei of atoms than it does in other systems.
A study in @ Nature identifies using mouse models a neural circuit that may underpin pain relief caused by the placebo effect.
Analgesia from the expectation of pain relief is mediated by rostral anterior cingulate cortex neurons that project to the pontine nucleus.
By assigning sounds to the dynamic bonds within proteins, scientists gathered new insights on protein folding.
Posted in biotech/medical, media & arts
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ESA’s Jupiter Icy Moons Explorer (Juice) has successfully completed a world-first lunar-Earth flyby, using the gravity of Earth to send it Venus-bound, on a shortcut to Jupiter through the inner Solar System.
The closest approach to the Moon was at 23:15 CEST (21:15 UTC) on 19 August, guiding Juice towards a closest approach to Earth just over 24 hours later at 23:56 CEST (21:56 UTC) on 20 August.
As Juice flew just 6,840 km above Southeast Asia and the Pacific Ocean, it snapped a series of images with its onboard monitoring cameras, and collected scientific data with eight of its ten instruments.
Astronomers have identified the earliest pair of quasars, shining 900 million years post-Big Bang, revealing insights into galaxy mergers and the reionization era of the Universe.
An international team of astronomers, including members from the Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe (Kavli IPMU, WPI), has discovered the earliest known pair of quasars using the Subaru Telescope and Gemini North telescope, both situated on Maunakea in Hawai’i. These quasars, powered by actively feeding supermassive black holes, emit intense radiation. This significant discovery will provide insights into the early evolution of the Universe.
About 400 million to 1 billion years after the Big Bang, something, possibly a combination of sources, unleashed enough radiation to strip the electrons from most of the hydrogen atoms, completely altering the nature of the Universe. Quasars are one potential source of the radiation that caused this “reionization” of the Universe. When matter falls into the supermassive black hole at the center of a galaxy, the matter heats up and releases radiation in a phenomenon known as a quasar.
The new research harnesses previously unknown features of this ancient viral DNA, creating a biological clock to track a person’s age from the DNA’s chemical changes.
And the researchers now believe that new antiretroviral therapies, similar to those used to fight the HIV virus and AIDS, might one day help reverse the signs of aging.
‘Our findings indicate that retroelement clocks capture previously undetected facets of biological aging,’ said study co-author Dr Michael Corley, an assistant professor of immunology at Weill Cornell Medicine in New York.